venerdì 18 ottobre 2019

Logs of Oct 18, at 10.45 to 13.00 UT time range

Logs of Oct 18, 10.45 to 13.00 UT, noted signals in western Germany, and
Japan (Hiroshima and Tokyo North) remote SDR rx.

 9399.973 PHL  FEBC Iba, Mandarin sce 'Radio Liangyou' Hong Kong sce,
          S=5-6 in Germany, 10.57 UT on air, 10.30-14.00 UT scheduled.
          10.5 kHz wideband audio block visible on screen.
 9749.806 KWT  Radio Kuwait Arabic on much odd fq, BAD MIXTURE signal,
          hit heavily co-channel NHK Radio Japan Yamata on even
          9750 kHz, S=5-6 in Germany, 11.07 UT on Oct 18.
 9794.976 PHL  FEBC Iba in Vietnamese, 11-12 UT, S=5-6 signal at 11.11 UT.
 9820.005 CHN  CNR2 program from Xian site, Mandarin 11.13 UT, S=5-6.
 9870.007 GUM  AWR KSDA Agat in Mandarin, S=5-6 in Germany, 11.15 UT.
 9910even GUM  KTWR Agana Guam, Chinese, scheduled at 10.58-11.59 UT,
          at 11.17 UT on Oct 18, S=8-9 strength.
 9930even PLW  T8WH Palau. music only program Mon-Fri 11-12 UT, S=8-9
          at 11.19 UT. 10.4 kHz wideband audio.
          EXCELLENT TXion performance from Pacific into central Europe.
12120even GUM  KTWR Agana Guam, S=8 at 11.22 UT, BUT little UTE QRM
          some high speed RTTY interference on v840 Hertz distance two
          tones occured on 12119.580v and 12120.420v kHz.
12090.029 GUM  KSDA AWR Agat Guam, Russian 11.00-11.30 UT, noted final
          symphonic mx piece at 11.28 UT. 9.6 kHz wide audio signal.
11935.046 ARS  SBA via MOCI Riyadh-ARS Holy Quran prayer program,
          S=9 at 11.35 UT on Oct 18. Schedule 09-12 UT.
          11 kHz wide audio block visible.
11904.996 AUS  Reach Beyond Radio from Kununurra site, S=9 proper signal
          into Europe, Burmese language on Fris only, 11.36 UT 10.5 kHz
11859.967 ARS  Republic of Yemen Radio excile sce, via MOCI Riyadh-ARS,
          Arabic language program, only S=5 sidelobe signal into Europe.
          11.39 UT on Oct 18. Some mx, - soldiers Arabic struggle style.
11854.996 GUM  KSDA AWR Agat Guam, Mandarin Chinese program, 11-12 UT,
          at 11.41 UT. Religious people chorus, accompanied by piano mx,
          poor S=4-5 or -107dBm signal only.
11745.002 ARS  Al-Azm Radio, special sce towards Saudi Army on civil war
          in Yemen. Poor S=5 at 11.45 UT on Oct 18.
11675.007 TUR  VoTurkey from Emirler, Turkish 06-12 UT, S=7 at 11.48 UT.

11460even CHN  CNR1 jamming sce from mainland China against S=9+10dB
11459.919 TWN  SOH Chinese sce from Taiwan S=8. 17 kHz wideband, 11.50 UT.
at similar same characteristic also on
11440even CHN  CNR1 jamming sce from mainland China against S=9+10dB
11439v    TWN  SOH Chinese sce from Taiwan. 17 kHz wideband.
Also S=9+20dB noted in Gifu Nagara Hiroshima in Japan remote SDR rx.
20 kHz wideband broad bandwith.

11510     UZB  Strong empty carrier on air still noted at 11.56 UT,
          probably RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan bcast center outlet
          S=9+10dB into Tokyo remote SDR rx unit. At 12.00-14.30 UT
          requested for Voice of Free North Korea clandestine services.
11640even TWN  Ahead of VoTWN International, Chinese, a lot of jamming
          transmissions, like CNR1 CHN jamming, Chinese Opera Cat sound
          jamming, some ECHO's jamming too - all together. At 12.02 UT.
          S=9+20dB in Tokyo and Hiroshima, 18 kHz wideband jamming block.
Same 'jammer channels' characteristics noted also against US VoA Mandarin
          program on 11785 and 11825 kHz too.
11749.995 AUS  Reach Beyond Radio from Kununurra site, Kannada language
          sce to South Asia / India, singer group religious S=8-9 into
          sidelobe on Japanese SDR rx, 12.04 UT flute mx.
11864.997 KRE  Far too high frequency selection by Voice of Korea, Kujang,
          in Japanese at 12.09 UT time slot in winter season.
          Far better fq selection would be usage of 31 and/or 49 mb.
11874.997 AUS  Reach Beyond Radio from Kununurra site, English language
          sce to 310degr South Asia / India, 12.00-12.30 UT, announced
          new 11945 kHz channel move from Oct 27 in B-19 season.
          At 12.22 UT, S=9 in Japan target.
11899.966 AUS  Reach Beyond Radio from Kununurra site, in Marwari language
          sce on Fris to 335degr South EaAsia, 12.00-12.15 UT, announced
          new 11875? kHz channel move from Oct 27 in B-19 season.
          At 12.12 UT S=9 in Japan target.
12018.718 VTN  Voice of Vietnam from Son Tay site, poor S=5-6 strength,
          noted in 12.45 - 13.00 UT, scheduled 10.30-15.30 UT,
          variable azimuth of antenna usage,
          either Far East Asia azimuth at 57 degrees
          or SoEaAsia target at 177 degrees.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 18)