ALGERIA, 1550 MW, Radio Nacional República Árabe Saharaui, Rabuni, 1925-1950, 05-05, Arabic, comments. 13321.
ANGOLA, 4949,75, Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 2318-2330, 05-05, Portuguese, comments: “Madrugada na Radio Nacional”, “Radio Nacional de Angola”, songs. 25432.
ARMENIA, 4810, Armenian National Radio, Yerevan, 1815-1823, 05-05, Anthem, Arabic program, comments. 24332.
AUSTRIA, 7330, Radio Joystick, Moosbrunn, *1000-1040, 06-05, German, program “The Charlie-Prince-Show”, pop songs, comments. 45444.
BAHRAIN, 9745, Radio Bahrain, Abu Hayan, 1610-1655, 05-05, Arabic songs. 34333.
3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, 2325-2337, 05-05, female, Quechua, comments. 25322.
6134.8, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 2331-2340, 05-05, Bolivian songs. Very weak and QRM from Aparecida. 11321.
4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 2330-2338, 05-05, Portuguese, comments. 35433.
Also 0440-0530, 06-05, program “Clube na Madrugada”, Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments. 15321.
6134.9, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0413-0425, 05-05, Portuguese, religious comments and songs. 25322.
CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0505-0522, 05-05, English, news, comments. 14321.
Also 0405-0540, 06-05, English, news, comments, advertisements, pop songs in English. 15321.
CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0345-0359*, 05-06, Cuban songs. 35433.
3975, Short Wave Radio de., 1908-1917, 05-05, pop songs and comments in English. 15321.
5920, HCJB, Weenermoor, 1741-1750, 05-05, religious songs and comments, German. 24322.
6085, Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekel, 1648-1701*, 05-05, pop songs, id. “This is Radio Mi Amigo International, welcome to Radio Mi Amigo”. 25322.
6150, Radio Marabu, Dateln, 1635-1650, 05-05, pop songs. 24322.
6160, Short Wave Service de., 1731-1757*, 05-05, pop songs, English, comments, id. “You are listening to 6160 AM short wave”. 14321.
Also 2010-2025, 05-05, pop songs in English, id. “This is the new sound on short wave, you are listening to a test transmission”. // 3975. 34433.
6190, Hamburger Lokal Radio, Gohren, *0600- , 05-05, English, program “Switzerland in Sound”, at 0630 Glenn Hauser’s program “World of Radio”.15321. (Méndez)
7365, HCJB, Weenermoor, 0738-0746, 06-05, German, religous comments and songs. 25322.
9485, Hamburer LokalRadio, Gohren, *0900-1105, 06-05, 0900-0959 German program, 1000-1059, English, 1030 Glenn Hauser’s program “World of Radio”, 1100 program in Spanish “Radio Tropical”. 15321.
EQUATORIAL GUINEA, 5005, Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, Bata, *0508-0545, 06-05, non stop Spanish, pop and Afropop songs. SINPO 25332, but later 15321 and became inaudible due to daylight at about 0545.
5950, Voice of Tigray Revolution, Addis Ababa, 1643-1655, 05-05, Vernacular comments. 24322.
6030, Radio Oromiya, Addis Ababa, 1710-1721, 05-05, East African songs, Vernacular comments. 44333.
6090, Voice of Amhara State, Addis Ababa, 1706-1722, 05-05, Vernacular comments, East African songs. 34433.
Also 0430-0510, 06-05, Vernacular comments, East African songs. 24322.
6110, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 1708-1724, 05-05, East African songs. 44444.
GUINEA, 9650, Radio Gunea, Conakry, 0730-0830, 06-05, 0730-0758 religious Sunday program “Le Jour du Seigneur”, “C’est Le Jour du Seigneur”, 0800-0828 program “Guinée Culture”, “un programme culturelle de Radio Guinée”. 43443.
MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0347-0358, 06-05, Latin American songs. At 0358 strong interference from Radio Romania on 6180 and BBC on 6190. 25322.
LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 0603-0615, 06-05, religious songs in English. 15321.
NIGERIA, 7255, Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 1758-1809, 05-05, English, “This is the English service of Voice of Nigeria”, “Voice of Nigeria”, at 1800: “The news, the headlines....”. 24322.
MADEIRA, 1530 MW, Posto Emissor do Funchal, Poiso, 0431-0507, 06-05, Portuguese songs, at 0500 time signals and identification song: “Posto Emisor do Funchal...”, strong QRM from VoA Sao Tome with English program on the same frequency. 21321.
MOROCCO, 171 LW, Midi 1, Nador, 0425-0438, 06-05, Arabic comments, pop songs in English. 35333.
SOMALILAND, 7120, Radio Hargeisa, Hargeisa, 1711-1725, 05-05, Vernacular comments. 22322.
SUDAN, 7205, Sudan Radio, Al Aitahab, 1803-1620, 05-05, Arabic comments, East African songs. 34433.
TANZANIA, 6015, Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole, 0356-0430, 06-05, Vernacular, comments. 34433. (Méndez)
TAJIKISTAN, 4765. Tajik Radio, Dushanbe, 1855-1910, 05-05, Tajik songs and comments. 25322.
ZAMBIA, 5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, Lusaka, 1901-1916, 05-05, Vernacular comments, African songs. 22332.
Also 0401-0510 06-05, African songs, Vernacular comments, at 0500 English program. 15321.
Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
Logs in Friol
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters