mercoledì 19 dicembre 2018

Glenn Hauser logs December 17-18-19, 2018

** CANADA. 290 kHz, Dec 19 at 0719, dash and beacon QR, which is 100 watts from Regina, Saskatchewan. 

223 kHz, Dec 19 at 0721, beacon YYW, which is 1000 watts from Armstrong, Ontario. Presumably with a dash but not noted as I was barely awake. Armstrong is almost 48 N/80 W on the Quebec border, near Kirkland Lake and Rouyn-Noranda.

See also USA for seven more beacon logs during this session. All of these were uplooked at (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 15311.665, Dec 19 at 1459, JBA spur from RHC 15140, enough audio to make a match. This one is 171.665 kHz above, so how about below? That calculates to 14968.335, and indeed I find a JBA carrier at approx. 14968.4. I already discovered closer plus/minus ~143 kHz spurs out of 15140 transmitter, and those circa 15283 & 14997 are also audible. Something`s always wrong at RHC. Meanwhile the other RHC fundamental 15230 is also on, nothing to do with these (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR. The JBA carrier I have been hearing around 0200 and by long path 1500 UT, within a few Hz of 5009.931 is now confirmed as R. Madagasikara. Wolfgang Bueschel reports independent measurements of it:

``INDIA/MADAGASCAR. Vielleicht hilft das nächste Mal der 'Abdruck' weiter, mit Hilfe von Ablesekrücken 'Spec_trum_Lab ... Spectran' - und wie sie sich nennen - abzulesen. Ging auch mit dem AOR 7030 oder dem Eton E1 legendär damals vor 15 Jahren.

Der Inder von AIR Chennai Thiruvananthapuram ist seit Jahren stets bei 5009.997 kHz zugange. Wie jetzt um 0113 UT am Dec 19 auch.

Das alte Siemens Wien / R Bremen/SFB Entwicklungshilfe Schätzchenvariiert mehr in der Frequenz auf 5010 bzw. 6135 kHz. Madagasikara Ambohidrano ist meist bei 5009.930 ... 931 kHz in letzter Zeit.

Jetzt seit Sendebeginn von Madagasikara um 0200 UT ist die Station wieder auf 5009.932 kHz, gemessen in Delhi, Qatar, Griechenland, Riviera und in Belgien, an der Grasnarbe, aber selbst mit SAM Option ist das Audiosignal zu schwach in Europa.

Wer sagt es denn, SDR Worldwide Server Netz mit der Station in TWR Swaziland hilft weiter, clicke auf
Auf Handschaltung 5010 kHz AMN Am Narrow, Zoome hinein, Audio Volume Handschieber auf S=8 und -79dBm, fair hörbar, mit vielen Malen "Madagasika" genannt, weibliche Stimme. Voila, das funzt gut heute Morgen. 0233 UT Dec 19`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 89.5-WBFM, Dec 17 circa 0145 UT, Enid`s Singing Xmas Trees are back, in a fenced-off oilwell lot at the NE corner of West Oak and North Oakwood. It`s a flashing lights and sound show, with secular carols (Chipmunx again this year?) via a part 15 transmitter barely reaching beyond one block, but adequate if you park right outside the fence. Whoever is behind this, year after year is unknown. Right across Oak are a row of houses, and I can`t help but wonder what those inhabitants think of all the commotion, including visitors like me pulling into their driveways to turn around from a dead end (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Manager Brad Ferguson provides holiday specials on KUCO-FM 90.1 Edmond/OKC; KBCW 91.9 McAlester; KCSC 95.9 Woodward and via  Sked perhaps to be added to website?

Durations not specified, probably mostly 1 hour, some 2 hours

1600 Center Stage at Wolf Trap with Washington Symphonic Brass
[repeats Dec 25]

0300 Holiday Jazz with Dee Alexander

1500 Fesival of Nine Lessons & Carols
2100 Xmas with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir & Orchestra
2200 Chanticleer Xmas
2300 St. Olaf Xmas Festival

1200 All Is Bright
1300 Welcome Xmas
1400 Center Stage at Wolf Trap with Washington Symphonic Brass
1500 St. Olaf Xmas Festival
1700 Winter Holidays Around the World with Bill McGlaughlin
1810-2500 Xmas Day Afternoon: ALL SCHUBERT, Yea!

** U S A. 414 kHz, Dec 19 at 0706 UT, beacon SU, which is 40 watts from (where else?) Sioux City, Iowa. I was really tuned to 412-USB.

420 kHz, Dec 19 at 0707, beacon TU, which is 25 watts at Tupelo-Verona, Mississippi

420 kHz, Dec 19 at 0708, beacon PK, which is 25 watts at Olathe - Herbb, Kansas. Mixing with TU, but at different pitches.

395 kHz, Dec 19 at 0710, beacon ULS, which is 25 watts at Ulysses, Kansas

365 kHz, Dec 19 at 0713, beacon AA, which is 100 watts at Fargo - Harwood, North Dakota. I was tuned to 363-USB

353 kHz, Dec 19 at 0714, beacon IN, which is 100 watts at International Falls - Ray, Minnesota

293 kHz, Dec 19 at 0716, beacon FBY, which is 25 watts at Fairbury, Nebraska.

All these on the R75 with 100` E-W longwire. See also CANADA for two more NDB logs during this session (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13565, Dec 19 at 1458, K6FRC beacon, Patterson CA, is JBA; first time heard since Nov 13 despite almost daily bandscans around this time. Is it always on, which is really the point of running a beacon, to be there when propagation allow? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1961 monitoring: confirmed Tuesday December 18 at 2045 on portable the 2030 on WRMI 7780, poor-fair. Also confirmed Wednesday December 19 at 1058 the 1030 on WRMI 5950, poor 
(9395 Oldies signal is much better). Next:
2200 UT Wednesday WRMI    9955 to SSE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ    7490v to WSW
0930 UT Friday    Unique  5045-LSB low-power NSW Australia
0729 UT Saturday  HLR     6190-CUSB Germany to WSW
0930 UT Saturday  Unique  5045-LSB low-power NSW Australia [Dec 22]
1200 UT Saturday  Unique *9265 via WINB to WSW
1531 UT Saturday  HLR     9485-CUSB Germany to WSW
1700 UT Saturday  WRN    *5950 via WRMI to WNW [unconfirmed]
2030vUT Saturday  WA0RCR  1860-AM non-direxional
0400vUT Sunday    WA0RCR  1860-AM [nominal 0415], ND
0830 UT Sunday    WRMI    5850 to NW, 5950 to WNW, 7730 to WNW 
1130 UT Sunday    HLR     7265-CUSB Germany to WSW
2130 UT Sunday    WRMI    7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday    WRMI    5950 to WNW, 9395 to NNW
0400vUT Monday    WBCQ   *5130v Area 51 to WSW
0430 UT Monday    WRMI   *9955 to SSE
0930 UT Monday    Unique  5045-LSB low-power NSW Australia
* also webcast; direct linx to these and many others at:

Complete updated WOR sked, all affiliates, satellite, webcast, AM&FM:

** U S A. 5130.4, Dec 18 at 2225 check, WBCQ is on here, but nothing on 9330, presumably TOMBS on expanded schedule. Website now has had several days to get it up to date --- of course not!
Nothing about 5130, rather 9330. Is that transmitter broken?

5130.4, Dec 19 at 0237, presumed TOMBS is JBA. Why in the world does WBCQ not get going on 3265, which would propagate much better over winter nights in the sunspot minimum? This new frequency/transmitter tested for only a few days last year, still on their programming page with ``no scheduled transmissions``. But at 0641 check, BS on 5130.4 is up to S9+10. Another check in daytime at 1445 Dec 19: zero on 9330 and 5130 also inaudible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1753 UT December 19