venerdì 19 ottobre 2018

Glenn Hauser logs October 17-18-19, 2018

** CUBA [and non]. 9965, Oct 19 at 1418, heavy pulse jamming against weaker talk, certainly not in Spanish --- listed in NDXC/Aoki is Lester Sumrall Teaching via T8WH PALAU. Something`s always wrong at the DentroCuban Jamming Command! --- tsk2, nothing to jam on 9955 after WRMI closes at 1400 (except Sat), so might as well jam this! Without it, T8WH from far Palau used to have a generally better signal here than WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA [non]. 11580, Friday Oct 19 at 1351, Qur`an with reverb, S9+10, i.e. Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, FRCN still relayed via WRMI; violating Separation of Mosque and State, as the federal government thus endorses Islam. Take that, Christians! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1230, Oct 17 at 2017 UT on cardaio, I check out semi-local (in the daytime) WBBZ Ponca City, as there have been reports of name/format changes. ``Ponca City`s variety station, Sunny one-oh-four-point-seven [104.7]`` is the only ID here on AM 1230. 

So I check 104.7 and hear CCI between two stations, one of them country, NEITHER matching 1230 as I A/B. (Likeliest other is KVCY Fort Scott KS, 16/16 kW, 201 miles in SE Kansas).

At home on the PL-880, I do get local PC ads on 104.7 at 2036 UT, and then at 2038 UT: ``The new one-oh-four-seven The Bull`` and country music.

So we have the incredible situation of the real 104.7 (KQSN, not a translator) and another, fake 104.7 identifying as such on 1230!

This was reported in NRC DX News Oct 1 in Wayne Heinen`a AM Log update: ``1230, WBBZ, Ponca City – Format to TLK/AC (ex-NWS/TLK/SPT); slogan to “Sunny 1230,” networks to C/Ok/Oa/P``

Here`s the website:

The homepage link labeled ``Sunny 1230`` goes to this!:

``Sunny 104.7 is the region’s only Adult Contemporary radio station targeting 25-54 year old adults with a mix of Today’s Hits and Yesterday’s Favorites!

Station Distinctives

Locally Unique: A blend of artists like Pink, John Mayer, Rod Stewart, Katy Perry, Aerosmith, Adele, Elton John, and Carrie Underwood.

Local Information: Sunny features local news updates from 7am – 6pm weekday, plus 24/7 Dan Holiday Weather from the Oklahoma Storm Watch Weather Center, and live coverage of Ponca City High School Sports.

Local, award winning talent: Lyman James, most recently with Clear Channel/iHeart Media and a veteran of larger markets like Wichita (KFDI and KKRD), Kansas City (KQRC), Charlotte NC (WLYT) and Sacramento (KGBY), now makes his home here in the heartland and hits the airwaves live every weekday morning in Ponca City. Lyman has earned many industry awards both on-air and production work.

Locally developed programming. Other local FM’s turn to LA and Denver for satellite fed music and air personalities for up to 21 hours per day. All Sunny 104.7 music programming originates here locally, designed specifically for the tastes of adults across North Central Oklaoma [sic].

Multiple local platforms: In addition to our broadcasts at 104.7, Sterling Broadcasting also operates Ponca City’s legendary 1230 WBBZ, and owns, a local community news and information portal with over 24,000 followers, plus several other digital assets to provide maximum impact for our advertisers.``

Yet also prominently displayed is a Listen Live link for 104.7 The Bull! but does not seem to have its own page or schedule.
which leads to:

I suppose ``The Bull`` be a recent rebranding of 25/25 kW KQSN. But the old branding lives on via sibling station 1230 WBBZ, which otherwise has lost its own original identity, a legacy dating back to *1928. 

Wikipedia says: ``On September 12, 2018, WBBZ changed their format from classic hits to adult contemporary, branded as "Sunny 1230" (format moved from sibling station KQSN 104.7 FM Ponca City, which switched to country). 

To add to the confusion, WBBZ (AM) is unrelated to WBBZ-TV in Williamsville NY, DTV RF channel 7, originally analog 67 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U A E. 15215.126, Oct 19 at 1347, fluttery JBA carrier stix out sorethumbly in BFO 1-kHz step tuning bandscan. Aoki/NDXC shows it`s DW via Al-Dhabbiya, 1330-1430 in Dari & Pashto. Typical shoddiness from this site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1952 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday Oct 17 at 2100 on 7490 WBCQ and 9955 WRMI, both poor and close to synchrony. 
0629 UT Saturday  HLR    6190-CUSB Germany to WSW
1231 UT Saturday  WINB   9265V via Unique Radio to WSW
1431 UT Saturday  HLR    9485-CUSB Germany to WSW [ex-6190]
1930vUT Saturday  WA0RCR 1860-AM non-direxional
0300vUT Sunday    WA0RCR 1860-AM non-direxional [nominal 0315-]
1030 UT Sunday    HLR    7265-CUSB Germany to WSW [ex-9485]
2130 UT Sunday    WRMI   7780 to NE, 9955 to SSE
0300vUT Monday    WBCQ   5130v Area 51 to WSW
0330 UT Monday    WRMI   9955 to SSE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite:

** U S A. 9395, Oct 18 at 1641, random check of WRMI on caradio finds dead air, while 9330 WBCQ continues BSing. Same situation Oct 19 at 1422, silence of TOMBS on 9395, non-BS preacher measured on 9330.169 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7505, Oct 18 at 0457, WRNO with distorted modulation, soul music, S9+10; 0458 outro ID as ``The Haven, Fridays at 8-9 [AM or PM??], Saturdays 10-11 AM`` when WRNO is never on the air! Anyhow this sure isn`t Chinese. 

`The Haven` is shown multiple hours on this undated and outdated schedule which I searched out altho it has no link from the WRNO homepage:

7505, Oct 19 at 0644, WRNO still distorted modulation, but now in Chinese, S9+10 fading to S6. Ron Howard says he still hears Chinese at times from WRNO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Pacific JBA MW carrier search, Oct 18 at 1227-1242 UT: 774(2)-NW>WSW; 576, 585, 594-NW, 612, 657-WSW, 693-NW, 702(2)-WSW, 738, 747-NW, 756-WSW, 828-WSW, 837, 864, 882(2), 936(2), 945-WSW, 1026-WSW, 1044, 1052-NW, 1098-W, 1134, 1242(2), 1287, 1314-WSW, 1485, 1494-WSW, 1503-WSW, 1521-WSW, 1548-NW, 1566-NW. The very weakest ones I did not get a DF on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1610 UT October 19