Voice of Korea is still operating on shortwave.
monitored the bands from 1115-1156 UTC according to the actual VOK schedule (see
post of Wolfgang Bueschel):
antenna: Bony-Whip, long-wire (20 meters SW to
location: outside Pyeoungchang, South
Voice of Korea broadcast segments
621 kHz Japanese at 1115: very
poor signal with typical NK military music // 6070, 7580 (?),
3250 kHz Japanese at 1115: no signal
6070 kHz Japanese at 1116: very poor signal with NK military
music // 621, 7580 (?), 9650
7580 kHz Japanese at 1116: only very
strong North Korean noise jamming against whom...?
9650 kHz Japanese at
1117: very poor signal, heavy interference from CRI Cantonese on 9645 kHz
// 621, 6070, 7580 (?), 9650
kHz Korean at 1118: not heard, only Voice of Vietnam in Mandarin
9435 kHz Korean at 1118: not heard, too much
6185 kHz English at 1119: strong humming, something in the
background that may sound like english
9850 kHz English at 1119: poor
to very poor signal, nothing to identify
6170 kHz English at 1122:
nothing heard of VOK
9435 kHz English at 1125: ID "This is the Voice
of Korea" followed by english programmes
Voice of Korea broadcast
segments 1130-1225
621 kHz Japanese at
1136: very poor signal with typical NK military music (song played after
of General Kim Il- sung) //
3250 kHz Japanese at 1129: no signal
recheck at 1145: still no signal
kHz Japanese at 1136: very poor signal with NK military music //
7580 kHz Japanese at 1129: VOK ID heard twice, a strong
signal followed by ID in Japanese
and a
second VOK ID with NK noise jamming in the background, approx. 2-3
seconds ahead
foreground signal, NK noise jamming against... whom...?
recheck at 1152: very strong VOK signal of Japanese
nothing heard in the background, maybe
because of strong foreground VOK signal, still jamming
9650 kHz
Japanese at 1152: same music as on all VOK frequencies at that time, later
Japanese // 621, 6070, 7580 kHz,
7220 kHz Chinese at 1135: song of General Kim Il-sung,
followed by ID in Mandarin, followed by second NK military song
poor to fair signal
9445 kHz
Chinese please note that the chinese service was heard on 9445 kHz, not 9435 kHz,
carries French at 1130-1225!
at 1135: poor
signal, same as // 7220 kHz
6185 kHz French at 1129: strong
humming, ID-signal of VOK, followed by nat. anthem at
1130 and
their "standard songs" // 9850 kHz,
recheck at 1150: good signal, another NK military
9850 kHz French at 1129:
ID-signal of VOK, followed by nat. anthem at 1130 and
their "standard songs" // 6185 kHz,
poor to very poor
6170 kHz French at 1128: ID-signal of VOK,
followed by nat. anthem at 1130 and their "standard songs" // 9435
9435 kHz French at 1128: same as // 6170 kHz, both 6170 &
9435 kHz // 6185 & 9850 kHz, Chinese heard on 9445 not
Each programme of VOK starts with the
national anthem, an identification in the respective language, followed by two
NK military songs (first song of General Kim Il-sung and the one that usually
follows it [I've forgotten its name] - you may find them under Youtube searching
for "North Korea Propaganda").
After that I also monitored
other services on the Korean peninsula
3480 kHz Voice of the People at
1139: very strong signal, nearly no jamming audible
3910 kHz Voice of the
People at 1140: very strong signal, only slight NK noise jamming
kHz Voice of the People at 1140: strong signal, a bit more NK noise
jamming than on // 3910
4450 kHz Voice of the People at 1141: weak to
fair signal, moderate NK noise jamming
5830 khz ???
at 1142: strong to very strong NK noise jamming, but against whom...?
frequency change of another clandestine
broadcasting to NK?
Korean Central Broadcasting Station from Pyongyang
monitored between 1155 and 1156:
2850 kHz at 1155: fair to good
signal, but humming, NK "folk" song (no military song) // 6100,
6100 kHz at 1155: poor to fair signal, but humming, NK
"folk" song (no military song) // 2850, 9665,11680
9665 kHz at 1156:
very poor signal but NK music audible, QRM Radio Taiwan International on 9660
kHz (no chinese jamming) // 2850, 6100,11680
11680 kHz at 1156: poor
sognal, same programme as // 2850, 6100, 9665
As many other signals in
East Asia were weaker than usual it might be of propagation issues lasting until
around 1145 UTC. Later many signals became stronger except NK stations. Due to
the cold winter weather here on the Korean peninsula NK may suffer from power
73, Manfred R. Reiff