venerdì 17 aprile 2020

Warsan Radio 7750 kHz

According to a WhatsApp text this morning from Warsan Radio staff, they are using an Icom IC-m700 maritime mobile radiotelephone transmitter, capable of running 150 watts but likely running less than that (100w or less). The antenna is “4 wires, each 9 meters, with a 20 meter cable” – not sure what that would look like – perhaps a 4-element beam with a 20m feed cable, or something less sophisticated…whatever it is, it works, with a consistent USB signal into Bay of Islands NZ on most days. Today the s/off was just after 1900, or about 30 minutes early. They also asked how their transmitter compared to Radio Hargeysa (7,120 KHz) and Radio Puntland (13,800 KHz) – I sent them recordings of R Hargeysa from December 2013 and from Radio Puntland from August 2016. Warsan Radio actually compares very well to these two other, now silent Somali broadcasters, especially taking path length into account (13,530 KM Baidoa to Bay of Islands).

(Bruce Churchill via WOR io group)