A piece of internet history is being consigned to the rubbish heap. Yahoo has announced that the once-popular Yahoo Groups service is being closed down later this month.
More than this, the huge amount of information and exchanges that have been uploaded will not be archived. Before the end of the year, all Yahoo Groups content will be permanently wiped out -- so if there's anything you want to keep, you'll have to act swiftly.
When October 28 rolls around, it will no longer be possible to upload content to Yahoo Groups. Less than two months later -- on December 14 -- Yahoo will delete all previously posted content. In making the announcement, Yahoo lists exactly what will be removed: Files, Polls, Links, Photos, Folders, Calendar, Database, Attachments, Conversations, Email Updates, Message Digest, and Message History.
There are no plans to archive content, so you'll have to manually save anything you want to keep.