giovedì 12 marzo 2020

Glenn Hauser logs March 10-11, 2020

** ALGERIA. 891, March 11 at 0057, music barely separable from 890 WLS, i.e. Alger network 1. From a few minutes earlier there were JBA carriers on almost all the available lower 9-kHz channels (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CHINA [and non]. 9455, March 11 at 2012, only Firedragon via UTwente SDR, while here direct it`s only music from WRMI. Radio Free Asia was on 9455 first, sucking in ChiCom jamming, before WRMI expanded to 24 hours; 16-22 in Chinese via various sites, this hour via Saipan; also Tibetan at 02-03 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** COLOMBIA [non]. 6010, 24 hours later March 10-11, no signal from Alcaraván Radio, at several chex. So last night may have been a trial run, but certainly successful. What`s next? Here`s what I did find:

6010, March 10 at 2333, JBA carrier, wobbly or Brasil? Nothing on 5910.

6010 & 5910, March 11 at 0046, no signals on Colombia KiwiSDR. 6010 at 0049 on Brasil SDR, trace of something; Inconfidência? Should have been more than that if on.

6010, March 11 at 0240, almost 24 hours since HJDH first reported, nothing; 0337 a JBA carrier from algo.

Note, per Aoki/NDXC, 6010 has BBC Persian at 0230-0430, first hour via Bulgaria, second via Uzbekistan; and don`t you imagine Bahrain really active in English after 0300.

6010, another check via Colombia SDR, March 11 at 2254: nothing (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 15730,  March 10 at 2330, RHC opening Brazuguese, S9+20 and distorted. Aoki shows this was supposed to be in French except on Sundays Esperanto; but Portuguese at 0030, so also shifted one hour earlier no doubt to the consternation of their huge audience in Brasil. Something`s always wrong at RHC.

Meanwhile at 2330 March 11, there is still no signal on 11880 when English might have appeared, nor on 9720. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA [and non]. 6000, March 11 at 0105, JBA ME music --- Turkey in Turkish at 01-03 --- and no RHC, but it cuts on at *0106 and gradually starts barely modulating // better 6145. So is 0100 the nominal start for evening English block, not before? Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 6060, March 11 at 0542, this is the best of The Cuban Five, all of which are still on in English (but 6060 sometimes Spanish), S9+20/30 and fine modulation. 6100 is S9+30, less modulation but sufficient; much louder than 6145 yet reading S9+10/20; and 5040 is S9+20/30 loud enough, but always with that annoying squeal. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 11880, March 11 at 2115, still no signal from this RHC, but recheck 2204 now it`s on but in Spanish, still at 2248. Original sked before DST was 2100 French, 2130 Portuguese, 2200 English. So far this week, 11880 had not be heard at all, nor any replacement time/frequency for English. Something`s always wrong at RHC.

11880, March 11 at 2300, when English might have appeared, still in Spanish with full frequency announcement --- of course NOT including the very one I am tuned to! What do they know? She says from now 2300 on: 13740, 11760, 11850, 9535; now going off/(or out of Spanish): 15370, 9640, 5040. Starting at 2400 UTC [sic]: 11670, 11700, 11950, 9640, 6000. I`m suspecting the announcement has not been DST updated.

In fact, some of those are already on! 11670 JBM < 11700 < 11760 > 11850 < 11880, by relative audibility. And VG 11950 has just opted away for Mesa Redonda TV soundtrack, presumably // 6000. At 2311, weaker 9535 & 9640 are both on in Spanish, but 13740 is NOT on -- most of the time it`s AWOL, sporadically active. What do they know? Something`s always wrong at RHC :::: (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ITALY [non]. 7295, Tue March 10 at *1857 via UTwente SDR, CRI via EAST TURKISTAN cuts on causing CCI to IRRS which is still here; CRI in disposable end-of-hour language-lesson filler for Chinese to English. 1900 IRRS jumps immediately to 7290, but a few seconds after European Gospel Radio has already started on 7295.

7295, March 11 at 1900, same thing happens after a SAH of 3.2 Hz until jump to 7290 slightly after FSN already started, this time a few minutes, not just headlines, then into UN programming (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) See also USA [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO monitoring

** KUWAIT. 17550, March 11 at 2010, at UTwente SDR, no signal from R. Kuwait, first hour of Arabic to C&W North America, allegedly running all year but propagating this far only in summer. Can anyone, anywhere hear it between 20-24 UT = middle of night in Kuwait? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MEXICO. 6185.683v, March 10 at 2335 open carrier, no modulation audible from Radio Educación.

6185.7 approx., March 11 at 0545, S8-S9 of dead air from XEPPM, or JBM? Nominal s/off remains 0600 until their DST from April 5 when it will be 0500v*, not that it make any difference unless repaired (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ROMANIA. 5910, March 11 at 0059 classical piano music, RRI ID opening Romanian and // 7340, weaker and vs VOA/OCB DRM on upper edge from 7345. At 0101, RRI English news also underway on 6130 // 7325, so all four transmitters are back in service, at the moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 5960, March 10 at 2334, no signal from VOT English, but a JBA carrier offset minus, no doubt the usual EAST TURKISTAN (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) See also CUBA about 6000

** U S A. 263 kHz, March 11 at 0552 UT, ND beacon CVM, which is 25 watts from CiVic Memorial, Alton, Illinois (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 15740, March 11 at 1915, VOA Grimesland already on S9+20/10 of warmup carrier. What a waste: they could be modulating it with something useful like news in English or jazz. Prior to jump to 15730 at 1930 for rest of French hour, which has already been on 15730 via Botswana; recheck at 2018, 15730 S9+20 with rap in English. During French service. VOA`s programming priorities are terribly warped (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2024 monitoring: WOR is not intended to be partially excerpted, but it`s just too tempting as filler for some stations: ``Hi Glenn, Just to let you know that the first 7-8 minutes of WOR 2024 was heard Wed 11 March starting at 1950 UT on 7290 kHz via IRRS Shortwave. Abrupt cut-off at 1958 with IRRS sign-off announcement. Best wishes, Alan Roe, Teddington, UK``. They`ve done it before during the 19-20 hour on different days, unpredictably.

Confirmed Wednesday March 11 from 2100:26 on WBCQ 7490.197v, i.e. 6 seconds later and one real hour earlier than before, S6-S7 about equal to band noise level, and this more-and-more daytime signal will only be useful at closer optimum skip distances.

But there`s always simulcast Wed 2100 on WRMI JBA 7780: not any more! Without notice, jazz music playing instead, and a variety of other oldie genres, Slavic rock, something the DJ slowed down so it sounded better to him. Turns out to be TIAMS, announced as first additional broadcast at this hour. I had to listen via Rockport ME KiwiSDR to find out; VP via UTwente (and also an hour earlier, 15770 not making it there either during R. Prague and Tirana relays which I could hear poorly despite not beamed across North America). Next and last 2024: 0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9385, March 11 at 1920, surprised to find WEWN here, English discussions of nuns in Africa from Birmingham. Supposed to be on day frequency 15610 after 1900, but nothing there. 9385 supposed to be night channel, 00-09 UT only. Certainly much better here than 15610 which is normally JBA except with HF sporadic E enhancement at only 1 megameter distance. But is this a mistake, experiment or permanent change? Own sked still claims 15610: (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 2341 UT March 11