sabato 15 agosto 2015

Glenn Hauser logs August 14-15, 2015

** BRAZIL. 11610, 11712, 11746, 11814, Aug 15 at 0129, cracking spurs from 11780 RNA/RNB at approx. 34 kHz intervals (but in quick tuneacross, none heard interimly around 11644, 11678, nor above 11814 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. Morning of Aug 14 at 1427, the big US-flag-raising ceremony is underway at the embassy in Habana. SOS Kerry is speaking on RHC 15730, 15370, 15230, 13740, 11950, 11860 at least, and also on R. Martí, 13605 well atop the jamming and 11930 buried by it --- plus ça change ---. Both stations are intent on converting what he is saying into Spanish rather than the original English (but he does break into schoolboy-Spanish for a portion). 

RHC coverage is running 10 seconds ahead of MSNBC, and guess what, CNN is NOT covering it live, instead an appearance by Jeb. It is also live on one of the C-SPANs, but without the offset measured. Nice to hear the Star Spangled Banner on RHC at 1437; the band followed with Stars & Stripes Forever, and God Bless América (but I was hearing those clearly only on cable TV). Earlier the Cuban NA played in a much shorter version than we are accustomed to on RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5955, Aug 15 at 0121, pulse jamming against nothing as the stupid DentroCuban Jamming Command is still paranoid/forgetful about the one-time low-power Costa Rican frequency (more like 5954) of Radio República, gone for several years, but which is now blasting in from France on 9490, requiring wall-of-noise jamming there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6955-USB, Aug 15 at 0119, rock music and DJ talking over, S9+5 but plenty of storm noise. Numerous logs here say it was XLR8
and all of them are from further east where locations are specified, except maybe Lex somewhere in Texas.

When running the NRD-545 as I normally do at least in the evenings, I am now habitually using the ALA-330S Wellbrook magnetic loop antenna next to it, which seems to perform slightly better than the N-S wire I occasionally switch to for comparison (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1640, Aug 14 at 0525 UT, 0552 UT and still 0605 UT, KZLS Enid/Hennessey/OKC is in open carrier/dead air. Lost network feed and nobody knows, nobody cares at the station. 

This easifies hearing sports talk without even nulling KZLS but with a moderately fast SAH, no doubt from WTNI Biloxi MS, which last year`s NRC AM Log affiliated with both ESPN and CBS Sports; and from that signal, we continue to suspect 10 kW day power instead of 1 kW night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 97.5, August 14 at 0528 UT, KMOD Tulsa is on top, but the understation is also playing music, not Art Bell, i.e. KPAK Alva, which was on Bell`s inaugural affiliate list --- and still is as of UT Aug 15, listed twice under OK and KS, but we`ve yet to hear a bit of Art on 97.5: No `Midnight [sic] in the Desert` here except on SW: see also U S A: WBCQ and WTWW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 106.5, August 14 at 0548 UT, I find a station with music title and performer on the scrolling RDS display, certainly one of its capabilities, but rarely employed by stations around here:  ``NO DUDES DE MI LOS INQUIETOS DEL NORTE``. Of course for DX purposes we`d rather have continuous IDs! But I get one audibly right away by a super-hype voice actor, ``Radio Lobo, Arkansas City - Wichita``.

It`s weird that the two main Spanish FM stations around here are on adjacent frequencies, i.e. 106.7, KTUZ, La Zeta, from Okarche OK (home of a proto-saint) with 13 kW at 292 m, 75 km or 47 miles city-to-city; in Enid it`s quite weaker than 106.5, KYQQ, Arkansas City, 100 kW at 390 m, 105 km or 66 miles C-to-C --- but it`s really about 25 miles further to acercate it to Wíchita, or close to twice as far as KTUZ.

107.7, Aug 14 at 0550, checking the RDS of KRXO OKC: this one is not scrolling, but rather ragged: 
_107.7__ / THE_____ / FRANCHIS / E_______ 
(Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7416-USB, UT Sat Aug 15 at 0125, some US paramilitary net, with carefully foneticized traffic, some numbers, then AUG 15. From: NHQ/DOKO; TO: Shiprock; Subject: W.T. [something]; break;
Text: each group twice: 523BD, DW7CB . . .

This jargon leads right to Civil Air Patrol, e.g. in this document about an exercise last May:
but I don`t see what DOKO stands for; NHQ is pretty obvious.

I don`t seem to have any recent logs on this frequency, but in October of 2011, CAP on 7416 was cited as the reason WBCQ had to get off its long established 7415 (pirate heritage) and go to 7490, as in my log report of that era:

``U S A [and non]. Glenn, WBCQ has notified me that the FCC has given them until Monday, October 24, 2011, to vacate their 7.415 MHz frequency. The new frequency will be 7.490 MHz. I expect Al will address this in further detail on his show this evening at 0000 UT on 7.415. Regards, (Larry Will, Area 51, 2036 UT Oct 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Yes, he did. Summary from first third of `Allan Weiner Worldwide`: FCC says it is because the Civil Air Patrol has a new HF fixed communications system on 7416. 7415 was WBCQ`s #1 frequency since it went on the air Sept 8, 1998. A good run, but have always known that operating on an out-of-band frequency is subject to getting bumped to another frequency if the US government requires (gh)``
(Glenn Hauser, OK, August 15, 2015, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1786 monitoring: confirmed Friday August 14 at 2130 on WRMI 15770, and now better from 2130.6 on WRMI 7570; also sufficient Friday at 2330 on WRMI 5850. Next:
0630 UT Saturday HLR 7265-CUSB [please check: not heard Wed at 1430]
1430 UT Saturday HLR 7265-CUSB [please check: not heard Wed at 1430]
1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0315vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM
2300 UT Sunday WRMI 11580
0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5110v Area 51
0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955
1100 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955
0630 UT Wednesday HLR 7265-CUSB
1315 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955
1430 UT Wednesday HLR 7265-CUSB
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v

** U S A. 7515.00, August 14 at 0518, surprise new frequency of WEWN Spanish, ex-7555, which had that military hash from France on the hi side – forever (well, at least for years, ever since WEWN started using it, I think). They finally caught on that a change was necessary. FCC and HFCC still show old listing: ``7555 0500 1300 10,11 EWN 250 220 30 206 1234567 290315 251015 D 8925 Spa USA EWN FCC 1146``

BTW, FCC still hasn`t issued an updated version 2 of their A15 schedule, just version 1 from the outset:

But that`s better than WEWN`s own website, with schedule expiring 29 March 2015!

This complete schedule for three transmitters in two languages, however, is for A-15, and guess what, it too still shows 7555:

So was 7515 just a test, or even a mistake? I haven`t yet caught an on-air announcement, but there`s a good chance that is outdated too.

7515 looks like a good clear choice, at least as far as avoiding other broadcasters in this fixed utility band: HFCC has nothing during those hours on 7515 or 7510, and on 7520, only Delhi at 0645-1100 toward ENE (if it`s not wooden). Aoki lists that for Nepal and is already on the ball with new 7515 for WEWN, effective Aug 13, at 0500-1300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9330 and 5110, Aug 15 at 0124, no v-CUSB signals from WBCQ, but still on 7490v-AM with BS. I`m not surprised, since Larry Will had notified me at 1947 UT Aug 14: 

``** U S A. Schedule changes for WBCQ The Planet, effective 13 August 2015: Good Friends Radio Network, was daily 0100 to 0400 on 9330, is discontinued; simulcast of Art Bell's Midnight In the Desert, was Monday-Saturday 0400 to 0700 on 9330, is discontinued; Overcomer Ministry, was Tuesday-Saturday 0000 to 0400 on 5110, is discontinued.

Art Bell's Midnight In the Desert will continue on 7490. The only remaining programming on 9330 is The Full Gospel Hour, Tuesday-Saturday 0000 to 0100 on 9330 (via Larry Will, DXLD)``

`Midnight [sic] in the Desert` presumably continues on CFRX 6070 and with some hum, on WTWW 5085, where it`s probably a financial liability rather than asset. See also OKLAHOMA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7505.3, Aug 15 at 0125, my monthly(?) notation that WRNO is still gone, since March or April (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1700, Aug 15 at 0133 UT, Mexican music is dominant, so KKLF must be on the air again. Our last report about it this year was:

``1700, KKLF Richardson TX, had been off the air for a couple of months but came back on circa June 4-5 with Tejano format, overdriven audio as before, gone again since June 6 (Mark Sills, Denton County, June 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0435 UT August 15