venerdì 18 ottobre 2019

Wolfgang Bueschel log

PERU  4774.914 kHz  Checked your Iceland SDR rx tune at 00.12 UT Oct 18 in Perseus net unit Hanson MA-US eastern state, and unit at Detroit MI state, but area is CODAR signal 'infested'.

CUBA  yes as Glenn reported the other day, RHC Bauta in 60 mb is on odd fq of 5040.052 kHz at 00.30 UT on Oct 18. S=9+30dB powerhouse noted in Cape Canaveral FL state. ID in Arabic (!) noted at 00.30 UT and followed by typical Radio Cairo traditional Arabic ! mx of the 60ties at 00.31 UT.

4765even  String noted at 00.32 UT of R Progreso Bejucal old USSR relay  site, carrier test and 2 seconds of music on air, then regular program started a minute later around 00.33 UT, S=9+25dB at Cape Canaveral FL SDR rx site.

5990even  CRI Beijing in Spanish via Latin American relay site at  Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW site, S=9+35dB powerhouse in FL state SDR rx.

5999.994  RHC Quivican in English, low modulated but super strong carrier though. S=9+35dB at 00.41 UT in Florida remote SDR rx.

USA   5829.985  WTWW English fair S=8 at 00-36 UT.

UNID (!) 6009.988  mixture of 3 unidentified signal mixture of S=7 level, intermodulated on that channel at 00.44 UT on Oct 18.

MEXICO   6184.998  XEPPM Radio Educacion from Mexico D.F. S=8 or -78dBm signal  in remote SDR rx unit at 00.46 UT on Oct 18.

73 wolfie  df5sx