lunedì 7 dicembre 2015


DX RE MIX NEWS # 929 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Date: Dec.07, 2015.
Also visit: or
ALASKA   Reception of KNLS The New Life Station on December 5
0800-0900 on  9615 NLS 100 kW / 270 deg to SEAs English tx#2:

ARMENIA   Updated B-15 shortwave schedule of Voice of Armenia from Dec.1:
1530-1545 on  4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Assyrian
1545-1600 on  4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Greek
1600-1630 on  4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Kurdish
1630-1700 on  4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Yezidi
1700-1715 on  4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Turkish
1715-1745 on  4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Azeri
1745-1815 on  4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Farsi
1815-1845 on  4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic
Previous shortwave schedule of Voice of Armenia in the past few years:
1430-1500 on  4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Farsi
1500-1530 on  4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Yezidi
1530-1545 on  4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Assyrian
1545-1615 on  4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Kurdish
1615-1630 on  4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Greek
1900-1930 on  4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic

AUSTRALIA   Good reception of ABC Radio Australia on Nov.30:
from 1245 on 12065 SHP 100 kW / 355 deg to EaAs English tx#3

AUSTRIA   Excellent signal of Radio Oesterreich International
0600-0715 on  6155 MOS 300 kW / non-dir to WeEu German, Dec.3

BANGLADESH    Good signal of Bangladesh Betar, Nov.30:
1315-1345 on  9455 DKA 250 kW / 320 deg to SoAs Nepali

BANGLADESH    Reception of Bangladesh Betar on December 1:
1600-1630 on  7250 DKA 250 kW / 290 deg to N/ME Arabic
1630-1730 on  7250 DKA 250 kW / 290 deg to N/ME Bangla

BANGLADESH   Poor signal of Bangladesh Betar HS on December 3
1535-1545 on  4750 SVR 100 kW / non-dir to SoAs English

BRASIL   Weak signal of Radio Brasil Central on December 01:
0557&0635 on 11815.0 GOI 7.5 kW / 360 deg to BRA  Portuguese

BRASIL   Radio RB2 relay R.Aparecida on odd frequency, Dec.01
0602&0633 on  9722.6 CUR 010 kW / 020 deg to BRA  Portuguese:

BRASIL   Good signal of Super Radio Deus e Amor on December 3
from 0654 on 11764.7 CUR 010 kW / 020 deg to BRA  Portuguese:

BRASIL   Weak signal of Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Dec.4:
from 0605 on 11780 BRA 250 kW / 360 deg to BRA  Portuguese

CHINA(non)   Wrong frequency of China Radio International on December 1:
1600-1607 on 17630 BKO 100 kW / 085 deg to CEAf Arabic, instead of 15125
1607-1657 on 15125 BKO 100 kW / 085 deg to CEAf Arabic as scheduled B-15

CHINA   Reception of China Domestic Services, December 3:
from 0725 on  9500 SZG 100 kW / 165 deg to EaAs Chinese CNR-1
from 0729 on 11935 BEI 100 kW / 163 deg to EaAs Chinese CNR-5
from 0730 on 12055 LIN 100 kW / 298 deg to EaAs Kazakh CNR-17
from 0733 on 11760 SZG 100 kW / 165 deg to EaAs Chinese CNR-1
from 0905 on  9820 XIA 100 kW / 290 deg to EaAs Chinese CNR-2
from 0919 on 11610 BEI 150 kW / 270 deg to EaAs Chinese CNR-2
from 0925 on 11630 LIN 100 kW / 286 deg to EaAs Kazakh CNR-17

CHINA   CNR-1 Jammer vs SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng
till 0800 on 11530 unknown transmitter site:

COLOMBIA   Weak signal of Alcaravan Radio on December 1
0555&0637 on 5910.1 PLS 001 kW / non-dir to CLM Spanish

CUBA   Anomalies of Radio Habana Cuba on December 1
0532&0550 on  6075 BEJ 050 kW / 125 deg to SoAm English, instead of Spanish
0532&0550 on  6000 QVC 250 kW / 010 deg to ENAm English as scheduled in B15
0532&0550 on  6060 QVC 250 kW / 010 deg to ENAm English as scheduled in B15
0532&0550 on  6100 BAU 100 kW / 310 deg to WNAm English as scheduled in B15

CUBA   Good to fair signal of Radio Rebelde, December 1
0640&0700 on  5025 QVC 050 kW / non-dir to Cuba Spanish

CUBA   Surprisingly signal of Radio Habana Cuba on December 1
1600-1630 on 11760 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to NCAm Spanish Mo-Sa
1600-1630 on 11760 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to NCAm Esperanto Sun
1630-1900 on 11760 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to NCAm Spanish Daily

CUBA   Good signal of Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 on December 1
0754-0848 on 11635 secret / hidden tx ?Bejucal? Spanish Tue/Thu/Sat
0854-0948 on 11462 secret / hidden tx ?Bejucal? Spanish Tue/Thu/Sat

EGYPT   Strong signal of Radio Cairo, low modulation, distorted audio:
from 0658 on  9745 ABS 250 kW / 315 deg to ENAm Arabic General Service

FINLAND   Scandinavian Weekend Radio, edition#196 will be on air Dec.4/5.
Monthly broadcast every 1st Saturday 0000-2400 Finland time, 2200-2200UT:
2200-2300 on  6170 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
2200-2300 on 11720 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
2300-2400 on  6170 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
2300-2400 on 11690 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
0000-0600 on  6170 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
0000-0600 on 11690 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
0600-0800 on  5980 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
0600-0800 on 11690 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
0800-0900 on  5980 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
0800-0900 on 11720 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
0900-1400 on  6170 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
0900-1400 on 11720 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
1400-1500 on  6170 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
1400-1500 on 11690 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
1500-1700 on  5980 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
1500-1700 on 11690 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
1700-1800 on  5980 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
1700-1800 on 11720 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
1800-1900 on  5980 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
1800-1900 on 11720 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
1900-2200 on  6170 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish
1900-2200 on 11690 VIR 0.1 kW / non-dir to FIN  Finnish

FRANCE(non)   Excellent reception of Eritrean Forum Medrek on Dec.1:
1700-1800 on 11720 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Tue/Fri/Sun

FRANCE(non)   Good signal of Radio Assenna and Eritrean Forum Medrek on December 5
1700-1800 on 11720 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Mon/Thu/Sat Radio Assenna
1800-1900 on 11720 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Arabic Sat Eritrean Forum Medrek

GERMANY   Strong signal of Deutscher Wetterdienst on Dec.01
0604-0630 on  5905 PIN 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu German CUSB

GERMANY   Weak signal of Europa 24 on December 3
0715&0800 on  6150 DET 015 kW / non-dir to CeEu German

GERMANY   Channel 292 relay Radio Diamond on December 5
1900-2100 on  6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu German

GERMANY   Channel 292 relays on Sunday, December 6
0800-0900 on  6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu English SuperClan Radio
0900-1000 on  6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu German  Goldrausch 6070

GERMANY   Excellent signal of Radio DARC & Radio Joystick via MBR, Dec.6:
1000-1100 on  6070 MOS 100 kW / non-dir to CeEu German Sun Radio DARC
1100-1200 on  7330 MOS 100 kW / 283 deg to CeEu German 1st Sun R.Joystick

GERMANY(non)   Weak signal of Radio Belarus via R.700 on Dec.4
0700-0900 on  6005 KLL 001 kW / non-dir to CeEu German Mon-Sat

GERMANY(non)   Good signal of Bible Voice Broadcasting on Dec.5
0800-0830 on  7220 NAU 100 kW / 270 deg to WeEu English Sat/Sun

GERMANY(non)   Good signal of Radio Bulgaria via Radio 700 Kall
0830-0900 on  7310 KLL 001 kW / non-dir to CeEu German on Dec.5

GERMANY(non)   Poor signal of Radio MiAmigo via Kall on Dec.5:
0900-1300 on  9560*KLL 020 kW / non-dir to CeEu German Sat/Sun
* strong co-ch from PBS Xinjiang in Uyghur till 1200UT

GERMANY(non)   Good signal of Radio Slovakia Int. via Kall on Dec.5:
1300-1400 on  9560 KLL 020 kW / non-dir to CeEu English/French Daily

GERMANY(non)   Good signal of Mighty KBC Radio via MBR, Dec.6
0900-1600 on  6095*NAU 100 kW / 240 deg to WeEu English Sun
* very strong co-ch 1500-1600 China Radio Inter in English!

GREECE   Voice of Greece is again on shortwave after absence
from 1818 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek Nov.30
from 0200 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to NoAm Greek Dec.01
No signal from Voice of Greece on 9420 kHz at 0515UT Dec.01.

GREECE   Shortwave transmissions from Greece on Dec.2:
from 1300 on  9420*AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek#
# relay ERT 1 Proto Programa, insread of VOGreece
* strong co-ch China National Radio 13 in Uyghur.
No signal from Greece on 9420 kHz around 1545UTC.

GREECE   Voice of Greece is again on shortwave, December 3-4
2022&2100 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek, Dec.3
0600-0710 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek, Dec.4
No signal from Voice of Greece on 9420 kHz at 0720UTC, Dec.4

GREECE   Voice of Greece is again on shortwave, December 4-5
2001&2100 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek, Dec.4
0515&0745 on  9420 AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek, Dec.5
No signal from Voice of Greece on 9420 kHz at 0805UTC, Dec.5

GUAM   Strong signal of KTWR Agana, TWR Asia on Nov.30:
from 1254 on  9910 TWR 200 kW / 305 deg to EaAs Chinese

GUATEMALA   Weak signal of Radio Verdad on December 4:
from 0600 on  4055 CQL 001 kW / non-dir to GTM  English

INDIA   Strong signal of All India Radio on November 30
1230-1500 on  9620 ALG 250 kW / 282 deg to WeAs Sindhi:

INDIA   Good signal of AIR Jaipur Home Service on December 5
1630-1730 on  4910 JAI 050 kW / non-dir to SoAs Hidi/English

INDIA vs CUBA   Strong co-ch between AIR En to Eu vs RHC En to Am, Dec.5
1945-2045 on 11670 BGL 500 kW / 325 deg to WeEu Hindi All India Radio
2000-2100 on 11670 BAU 100 kW / 340 deg to WNAm English Radio Habana Cuba

INDONESIA   No signal from Voice of Indonesia, Dec.1-3:
1000-1100 on  9526#JAK 250 kW / 135 deg to AUS  English
1100-1200 on  9526#JAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs Chinese
1200-1300 on  9526#JAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs Japanese
1300-1400 on  9526#JAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs English
1400-1500 on  9526#JAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs Indonesian
1500-1600 on  9526*JAK 250 kW / 010 deg to EaAs Chinese
1600-1700 on  9526^JAK 250 kW / 290 deg to N/ME Arabic
1700-1800 on  9526 JAK 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu Spanish
1800-1900 on  9526 JAK 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu German
1900-2000 on  9526 JAK 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu English
2000-2100 on  9526 JAK 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu French
# QRM Voice of America in Mandarin on 9530
* co-ch China Radio Int in English on 9525
^ QRM TRT Voice of Turkey in Farsi on 9530

IRAN   Very odd frequency of Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran IRIB on Dec.5:
from 2011 on  6061.6 ZAH 500 kW / 289 deg to NEAf Arabic, instead nom.6060.0.
Full B-15 schedule of VIRI IRIB via this transmitter in Zahedan is as follows:
0223-0520 on  9895 ZAH 500 kW / 289 deg to NEAf Arabic Al-Quds TV, not checked
0523-1420 on 15750 ZAH 500 kW / 289 deg to NEAf Arabic, observed nominal freq.
1423-1650 on  7360 ZAH 500 kW / 289 deg to WeAs Azeri,  observed nominal freq.
1653-0220 on  6060 ZAH 500 kW / 289 deg to NEAf Arabic, some days on 6061.6v:

IRAN(non)   Good reception of Radio Ranginkaman/Rainbow via BaBcoCk on November 30:
1700-1730 on  7460 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri + BVB Farsi on 11600 SCB
1700-1730 on  7550 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri, 35 sec earlier of 7550:

IRAN(non)   Good reception of R.Ranginkaman/Rainbow on Dec.4:
1700-1730 on  7460 SOF 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri
1700-1730 on  7550 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri

ITALY   The next test broadcasts of Marconi Radio International:
1300-1430 on 11389.7 ???.03 kW / non-dir to WeEu It/En/Sp, Dec.5
0900-1300 on 11389.7 ???.03 kW / non-dir to WeEu It/En/Sp, Dec.6
Good signal of Marconi Radio International, December 6
1138&1145 on 11389.7 ???.03 kW / non-dir to WeEu Music

JAPAN   Good reception of Radio Japan NHK World, Dec.3
0915-0945 on  9700 YAM 300 kW / 290 deg to EaAs Korean

KURDISTAN(non)   Final B-15 schedule of Denge Kurdistan
0400-0800 on  9400 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish
0800-1200 on  9400#ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to WeAs Kurdish
1200-1500 on  9400#KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish
1500-1700 on  9400*SOF 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish
1700-2000 on  9400 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish
2000-2200 on  9400 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish
# co-ch FEBC Radio in Chinese 0900-1400
* plus strong second harmonic on 18800.

KYRGYSTAN   Good reception of Kyrgyz Radio 1, December 4
1538&1658 on  4009.9 BI  100 kW / non-dir to CeAs Kyrgyz

NIGERIA   Very weak signal of Voice of Nigeria, Dec.01:
1800-1930 on  7254.9 AJA 250 kW / 248 deg to WCAf English
1930-2000 on  7254.9 AJA 250 kW / 248 deg to WCAf Hausa

PALAU/USA   World Harvest Radio International via T8WH Angel 3 & WHRI Angel 1, Dec.4
T8WH Angel 3, poor signal
0800-0900 on  9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg to EaAs English Sun-Fri
0800-0900 on  9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg to EaAs Japanese Sat
0900-1000 on  9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg to EaAs English Daily
WHRI Angel 1, good signal
0900-1000 on 11565 HRI 250 kW / 245 deg to AUS  English Sun-Fri

PALAU   Strong signal of T8WH Angel 3 with Radio Que Me, Dec.4
1200-1230 on  9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg to EaAs Vietnamese Fri

PIRATE BROADCASTER QBC International on Dec.6
1437-1507 on 6985,3 unknown transmitter site:

PHILIPPINES   Strong reception of FEBC Manila, November 30
from 1235 on 12095 BOC 100 kW / 305 deg to SEAs Achang
from 1239 on 12120 BOC 100 kW / 293 deg to SEAs Naga
from 1256 on  9920 IBA 100 kW / 270 deg to SEAs Bahnar

RUSSIA   Good signal of Comintern Radio on December 2
1430&1458 on  6990 VOR 001 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian

SAUDI ARABIA   Unscheduled transmission of Radio Riyadh Holy Quran, Dec.4:
0850-0900 on 11935 RIY 500 kW / 310 deg to N/ME Arabic scheduled 0900-1200
till 0900 on 15380 RIY 500 kW / 310 deg to N/ME Arabic scheduled 0600-0900

SAUDI ARABIA   Reception of BSKSA Radio Saudi International on December 4
from 1145 on 15120 RIY 500 kW / 070 deg to SoAs Bengali, very weak signal
from 1145 on 21670 RIY 500 kW / 100 deg to SEAs Indonesian, strong signal

SECRETLAND(non)   Frequency change of End Times Coming effective from Nov.30
1801-1831 NF  7300 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English, ex 12075, re-11600:

SECRETLAND(non)   End Times Coming day by day - frequency change, December 4
1801-1831 NF 11600 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English, ex 7300,12075,11600

SECRETLAND(non)   BVBroadcasting and Dimtse Radio Erena via Secretbrod, Nov.30
Bible Voice Broadcasting
1700-1800 on 11600 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Persian
1700-1715 on 11700 SCB 100 kW / 126 deg to N/ME Arabic Dardasha 7
Dimtse Radio Erena
1700-1730 on 11855 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Afar Oromo
1730-1800 on 11855 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Arabic Mon-Fri
1730-1800 on 11855 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Afar Oromo Sat/Sun

SECRETLAND(non)   IRRS relay Feuture Story News, Radio Fabrik & WNYC on Dec.4:
1900-2000 on  7290 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu Eng/Ger Fri, instead of R.City

SECRETLAND(non)   IRRS Shortwave relay Radio City via Secretbrod
0903-1002 on  9510 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu German Sat Dec.5

SECRETLAND(non)   IRRS Shortwave relay R.Warra Wangeelaa via Secretbrod
1500-1530 on 15515 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Oromo Sat on December 5

SECRETLAND(non)   IRRS Shortwave relay various rlg programs
1027-1257 on  9510 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Sun
* from 1223UT very strong co-ch from VIRI /IRIB/ in Pashto.

SECRETLAND(non)   IRRS Shortwave relay Radio Santec on December 6:
1500-1530 on 15190 SCB 050 kW / 090 deg to SoAs English/German Sun

SPAIN   Test of Radio Exterior de España with dead air on December 3:
from 0930 on  9690 NOB 200 kW / 290 deg to ENAm Spanish, open carrier
from 0930 on 11530 NOB 200 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish, open carrier
from 0930 on 17755 NOB 200 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish, open carrier

SPAIN   Radio Exterior de España relay Radio Nacional with sport coverage, Dec.5:
1500-1900 on  9690 NOB 200 kW / 290 deg to NoAm Spanish Sa/Su is off, CRI is here
1500-1900 on 15390 NOB 200 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish Sa/Su
1500-1900 on 15500 NOB 200 kW / 110 deg to N/ME Spanish Sa/Su
1500-1900 on 17755 NOB 200 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Sa/Su open carrier/dead air
1900-2300 on  9690 NOB 200 kW / 290 deg to NoAm Spanish Daily on air at 1906UTC
1900-2300 on 11530 NOB 200 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Daily no propagation
1900-2300 on 15390 NOB 200 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish Daily no propagation
1900-2300 on 15500 NOB 200 kW / 110 deg to N/ME Spanish Daily no propagation

TAIWAN(non)   Weak signal of Suab Xaa Moo Zoo, Voice of Hope
1130-1200 on 11570 TSH 100 kW / 250 deg to SEAs Hmong, Dec.4

TAJIKISTAN(non)   Good signal of clandestine Radio Free North Korea
1200-1300 on  9470 DB  100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, December 5:

TAJIKISTAN(non)   Good signal of clandestine Voice of Wilderness
1330-1530 on  7615 DB  100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, Dec.5:

TAJIKISTAN(non)   Good signal of clandestine National Unity Broadcasting Station
1300-1500 on  7515 DB  100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, former Radio Free Chosun

TAJIKISTAN(non)   Good signal of clandestine North Korea Reform Radio
1430-1530 on  7590 DB  100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean on December 5:

TANZANIA   Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) on December 1
from 1800 on 11735 DOL 050 kW / non-dir to CeAf Swahili, not English

THAILAND   Weak signal of HSK9 Radio Thailand WS, Nov.30
1400-1430 on  9390 UDO 250 kW / 132 deg to SEAs English:

TURKEY   TRT Voice of Turkey in Turkish on wrong frequency on December 3:
0600-0700 on  9820 EMR 250 kW / 138 deg to N/ME B-15 till 0600, instead of
from 0700 on 15480 EMR 500 kW / 120 deg to WeAs, Radio Dandal Kura is here

U.K.(non)   Good reception of FEBA Radio over CNR-2, Nov.30
1330-1345 on  9775 TRM 125 kW / 345 deg to SoAs English Mon

U.K(non)   Surprisingly strong signal of Radio Dandal Kura Inter.:
0630&0656 on  7415 ASC 250 kW / 055 deg to WeAf Kanuri, December 1

U.K(non)   Surprisingly signal of Radio Dandal Kura International on Dec.1
1805&1900 on 12050 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Kanuri, very strong today:

U.K(non)   Radio Akhbar Mufriha via BaBcoCk on December 1
2100-2115 on  7300 WOF 250 kW / 170 deg to NoAf Tachelhit
2115-2145 on  7300 WOF 250 kW / 170 deg to NoAf Arabic & dialects
2145-2215 on  9530 ASC 250 kw / 027 deg to WeAf Hassinya Thu-Tue

U.K.   Volmet "Military One", December 4
from 1535 on 5450 USB St Eval in English

U.K.(non) and USA   Strong co-ch between Dandal Kura International and WEWN-3
1800-2100 on 12050 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Kanuri Radio Dandal Kura Int.
1800-2400 on 12050 EWN 250 kW / 220 deg to MEX  Spanish WEWN-3 Radio Catolica

UNIDentified secret station with Arabic music
0900-0910 on 9550 unknown tx site, December 6

USA   Very poor signal of WRNO New Orleans on December 1:
0200-0500 on  7504.8 RNO 050 kW / 020 deg to ENAm English

USA  Frequency change of WRMI Okeechobee tx#13 from December 1
0000-0030 NF  7730 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to WNAm English, ex 7455 Mon AWR Wavescan
0030-0100 NF  7730 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to WNAm English, ex 7455 Mon InChristWeLive
0100-0700 NF  7730 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to WNAm English, ex 7455 Dly TruNews+other
0700-0730 NF  7730 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to WNAm English, ex 7455 Mon InChristWeLive
0730-0800 NF  7730 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to WNAm English, ex 7455 Mon AWR Wavescan
Other additional transmissions of WRMI Okeechobee tx#12 from December 1
0700-0900 on  5850 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Sun Worship in Your Home
0900-0930 on  5850 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Sun World of Radio
0930-1000 on  5850 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Sun Viva Miami/FG Radio

USA   Very weak signal of WJHR Milton on December 2:
1400-2200 on 15555 JHR 050 kW / 005 deg to NWAm English USB

USA   Weak reception of We Transmit World Wide WTWW-1, December 3
from 0707 on  5830 TWW 100 kW / 050 deg to ENAm English Scriptures For America

USA   Weak signal of EWTN Global Catholic Radio/Radio Catolica Mundial, Dec.3:
WEWN-3, Vandiver
from 0710 on  7515 EWN 250 kW / 220 deg to MEX  Spanish Radio Catolica Mundial
WEWN-2, Vandiver
from 0710 on 11870 EWN 250 kW / 155 deg to SoAm Spanish Radio Catolica Mundial
WEWN-1, Vandiver
from 0711 on 11520 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf English Global Catholic Radio

USA   Weak signal of TruNews via WRMI Okeechobee tx#13:
from 0608 on  7730 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to WNAm English

USA   WRMI Okeechobee relay Brother HySTAIRical /TOM/, Dec.4:
from 1220 on 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English tx#09
from 1220 on 11825 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English tx#08
from 1220 on 21675 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English tx#07
from 1300 on 11825 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English tx#08, co-ch FEBC Tibetan
from 1300 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English tx#03
from 1300 on 21675 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English tx#07

USA   Good signal of WINB Red Lion on December 4/5:
from 2041 on  9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm Interval Signal
from 2043 on  9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm National Anthem
2045&2050 on  9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm Eng"Guidelines"
from 2015 on  9265 INB 050 kW / 242 deg to CeAm English, Dec.5

USA   Good signal of Brother HySTAIRical via WHRI Angel 1, Dec.5
1300-1400 on 21610 HRI 250 kW / 085 deg to CeAf English Sat/Sun
1400-1500 on 21600 HRI 250 kW / 085 deg to CeAf English Sat

USA   Poor signal of Brother HySTAIRical via WHRI Angel 2, Dec.5
1600-1800 on  9840 HRI 250 kW / 025 deg to ENAm English Daily BS TOM
1800-2000 on  9840 HRI 250 kW / 025 deg to ENAm WHRI Music and other
1700-2000 on  9840 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu Russian R.Liberty, no signal today!

USA(non)   Reception of R.Mashaal/R.Free Afghanistan/R.Free Asia/Deewa Radio, Nov.30
from 1241 on 12130 KWT 250 kW / 078 deg to WeAs Pashto  Radio Mashaal
from 1243 on 12140 KWT 250 kW / 070 deg to WeAs Dari Radio Free Afghanistan
from 1237 on 12105 SAI 250 kW / 310 deg to SEAs Burmese Radio Free Asia
from 1247 on 12055 TIN 250 kW / 295 deg to CeAs Tibetan Radio Free Asia
from 1259 on 12005 LAM 100 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Persian Radio Farda
from 1305 on  9355 UDO 250 kW / 305 deg to WeAs Pashto  VOA Deewa Radio

USA(non)   Good signal of Voice of America without CNR-1 jamming, Dec.3:
from 0907 on  9530 PHT 250 kW / 349 deg to EaAs Mandarin Chinese/English

USA(non)   Strong CNR-1 Jammer vs. Radio Free Asia, December 4
from 1154 on  9940 DB  200 kW / 125 deg to CeAs Tibetan
from 1204 on 11540 KWT 250 kW / 070 deg to CeAs Tibetan

USA(non)   Strong CNR-1 Jammer vs. Voice of America, December 4
from 1225 on  9530 PHT 250 kW / 349 deg to EaAs Chinese
from 1225 on 11655 UDO 250 kW / 030 deg to EaAs Chinese
from 1303 on  9825 SAI 100 kW / 310 deg to EaAs Chinese

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Weak signal of Stream of Praise Music Ministries, Dec.1
2100-2130 on  7530 TAC 100 kW / 090 deg to EaAs Cantonese/Chinese

YEMEN(non)   Weak signal from clandestine station Radio Sana'a on December 3:
0705&0805 on 11860 JED 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic, QRM CRI Chinese 11855

YEMEN(non)   Extended transmissions of Radio Sana'a on December 6
0400-0900 on 11860 JED 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic, as scheduled
0900-1800 on 11860*JED 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic, addit. txion
1800-2300 on 11860 JED 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic, as scheduled
* co-ch R.Ashna 1430-1500 Pashto,1500-1630 Dari,AWR 1730-1800 Kabyle
Thanks for this quick information of Tarek Zeidan from Egypt. Videos


Ivo Ivanov

QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria
Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire