** BRAZIL [and non]. 11735-, August 8 at 1846, two very poor carriers slightly apart making a LAH = low audible heterodyne between them, and a double-pitch het with offset BFO, i.e. Zanzibar and Rádio Transmundial. I have hastened to check following this via Daniel Wyllyans, HCDX:
``RTM OFF Shortwave 09 Ago 2018? --- "A Rádio Trans Mundial encerrou suas transmissões em Ondas Curtas no dia 09/08/2018. Durante mais de 20 anos a Rádio Trans Mundial investiu nesse meio com excelentes resultados em todo o Brasil. Devido, porém, aos avanços tecnológicos na área de comunicação e após muita reflexão e oração, entendemos que esta era a melhor decisão a tomar. Você pode nos acompanhar através de nosso site – Transmundial.org.br – aplicativo, e emissoras afiliadas, meios nos quais temos experimentado grande crescimento em audiência nos últimos anos. Agradecemos primeiramente a Deus pelo privilégio de comunicarmos a mensagem de salvação em Jesus Cristo pelas Ondas Curtas. Também agradecemos a você e todos os ouvintes que nos
acompanharam durante este tempo. Que Deus nos abençoe e nos ajude a avançarmos cada vez mais. Contamos com suas orações e parceria". Grande abraço da RTM``
Google translation improved by gh:
``RTM OFF Shortwave 09 Aug 2018? --- "Rádio Trans Mundial closed its broadcasts on SW on 09/08/2018 [Google changed this to 08/08!]. For more than 20 years, Trans World Radio invested in this medium with excellent results all over Brazil. But due to technological advances in communication, and after much reflection and prayer, we understand that this was the best decision to make. You can follow us through our website - Transmundial.org.br - app, and affiliated broadcasters, media through which we have experienced great growth in audience. We thank God first for the privilege of communicating the message of salvation in Jesus Christ through the Short Waves. We also thank you and all the listeners who accompanied us during this time. May God bless us and help us to advance more and more. We count on your prayers and partnership." RTM's Big Embrace``
To which I replied: ``Says RTM closed down SW permanently on August 9 [sic] in past tense even tho it is still August 8 in Brasil. No more QRM to Zanzibar on 11735!! But try today in case it still be on until 2100v* one last time. Other frequencies 5940v and 9530 were not so well heard``
11734.98 is approx. VP frequency of RTM; at 1857 Aug 8 it does sound like Brazilian intonation. Usual closedown of both is circa 2100, so I`m remonitoring at 2046, when both are stronger, but RTM atop, now measured on 11734.972. 2058 is talking about FM frequencies, website. By 2101, ZBC is off and RTM still on alone about FM, 2102 song, still past 2108. By 2229 no signal on 11735 (while much stronger 11780 RNA is still in well).
Meanwhile, Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain informed the WOR iog at 2009 UT:
``Radio Transmundial, today still on air 11735 but announced will cease at 0000 Brazilian time --- 11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa María, 1940-2006 , 08-08, today still on air, religious program, male, ID "Transmundial", at 2150 they announced will cease short wave transmissions at 0000 hours 09 August. Slight interference from Zanzibar`` [which strangely had come back on]
I reply: That would be 0300 UT, presumably meaning UT August 9 altho it could mean August 10, as ``midnight`` is always ambiguous as to which day it pertain. Why don`t people realize this in any language??
By 0155 UT August 9, no signal detectable on 11735 (but 11780 RNA is still in well, altho doubtless higher powered; 11735 per WRTH is the second-highest powered ZY at 50 kW). It would normally be off after 2100 unless they prolong it for a finale. The lower frequencies would be nightlier. But can`t hear any carrier around 5940v with heavy splash from 5935 WWCR. 9530 a JBA carrier which could easily be 4765 x 2, Progreso Cuba. Glenn.
Jorge Freitas, Brasil replies to the WOR iog, here in my translation:
``Glenn, I heard them talking about this at 2036 on 11735. Broadcasts cease today 8 August. The programs will be presented by Bonaire on 800 kHz with 440 kW. They alleged that among the problems were adequate financing, low audience for SW programs compared to internet. Talked about the cost of electricity for radio and elevated cost of maintenance. One tube which burnt out cost 20 kiloreais. Lamented closing of broadcasts to DXers and said that if there were a much greater SW audience they would not close it. They get an average of 50 kiloconnexions daily for online radio. Their ANATEL license expired today and was not renewed``
So another SW station bites the dust, but look at the bright side: one less gospel-huxter. Manuel Méndez laments it and says in Google translation, improved by gh:
``Rádio Transmundial, for all the world to hear", as it used to be, every night, closed surprisingly at night, and treacherously. The emblematic Brazilian religious station left short wave on August 9 at 0000 hours in Brasília, 0300 UT. Only a few hours earlier, on the afternoon of August 8, Brazilian DXer Daniel Wyllyans had informed, through Hard Core DX, that, according to the station's broadcast, it would stop broadcasting on the shortwave on the 9th day of August
The best time, here in Spain, to tune into Rádio Transmundial was around 1900 UT at its usual frequency of 11735 kHz. Before that time, normally it used to be very interfered with by Zanzibar on the same frequency, but after 1900 the signal from Zanzibar tends to decrease a lot and the Brazilian increases, and at 2000 hours, many days only hear Rádio Transmundial, and other days with slight interference from the African station.
The undersigned was listening, for the last time, to Rádio Transmundial at 11735 kHz, between 1940 and 2020 hours on August 8, and, indeed, at 1950 they announced that at 0000 hours on August 9 they would leave short wave, giving thanks for our having accompanied them for more than 20 years and that, due to technological advances, it was the best decision they could make, because now many people listened to them through mobile devices and the internet.
From 2000 on, the signal was good here in Lugo, heard loud and clear, SINPO 34433.
"Rádio Transmundial, para todo o mundo ouvir", that's what the identification slogan says, but from now on, it will be heard by many fewer listeners. This station had strong coverage through short wave all over Brazilian territory and in other countries, due to the good quality of the signal, in comparison to other Brazilian stations, and the good quality of its programs, besides religious programs, always with moderate talk, broadcast news, music and other programs.
Surely they will lose many listeners in many areas of Brazil and Latin America, especially in the immense rural areas where there is not easy access to the internet.
"Rádio Transmundial, for all the world to hear", does not want us to hear it, as of now, at 11735 kHz, with its usual programs "Bom Dia RTM", "História das Missões" and many other programs, and follows the fashion by other stations to focus only on the internet, while shortwave, especially in many parts of the world, is still the most suitable means to reach a multitude of listeners.
Below is the postal address, email address and web page through which you can send a message via a form, for all those who want to complain about the closure of the short wave Rádio Transmundial. I have already done so. Greetings. Manuel Méndez.
Trans World Radio
E-mail: rtm@transmundial.org.br
Rua Épiro, 110 - Vila Alexandria - São Paulo - SP
CEP - 04635-030
Caixa Postal: 18.113 - CEP - 04626-970
Fone: (11) 3017-6600
What'sApp: (11) 97418-1456``
** CHINA. 9680, August 9 at 1244, RTI is being jammed by the double-whammy of CNR1 // 11785, and Firedragon music mix.
9660, August 9 at 1244, this RTI is being jammed by two CNR1s echoing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also TAIWAN [and non]
** NEWFOUNDLAND. 11336-AM, Aug 9 at 1316, YL ATC at Gander Radio is on AM assigning primary and secondary comms frequencies to some flight as 10021 and 8879 (or was it 2879 upon second hearing?), and selcall tones. Yet simplex replies from flights are in USB.
11279-USB, Aug 9 at 1317, OM ATC also at Gander Radio, with a United flight, selcalls (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 88.3, Aug 9 at 1600 UT check, K202BY, Family Radio satellator in Enid is still dead air, ever since first noticed July 30 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. RF channel 17, Aug 9 at 1415, K17JN-D satellator, Enid`s only local TV signal, has been partially restored from six black screens. 17-1 the only one showing those call letters, LR bug as 3ABN. 17-3 AmFacts [Am=Amazing], LR bug as AFTV. 17-4 3ABN-ES, LR bug 3ABN [+illegible, probably Español to match the audio]; 17-5 as Hope201, bug UR arms raised in praise, and Hope Channel. 17-2 is dark, and so is 17-6, which had been that way long before the latest crash. I haven`t followed it closely, but I believe the 3ABN multi-network subchannel lineups are not always the same depending on time of day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TAIWAN. 9199.920, August 9 at 1241, JBA carrier, must be Sound of Hope escaping jamming. Aoki/NDXC has the frequency as 9199.907, pretty close. I wonder if all the .XXX exact measurements for SOH are from Wolfgang Büschel`s exhaustive SDR survey now several months old? Just yesterday I had only CNR1 jamming on 9200, but an hour earlier at 1142.
[non] 9180, August 9 at 1241, today this is the SOH frequency obliterated by strong CNR1 jamming // 11785, while SOH is Aoki-listed on 9180.018 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CHINA
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1942 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday August 8 at 2100 on WBCQ 7490v, very poor, and like last week starting a semiminute later on much better WRMI 9955 from 2100.5. It had just come on with IS & ID loop at *2058. At 2123 measured WBCQ at 7490.028. 2330, not aired on WBCQ 9330v. Next:
Thu 2330 WBCQ 9330v to WSW [maybe]
Fri 2330 WBCQ 9330v to WSW [maybe]
Sat 0631 HLR 6190-CUSB to WSW
Sat 1431 HLR 6190-CUSB to WSW
Sat 1930v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2130 WBCQ 9330v to WSW [maybe, or 2330?]
Sun 0310v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1030 HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW
Sun 2330 WBCQ 9330v to WSW [maybe]
Mon 0130.5 WRMI 5850 to NW, 7780 to NE
Mon 0300v WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Mon 0400 WRMI webcast only, non-direxional
Mon 2330 WBCQ 9330v to WSW [maybe]
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030 WRMI 7780 to NE, 5950 to WNW [or #1943?]
Tue 2130 WRMI 5950 to WNW [or #1943?]
Full schedule for WOR on all outlets, not just SW; podcast linx:
** U S A. 9455, UT Thursday August 9 at 0155, WRMI is still on here with Hal Turner, much stronger than // 7490 WBCQ. Despite WRMI skedgrid showing System L for 9455, which was UT Thursday only at 00-04, as ``currently off air`` as of August 1! Maybe Hal belatedly renewed his contract for 01-03. VG signal on 355 azimuth. Too bad this is not employed for full time variety of programming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 10277.77-USB, Aug 9 at 1249, weak 2-way in unknown language, maybe Tagalog (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report despatched at 1627 UT August 9