giovedì 16 aprile 2020

Glenn Hauser logs April 15-16, 2020

** ALBANIA [non]. Re my report on Tirana via WRMI, WOR iog replies:

``As I reported earlier, the Radio Tirana program via WRMI on 7780 kHz on 12 April at 2230 UT was (nominally) 30 minutes of polyphonic music. I believe the announcer introduces the program with "Join us for some information about Albanian Easter Holy Sunday ... Albanian Easter polyphony is a traditional part ..." So, this was a special Easter program. But new this year? -- Richard Langley, NB``

``Hi Glenn, I have monitored the podcasts of R Tirana as uploaded by --- These were all 30 minute transmissions (although Tuesday 7 April only really consisted of an 8 minute news broadcast followed by music). Programmes monitored were as follows:

Sat 4 April: xx02 News; xx08 "Mosiac of the Week"; xx13 "Folk Music of Albania"
Mon 6 April: xx02 News; xx08 "Albania in a Week"; xx12 Music (standards & pop)
Tue 7 April: xx02 News; xx08 Music (standards & pop)
Wed 8 April: xx02 News; xx08 "Albania & EU Integration"; xx10 Music "Hits Through the Years"
Thu 9 April: xx02 News; xx10 "Albania Economy and Facts"; xx12 Music; xx17 "Around Albania" (Tourism); xx24 Music
Fr 10 April: Repeat of entire 9 April transmission
Sa 11 April: Undateable feature on Albania polyphonic music (which I think I've heard before - possibly it's an "emergency reserve" programme)
Mo 13 April: xx02 News; xx08 "Albania in a Week";
Tu 14 April: (8 min programme only described as "news edition")

By the way, the announcer on 4 April at (xx08) mentioned "you can hear the English broadcast of R Tirana can be heard on the shortwave of 6005 kHz from 2 to 3 o'clock pm". That is local time of UT +2 - it's actually 1230-1300 UT). Alan Roe Teddington, UK`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ALGERIA [non]. 7295, April 15 at 0545, RTA in Arabic via FRANCE is still/again getting jammed(?) by tones/beeps (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ARGENTINA [non]. 5800, April 16 at 0238, again no RAE as scheduled and really heard 48 hours ago, but WRMI world music fill -- ``Milonga`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MEXICO. Just in at 0142 April 16: ``Hi Glenn, As of today Radio Educación 6185 kHz "Cultura México" is going to broadcast from 2000 to 0800 UT. There has been an important improvement in its signal as they are already using the 10 kW transmitter. They may adjust the schedule depending on the results. Best wishes, Julián Santiago.  Enviado desde mi iPad`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MEXICO [and non]. DXmap showing sporadic E into the FM band, so since we have some essential grocery shopping to do, I also tune around on the caradio, April 15. Strangely neither now nor later do I hear a bit on the few somewhat open frequencies in the non-commercial band, which would give the impression there be no DX happening. A cardinal rule of Es DX is that it works upward from lower frequencies.

93.3, not till I tune up to here do I hear something, and it`s not an open frequency but occupied by 100 kW KJKE OKC. But something in Spanish has captured, April 15 at 1911 UT, soon ID as ``Exa FM -- en tu casa, carro``, etc. Search on WTFDA FM Database, essential reference at:

finds only one Exa FM on 93.3, viz.: ``XHPS-FM 93.3 VERACRUZ VER MEX 30.94 kw ERP 208.0m 19-09-14 96-06-30 Spanish ---- EXA FM EN TODAD [sic] PARTES...PONTE EXA! SPANISH POP EXA FM``

Spanish on 93.3 makes another resurgence at 1918 discussing something on Netflix? mixing with the Jake FM C&W.

Veracruz is at prime Es distance, seen/heard many times before:  1919 km = 1193 statute miles. Then I keep bandscanning, alert for any other hints of Spanish, notwithstanding some Okies and Kansies.

94.1, April 15 at 1912 UT, some weak Spanish mixed in the CCI. Certainly not definite, but there is only one 94.1 in the Veracruz state PTA: ``XHHV-FM AM 1310 94.1 BOCA DEL RÍO VER MEX 25.0 kW ERP 65.99m 19-07-58 96-07-50 Spanish ---- LA FIERA 94.1 FM SW 09 REGIONAL MEXICAN LA FIERA``

Less likely but also a possible SS fullpower groundwave remnant from: ``KLNO 94.1 FORT WORTH TX 98.0 kW ERP 485.0m 32-35-22 96-58-10 Spanish HD 2E6C QUE BUENA QUE BUENA Language REGIONAL MEXICAN 94.1 LA QUE BUENA``

94.1 also has growing CCI at 1916 UT from our nearest fringe gospel huxter with several other frequencies, ID as ``The House FM, Stillwater 105-9``. Flagship is really 89.7 in Ponca City = local in Enid: ``KTHM 94.1 WAYNOKA OK 9.8 kW 122.0m 36-34-55 98-52-12 VARIETY THE HOUSE FM``

92.1, at 1932, some Spanish in and out quickly about películas. Again there is only one in Veracruz:
``XHPG-FM 92.1 CÓRDOBA VER MEX 49.95 kW 213.0m 18-52-34 97-00-15 Spanish GRUPERA LA MEJOR`` [KAMG-LP Enid still silent] (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WOR) See also USA [and non] for a Mexican ham on 6m during this opening

** U S A [and non]. It may not feel like spring with lows near freezing here, but it`s time to keep an eye on the sporadic-E map: April 15 around 1800 UT, it shows MUF blobs *all* over the USA, mostly below 30 MHz, but a few higher approaching the FM band.

There are a few short-skip contacts on the 18 MHz ham band, but no phone activity at all on the 21 MHz band; a bit of CW/digital at the low end. Nothing much on 24 MHz, but at 1814 UT, WWV is inbooming on 25000, less than 500 miles away and normally inaudible; much better than on 20000.

And 11m CB is hopping, with pileups of hets on several channels: 26965, 27025, 27085, 27135, 27205, 27285 and various freebanders beyond. 27185 is still blocked by constant noise from Enid jammer: that should be getting out and no one anywhere else could locate it.

28 MHz hamband is also open, such as at 1821: 28380-USB, in the 10-10 club/net, N5MK, Mike in Louisiana, I thought he said but N5MK is really an SK in Texas, per

In the next hour I`m DXing FM on the caradio; see separate logs.

Ten is still open at 2200, with 28500-USB, N4RLD near Atlanta contacting weaker AG7JS in northern Utah: N4RLD  USA Rickie L Dingler Moreland, GA 30259 AG7JS  USA Warren C Bassett Wellsville, UT 84339

The R75 tunes up to 60000 kHz, but I seldom even try six meters as I have no VHF antenna for it; but I tune anyway and find the same LW as used for HF and MF has no trouble hearing at 2208 April 15:

XE2NBN in Monterrey NL, making quick pro-forma contacts in accented English as if there were a contest, adding only his own grid, DL95, but the others generally inaudible here, one being in EN53.

Check out his Yaqui motto/oath:

Simultaneously on exactly the same frequency, 50135-USB I hear a USunderstation making his own QSOs but he and XE2NBW are obviously not hearing each other. AC4TO in EM70: AC4TO  USA KEN L REECY, TALLAHASSEE, FL 32317

50120-USB, April 15 at 2218, N4CLJ contacting a KK5##; says he will also be on 2m, 144.210: N4CLJ  USA Carl L Jones, Lecanto, FL 34461

In the following hour, more FM band DX also from FL as in separate log (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. The Sporadic E DX opening is still going April 15 at 2330 UT when DXMaps shows an MUF of 107 MHz due east of Enid, so after a rest it`s back to the caradio, now parked in garage, to hear what I can hear; Once again there is NO DX to be found on marginally open non-commercial frequencies like 89.5, 90.7; but there is CCI on a number of 92+ channels, including 93.3 & 93.7 vs semi-local Okies.

92.9, April 15 at 2338, ``Hang in there, southwest Florida, we`re Kix-country 92.9``, viz.:
``WIKX 92.9 CHARLOTTE HARBOR     FL 100.0 kW 246.0m 26-53-47 82-14-27 COUNTRY KIX COUNTRY 92.9``. They have trouble spelling Ikx. C.H. is at the mouth of Charlotte Harbor near Punta Gorda, 1823 km = 1133 stmi from Enid.

96.5, April 15 at 2340 UT, talk show with fading but atop two fringe Okies, hosted by ``Kevin and I``, saluting the ``Orlando Evening News Scumbag of the Week``, someone complained by waiter Joe who left zero tip for a $120 restaurant bill. This is: ``WDBO-FM 96.5 ORLANDO FL 99.0 kW 454.0m 28-34-07 81-03-16 HD 5CBC 96.5 NEWS/WEATHER 96.5 NEWS/WEATHER News TALK NEWS 96.5 //WDBO 580``

100.3, April 15 at 2342 UT, YL in Spanish talking about Florida Polytechnic in Lakeland; soon fade out. It`s the only SS, nearby: ``WRUM 100.3 ORLANDO FL 95.0 kW 484.0 28-34-51 81-04-32 Spanish HD 13A0 - 'KBJS' LA RUMBA Song/Artist LA RUMBA Song/Artist Top 40 TROPICAL RUMBA 100.3 MAS MUSICA VARIADA`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WOR) see also MEXICO [and non] for 6m and 10m Es ham logs

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2029 monitoring: confirmed Wed Apr 15 after 2100 on WBCQ 7490v, good via KiwiSDR in NY state

Also confirmed UT Thu Apr 16 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, good via Virginia SDR.

WORLD OF RADIO 2030 should be ready early UT Friday April 17 and for first US SW broadcast Friday at 2200 on WRMI 9955.

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Thanks this week for financial support from Doug Brown of London, Ontario and Seminole, Florida who sent a US$ cheque to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702

One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0308 UT April 16