lunedì 7 dicembre 2015

Glenn Hauser logs December 7, 2015

** COLOMBIA [and non]. 5910.077 approx., Monday Dec 7 at 0640, weak Alcaraván Radio, off+plus as usual; 0642 joined by the TWR music-box IS via AUSTRIA closer to 5910.00 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA. Re how much R. Ethiopia varies around 7235, Thorsten Hallmann, Germany, replies on the DXLD yg: ``Good morning,
throughout the last few years, I observed this transmission between approx. 7233.x and 7237.x --- so this is absolutely not surprising. This transmitter is often on low modulation, and we have observed roughly the same pattern with the 9560v transmission: always varying slightly on the one hand, but sometimes also drifting +/-2 kHz within minutes or hours, but likely back to the long term mean sooner or later. 73 thorsten`` 

And Wolfgang Büschel replies to that: ``ETHIOPIA/CHINA    Nothing observed from ETH in 41 mb this morning Dec 7 around 0330-0400 UT - re 7234 - 7237 kHz wandered station from Ethiopia.

But now at 1530 UT on Dec 7 noted odd frequency program on 7236.248 kHz, S=8 or -76dBm in Europe and Moscow Russia remote SDR units,
but weak tiny threshold in Osaka and Tokyo remote units in Japan.

Surprise surprise, noted a lot of downwards channel at 1553 UT on rather 7236.066 kHz, still wandered downwards lowerside.

Some 1000 to 1300 Hertz interference whistle tone QRM, against even CRI Kashgar 7235 kHz channel bcast signal in Chinese. wb``

** GOA [non]. 9870, Dec 7 at 1425, nothing but CRI English, very poor, as AIR VBS from Bengaluru is temporarily off, per Jose Jacob, transmitters there needed to substitute for ailing GOA units on other frequencies. So if you hear a listed Panaji frequency and it sounds OK, it may well be Bengaluru instead (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5109.7-CUSB, Dec 7 until 0533*, very extended Johnny Lightning show on WBCQ Area 51. It seems that the final hour+ was an edited playback of an earlier sesquihour during which JL`s mike was off in a conversation with someone else, so JL`s voice was only picked up by the other guy`s mike 10 feet away, so the playback boosted that pickup. Must say, I have never heard a talkhost so self-absorbed as JL. And no, World of Radio never appeared tonight, normally scheduled for 0400. Since JL is fortnightly, we should be back on schedule next week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** YEMEN [non]. 11860, Dec 7 at 1356, good strong S9+10 signal with ME music, 1358 Arabic announcement mentions Sudan and Saudi Arabia, but can`t detect any ID for Radio Sana`a or Yemen; 1401 back to music which is mostly strident/militaristic past 1425; 1427 talk with bits of Qur`an, tweeting SFX; 1438 strident talk with a bit of echo; more music etc., until 1500 YL voice heard for first time, but still can`t catch an ID, mostly talk, interview past 1522. Surely it is this new clandestine by the ousted leader of Yemen, believed to broadcast from nearby Saudi Arabia. When it first came on after 18 UT, I could only hear a JBA carrier here, but schedule has been expanded, and now propagation is favorable. At 1434, some weak music CCI underneath, i.e. IBB Kuwait in Pashto & Dari at 1430-1630; that collision must be much worse in the target area (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1751 UT December 7