sabato 2 gennaio 2016

Glenn Hauser logs December 31, 2015-January 1, 2016

** BOLIVIA [and non]. 5952.46, Jan 1 at 0400 tune-in just after the arrival of 2016y to find S8 from Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX on the air late for the occasion with national anthem playing; 0401 ID, welcoming us to 2 mil 16, brief speeches by several officials with music bridges; 0405 ``algunas palabras del director(?) de Siglo Veinte``, ``para gente del campo y de las minas``; 0407 ``¡Feliz año nuevo!``. 0418 still on with song, and at 0431 with ACI worsening from 5950 WRMI. 

At first, RP12 was slightly stronger than RMI, by 0418 about equal S9. I had been carefully avoiding it by USB and passband tuning. (WRMI-14 has now officially expanded 5950 hours to bring us even more BS at 01-05 southward, in addition to 23-01 and 11-12 other programming; see U S A.) Also see BRAZIL [and non] for what I was hearing just before this on 60m. R. Santa Cruz 6134.8v was not on so late (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. For *2016y in this country, I pick the sure-fire bigsig on 11780.1, RNA/RNB, which is always on the hi side, but has behaved itself the past couple months with no more of those awful spurs all over 25m. Brasília is on DST of UT -2, so tune in at 0154, to a song, 0156 hyper DJ, but that`s nothing unusual. 0159 multi-station ID for EBC Rádios Nacionais and MECs all over, 0200 no timesignal, ``Nacional Informa`` ordinary news, no celebration, but acknowledges time is ``méia-noite``, without specifying which year. So much for that. BTW, méia in this sense does not mean ``six`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL [and non]. Leading up to 0400 UT January 1, I`m bandscanning 90 and 60 m on the NRD-545, looking for unusual Latin Americans on late for New Year`s, starting at 0348:

4990, at 0348, JBA carrier, like to think it`s Suriname, never heard here with any identifiable audio

4894.90, at 0350, S7 music vs S9 CODAR. This off-frequency is the signature of R. Novo Tempo, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, e.g. logged Oct 30 by Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal.

4875.1, at 0351, echoey speech. This off-frequency is commonly heard here, i.e. Rdif. de Roraima, Boa Vista.

4862.3, at 0353, JBA carrier vs CODAR. Daniel Wyllyans in Mato Grosso had just reported to HCDX a Brazilian on 4862, UT Dec 27 at 0148 which he tentatively thought would be R. Alvorada de Londrina, as Verdes Florestas was still on 4865, which is also Alvorada`s nominal frequency.

4824.9, at 0353, algo vs CODAR. This off-frequency is signature of
Rádio Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, as measured by Carlos Gonçalves November 1.

4810.0, at 0354, algo JBA vs CODAR, presumably R. Logos, Chazuta, Perú, as I hardly ever get any more from it, even on LSB required to avoid uteblob on hi side.

I finally start scanning 49m just before 0400, resulting in only one significant NYE catch, BOLIVIA on 5952.46, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 10000, Jan 1 at 0702, PPE time announcement in Portuguese and pip every dekaminute, the hour being 5+ on ZY DST at Observatório Nacional, Rio. It`s very weak but recognizable, under weak WWVH and no WWV at all. Listed as 1 kW, carrier plus USB, so I should have tried not hearing it on LSB. The ZY broadcasters on 31m are correspondingly a bit stronger than usual in the nightmiddle.

Which reminds me, can anyone confirm whether LOL Argentina is active? WRTH 2016 lists on 10000-AM, 2 kW at 1400-1500 Mon-Fri only. By that time, WWV is usually at strong daytime level here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CHINA [non?]. 5010, Dec 31 at 2317, very poor carrier(s) with heavy Doppler flutter (i.e. frequency itself wobbling, caused by ionosphere, not transmitter), all talk seems Chinese past 2335. RTI is here but jammers are always more likely atop. Don`t know of any CNR1 frequency to compare it with at this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CURACAO [and non]. 21240-USB, Jan 1 at 1408, Anders, vacationing on Curaçao, making contact with Rosemary, KB4RM, whom he quickly tells he has worked before; his signal grows, maybe rotating toward us, while hers is JBA. He`s one of those hams who pronounces contacts` calls much more clearly and often than his own. Says he`s hot and needs to take a shower; this will be last contact. It`s PJ2/SM4 --- something, and they soon switch to Swedish, 1414 discussing Göteborg. Finishes at 1418 never going back to English, and my Swedish alphabet is not well-known. Ignores another call from someone else. 

Not enough info to find on, so I try DX Cluster, and find a couple of other contacts during the previous hour, on this frequency, with PJ2/SM4KYN. Now I can find him on

SM4KYN Sweden flag
Anders Qvist
Pilgrimsvagen 24A
68137 Kristinehamn
``Coming up, PJ2 Curacao and PJ4 Bonaire, December 14 to January 14. Now QRV from Curacao, sorry but I am on holiday and do not try to work as many station as possible.`` Here`s a photo, QSL? Which I deserve but will not bother him for:
Lots more photos of this and his other vacations at 

KB4RM is: ROSE MARIE B BATTIG, PO BOX 8185, Charlottesville, VA 22906-8185 USA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EAST TURKISTAN. 5060, 4850, 4500, Dec 31 at 2334, JBA carriers on the PBS Xinjiang Urumqi frequencies, but not on 4980. Aoki shows that 5060 and 4980 start morning broadcasts at 2308, 4850 and 4500 at 2340 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4055, Jan 1 at 0355, R. Verdad is S9+25 on NYE, but dead air or maybe barely modulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1140, Jan 1 at 0427 UT, ID as Radio Pentecoste, gospel songs in Spanish, i.e. XEMR, 50/50 kW in Monterrey NL, whose listed name is Radio Esperanza, but I`ve heard Pentecoste on it before, maybe just a program title (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 95.7, Dec 31 at 1902 UT on caradio in western Enid, I am getting a weak signal with Oklahoma news --- could local KXLS Lahoma really be on with exciter-power only? No: ONN goes to ABC news at 1903, and at 1905 weather on KKAJ from the Channel 12 KXII Weather Center, i.e. Ardmore. KKAJ-FM is 50 kW, 140 m in Davis OK, ``Texoma Country`` listed slogan. 221 km = 138 miles city to city. It does have some CCI, possibly Es as I have just got WRAU Maryland on 88.3; or another weak OK or KS outlet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Brother HySTAIRical expansions: see USA WRMI

** SPAIN. 9690, Dec 31 at 2239, I tune in REE for New Year festivities --- just about the only UT+1 zone European SW station left with possibly live broadcasts. Yes, a 2-minute year-in-review capsule of the most important stories; 2246 rock song in English; 2257.5 joining TVE for coverage from Puerta del Sol, usual excited commentary, all in Castilian unlike the music; 2300 pops and bells ringing at local midnight; then more gabbing past 2307. Normal close-down is 2300, but still on air at 2342 check, with another song in English. What`s with that; not enough stuff in Spanish?

Of course all of Spain between 7.5 degrees west and east should really be on UT, even UT-1 in Galicia. Apparently recent pushes for such normalization are unsuccessful (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5000, Dec 31 at 2359 UT, our tradition continues of monitoring the real arrival of a New Year according to WWV. Uncounted, but no Leap Second had been publicized. Did not even try for BBCWS/Big Ben this year, as I know only marginal SW frequencies could possibly be audible (and might be frustratingly cut off before completed). WWV again at 0559+ UT Jan 1 for the arrival of 2016y here in the CST zone, and official celebration in our household. Happy New Year! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1806 monitoring: missed checking WRMI Dec 31 Thu 1230 on 9955, and 2100 on 7570, but confident they aired. Confirmed UT Friday January 1 at 0200 on WBCQ 9329.77-CUSB; had been playing music at 0157 instead of Blalock the blaster; off early or completely? Next:
Fri 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE
Fri 2130.6 WRMI 7570 to NW
Sat 0730   HLR 7265-CUSB to SW
Sat 1530   HLR 7265-CUSB to SW
Sat 2030v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND? 
Sun 0415v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND? 
Sun 0900   WRMI 5850 to NW 
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430   WRMI 9955 to SSE  
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW

** U S A [and non]. 7489.85, Dec 31 at 2241, WBCQ during this odd Overcomer hour has a low audible heterodyne, from BBCWS English via THAILAND, 7490.0, inadvertently aimed this way beyond East Asia at 22-24. Fortunately, yesterday from 2200, WBCQ was on-frequency during WORLD OF RADIO, so no het and any CCI was negligible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. 5850, Dec 31, 2015y at 2315, open carrier, dead air from WRMI past 2335, finally coming to life at 2359 with BZ ID and from 0000 UT January 1, 2016y, RSI in Slovak as scheduled. Thursdays at 23-24, 5850 is supposed to emit Viva Miami, Moments in Bible Prophecy and Radio Ukraine International, and this hour // 11580, unchecked whether it was dead too.

9955, Thu Dec 31 at 2335 check, WRMI with ``Haciendo Campo``, clip of some station with Andean music, and more clips. Presumably during historical media show `La Rosa de Tokio` sked jueves a las 23-24.

5850, Jan 1 at 0411, Brother Scare has replaced Rick Wiles on WRMI, S9+45, and ditto on 7730, while BS remains on 7570, all bigsigs, what a waste. 9395 is all that`s left for SonPower Radio Network, JBA now, but around 0700 recheck has re-reached audible level. New WRMI sked shows only 9395, 24 hours for ``TruNews`` which is axually one program on SonPower, tho its flagship. They really should have picked the lowest frequency to keep for winter overnights, but what does Rick know about Propagation 101?

BS additions include: 01-07 on 5850 & 7730; 01-05 on 5950; 01-03 on 5985; 03-05 on 11920; 23-15 on 5015. This means an Overcomer-overload on WRMI, e.g. at 03-05 on SEVEN frequencies at once: 11920, 11580, 7730, 7570, 5950, 5850, 5015.

However, 5015 was not heard at all on UT January 1. Instead:

5956.20, Jan 1 at 1320, very poor signal sounds like Brother Scare! Not synchronized with 3185 WWRB, or 9980 WWCR, but yes, matches 11825 WRMI. Needs to be split off from slightly stronger signal on 5955.0, CRI. At 1352 still audible, and after 1401. Unfortunately I was not on 5956.20 at 1359 when a WRMI ID should have automatically fired, interrupting the LDPOG. At 1633 I sent this to WRMI:

``Jeff & Terry, Something very strange this morning. Brother Stair, weak signal on 5956.2, heard from 1320 past 1401. It was synchronized with 11825, so I think it must be a stray transmission from WRMI; NOT synchro with WWCR 9980 or WWRB 3185. I guess this is #5, supposed to be on 5015 --- not there now, nor was I hearing it last night. Please confirm if I have figured this out correctly. Glenn``

Jeff replied at 1747: ``We're looking into this, Glenn, to see what you might be hearing. Jeff, Sent from my iPhone`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9475, Jan 1 at 0415, JBA signal here and no signal on 5830, so Ted on New Year`s Eve has forgotten to change WTWW-1 from day to night frequency! Still the same at 0654 and presumably all-night (Glen Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1010, Jan 1 at 1345 UT, ``KXEN, Faith Talk for St. Louis`` and into Joyce Meyer program. Was 50 kW daytime, but has been on much reduced STA of 350 watts. Sounds like more than that but less than 50,000. Not unusual here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1310, Jan 1 at 1338 UT tune-in, ``1310 WIBA News time``, football report, atop frequency. It`s Madison WI, one of my former locals, 5/5 kW U2. Day pattern is ND; night somewhat skewed toward the north. Then at 1339 UT, I check another Madison frequency, 1670 and WUSW is in well as often with sports talk. Official sunrise in January is 1330 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 6m sporadic E dx-map shows lots of activity across eastern US, and at last some of the contact paths are reaching Oklahoma. So as I head out for lunch I`m alert for any DX on the caradio, Dec 31, UT:

88.3 FM, at 1858 UT, since local Family Radio translator is still off, thank goodness, marginal signal from low-power KOSR Stillwater with Fresh Air is QRMed by another NPR station with Hear & Now closing; promo for Third Coast Festival from WBEZ Chicago; 1859 ID for WAMU 88.5, and! Yes, definitely heard on 88.3, as 88.5 is blocked by an Okie; Fresh Air is next on this one. Possibly there was an insert with the relayer`s ID, missed as I was tuning around. So what transmitter would be carrying WAMU on 88.3? WTFDA FM Database has one and only one hit:

WRAU, // WAMU, 88.3, Ocean City MD, 50 kW ERP, 150 m HAAT --- Ocean City as implied is right on the east coast, just south of the Delaware border, i.e. the farthest point of Maryland from here, 2023 km = 1257 miles city-to-city.

I tune up for a few more minutes but no other obvious Es; there are some unusually strong music signals on 93.1 and 93.3, but could just be KS & OK. While dining on pizza next to an east-facing window, on the G8 I keep looking for FM DX, but even nearby signals are attenuated, by security system? Yet I can get SW stations fine on it. 

Might another hop have got me Bermuda at last? No, it`s further south, 1902 miles away, the midpoint in western North Carolina, with plenty of blocking signals. Best bet Ocean 89 on 89.1 is only 1 kW and anyway blocked here by that Oasis Network translator. And this opening`s MUF barely reached 88 MHz (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** YEMEN [non]. 11860, Jan 1 at 1430, R. Sana`a is at usual good level, now with lite CCI starting from R. Ashna, Kuwait, which seems unwilling (or unknowing) to move off. Listening to this almost every morning, I hear familiar music time and again, hard to describe, but this one has a siren briefly at 1436. 

Today`s cut to Qur`an, Maghrib sunset call to prayer, occurs at 1442:54, which is 34.5 seconds *earlier* than yesterday, so jumped the gun a bit, zigzagging, margin of error, but still close to real calculated sunset times (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1290, Jan 1 at 0424 UT, crooner singing ``It would take a Michelangelo``, i.e. ``Portrait of My Love``, roughly north/south. Best bet by proximity and format, and ruling out some news/sports 1290s, is: WZTI Greenfield WI, 5/5 kW U4, UC:OLD format per NRC AM Log. Patterns are NNE/SSW, but 1290 is that page in the NRC Pattern Book where day and night patterns are indistinguishable. shows both day and night similar patterns favor the north but not exclusively. The second possibility, from the opposite direxion, is: KIVY Crockett TX, 2500/175 watts U1, NOStalgia format. Crockett is in east central TX (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

UNIDENTIFIED. 7385, Jan 1 at 0708, various tones with buzz, carrier cutting on and off. This is a WHRI frequency currently used before 0500 and after 1100 per Aoki, but registered available 23-14 straight thru per HFCC B-15. So is this a WHRI transmitter or some ute? I never notice any ute QRM during WHRI programming here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 2119 UT January 1