mercoledì 15 aprile 2020

Glenn Hauser logs April 14-15, 2020

** ALBANIA [non]. 15770, April 14 at 2030, I make a point of monitoring WRMI, good enough via an eastern US SDR, but not making it to the substitute receiver at UTwente. Because it`s time for Radio Tirana relay, reported recently to be partly or wholly music fill, leading us to suspect the automated recording of the English service is grabbing it at the wrong UT since DST started in Europe more than a biweek ago. But now we get it:

2030, Radio Tirana IS, theme and canned sign-on in English, Klara always claiming they can only be heard on internet, and pronouncing the URL incomprehensibly in English. And into news by other announcer, seemingly current with latest COVID-19 statistics and little else until 2038 cut abruptly to music fill, obviously not Albanian, but from WRMI`s World Music reel starting with a hymn at a tropical beat. 2041 pause for WRMI ID in Spanish! by Alfonso Montealegre, my old colleague from Radio Enlace on Radio Nederland.

On the Hitlist, --- I go looking for what`s up at Radio Tirana.

``Emisioni ne gjuhёn --- Orari Ditёt Transmetimi Angleze

Those are no doubt in local time of UT +2, the original at 16 UT and 6 repeats on the ``live`` webcast.

``Kontakt:`` gives us spelling of the announcers, with c-cedillas: English: — Klara Ruçi, Ervin Çali

Then I check the podcasts via

and find at the top today`s April 14 edition which is identical to the 8 minutes I just heard on WRMI, axually lasting 7:57! ---

So as presently set up, R. Tirana relays contain 8 minutes of news only, and that may well be all that RT is putting out now under current circumstances, despite full half-hours being reserved.

7780, April 14 at 2230, two hours later on WRMI, I can barely hear direct the RT IS at its new repeat time. 2238 cut to different music fill, Andean, a quena & guitar tune but not the usual one.

Beware: not all of these RT relays may appear every day of the week if there be something of higher priority (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ARGENTINA [non]. 5800, April 15 at 0250 checking for RAE relay via WRMI as logged in detail last night --- but NOT this time! African percussion world-music like from the WRMI filler loop instead, not RAE; yet at 0256 Eslovaquia outro in Spanish as if they had been playing such music; 0301 recheck still on with ``Andean`` music, 0309 WRMI Spanish jingle and Jeff White ID in English, more music; off at 0330* after a few sex of deadair. So what became of RAE??. See also SLOVAKIA [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** BRAZIL. 6180, April 15 at 0135, RNA is OFF here, but still inbooming on 11780; anyway no ACI to 6185 MEXICO, q.v.

However, here`s an audiovideo about RNA: ``After a tender which EBC requested a 100 kW HF DRM transmitter, they aired this video on TV Brasil: Cheers, Rafael`` via DRMNA iogroup via Ian, swsites. Specifically about the facilities from 17:46; testimonials from grateful listeners in the outback (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA [and non?]. 711.00 kHz, April 15 at 0138, the off-frequency carriers still here hetting 710 stations; yes, not one, but two of them beating at rate of 204/minute = 3.4 Hz, one of them one of the Radios Rebeldes offshifted for more annoying jamming, and perhaps the other; altho I am getting also some mostly weak TA carriers; see UNID (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 11760, April 14 at 1808, dead air from RHC, while the only other midday frequency, 15140 is distorted and hummy worsening the already choking Arabic. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MEXICO. 6185-, April 15 at 0135, XEPPM better than usual on slightly minus frequency, music undermodulated but almost sufficient; and no ACI from off RNA 6180 Brasil (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SLOVAKIA [non]. 9395, April 15 at 0252, WRMI with interview in English about GF & Easter, so another gospel huxter client? No, faked out as soon mentions Bratislava. RSI not known to be scheduled now. Also ending at 0256 on 5800 has been RSI in Spanish or at least so announced following fill? music; instead of ARGENTINA, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TAIWAN [non]. 5800, April 15 at 0128, WRMI closing RTI Spanish relay with schedule, as if only one frequency each, next one at 0200 on 5010 only, rather than that *PLUS THREE MORE* as I monitored last night but not checked tonight; don`t they read my reports? Or look at WRMI skedgrid? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 9830, April 14 at 2201, VOT English underway successfully today except for the RTTY QRM from NAU Puerto Rico; but the R75 ANF feature helps a lot to minimize it (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 17530, April 14 at 1756, VOA in English ending an interview, 1800 News voiced by ``remote`` Joe Palka (sp?), 1805 `African News Tonite`. S9/+10 but not the big solid signal Grimesland used to provide daytime on 15580 or 11720. This sesquihour at 1700-1830 is now the *only* English broadcast from GB; like the previous ones, 250 kW at 94 degrees eastward to Africa, but unlike them, too close to the MUF / too close for hefty skip off the back on this band. Maybe those a bit further west can get it better? Certainly not further east (except with sporadic E/short-skip in play), until the mid-Atlantic where the first F-layer hop plunge down (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WRMI: See ALBANIA [non]; ARGENTINA [non]; SLOVAKIA [non]; TAIWAN [non]

** U S A. 6159.911V, 0132 UT Wed Apr 15, WBCQ, S9+20/10, still on here instead of 5130, rippling carrier marring modulation, which is *not* the `W5KUB Amateur Radio Roundtable` as scheduled 0100-0230 on 5130, but --- after NHTSA PSA, `Hal Turner`! // 7490.1v and WRMI 9455. But Turner is supposed to be on 5130 only on UT Thursdays at 0100-0300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic just-barely-audible MW carrier search, despite K-index of 3, April 15 at 0143-0150: 531, 558(2), 621(2 @ 3.2 Hz), 639, 684, 774(2), 828, 855(2), 882, 891, 909, 936(2), 1026(2), 1044, 1053, 1089, 1098, 1215, 1422, 1431, 1575. See also CUBA 711 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0426 UT April 15