giovedì 16 luglio 2015

Glenn Hauser logs July 14-15, 2015

** ALASKA [and non]. 9920, July 15 at 1300, KNLS IS on poor signal, but atop another one making fast SAH. That would be FEBC, 100 kW due west from Iba, PHILIPPINES site at 1300-1330 daily in Koho, a minority language in Vietnam spoken by 200 kilopersons per EiBi. At 1301, KNLS Chinese announcement, more IS until opening at 1302. Furthermore by 1322 it`s weakening, but I can now hear Viet-Com whoop-whoop jamming as they don`t take kindly to farang Christians trying to convert their minorities from animism or whatever. 

Why in the world would KNLS go on same frequency as a fellow Christian broadcaster, which is jammed to boot? Both are in HFCC with a collision at 1300-1330. Or maybe they think it`s all OK, since CIRAF targets are different: 49 only = SE Asia for FEBC; 33SE and 44 = eastern third of China for KNLS. And as everyone knows, SW signals cannot penetrate CIRAF boundaries! I find that, e.g., 9925 and 9930 are now open, among many others in the area (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1782, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11815, July 15 at 0536, R. Brasil Central with music, poor signal, but just a trace of crackling spur from RNA/RNB 11780; likewise only a trace on open 11745; seems they have finally managed to attenuate, if not totally eliminate them, as the fundamental remains quite strong. Also seems whenever I hear RBC, it`s playing music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6165, July 15 at 0546, at first I think RHC is off this frequency tonight, but already weakened, the carrier is still there, and now much undermodulated to boot, just a trace. How about the other overkill of The Cuban Five? 6100 is very good, somewhat distorted; 6060 is suptorted; 6000 undermodulated but not distorted; 5040 slightly suptorted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420, July 15 at 0538, ERA is poor and not in Greek, but I can`t figure out what other language; 0541 music, 0543 another language. Ivo Ivanov reports they spend this hour in multilingual newscasts not including English; presumably the same on // 11645 which serves only to make a rumbling het against Dabanga via Vatican (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM [non]. THE TINY TRAP --- Pluto mission is a golden opportunity for duh – unthinking journalists to call it ``tiny`` --- dwarf planet is OK, but how can anything more than a thousand miles across ever be called tiny? Latest goofs noted:

Pluto referred to twice as ``tiny`` in an AP Story via the Enid Eagle 
July 7.

On the National Geographic Channel special, before the flyby, UT July 15 at 0327 and 0340, Pluto is ``tiny``, twice.

On the CBS Evening News, July 15 at 2241 UT, Scott Pelley found it ``tiny``.

The PBS Nova special, UT July 16 at 01-02, did NOT call it ``tiny`` that I ever caught! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Sporadic-E NTSC TVDX monitoring, UT July 14:
2201 on 2, fade-in and back out, shark(?) movie in Spanish
2245 on 2, CCI from two stations on same offset, big bar 
2325 on 2, old movie in Spanish, looks like monochrome era

July 15: signs of CCI on channel 2 most of the morning;
1702 on 2, fades in a bit, traces of audio too, Spanish
1713 on 2, Spanish ad for ropa

[and non]
1706 on 2, some Morse code tones in the mix! Maybe image from local repeater? Sounds like an automatic ID but too fast. Or bleed from 6 meters? Again at 1713.5 and 1720.5; after lunch also heard at 1756.0 and 1803.0 --- on a timer of about 7 minutes apart; most be local rather than by sporadic E (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA [non]. 13775, July 15 at *0600, carrier on from Nigerian Armed Forces Radio via FRANCE, propagating again, but I doze off before hearing any modulation which may have started late again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA [non]. 6075, July 15 at 1233, NBC relay with ad for auto import assistance, fair signal, and then sports results. I continue to think this is Shepparton, AUSTRALIA, not Brandon. In the British DX Club, Alan Pennington quotes Dan Ferguson that 12025 (at least) is indeed Shepparton, as we have maintained all along, contrary to ``official`` info from PNG and Australia, but Dan hasn`t told us, nor what his source is (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 11645, July 15 at 0535, R. Dabanga stingers, singing IDs, rumbling lo-het QRM, presumably Greece`s out of whack transmitter vs VATICAN site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 15630, July 14 at 1839 UT, desperate for a semi-interesting signal to accompany my nap, with the SW bands bearing little beyond gospel-huxtering US stations at midday, I find VOA here, fair signal with jingle, 1844 mentions, and a bit of HOA music; 1900 news includes some clips in English, quick sign-off from Washington at 1930* without any YDD. It`s via Woofferton UK, 300 kW at 126 degrees, so directly off the back would be 306, close to USward. It switches to Tigrigna at 1900 weekdays, without my noticing. Little else is making it from Europe: Spain 15490 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1781 monitoring: confirmed on WRMI 9955, Wednesday July 15 after 1315; good reception. Also confirmed on webcast of WBCQ 7490, Wednesday July 15 at 2100.

WORLD OF RADIO 1782 monitoring: first SW airing will be 1130 Thursday:
1130 UT Thursday WRMI 9955
2100 UT Thursday WRMI 7570
2130 UT Friday WRMI 15770
2130 UT Friday WRMI 7570
0630 UT Saturday HLR 7265-CUSB
1430 UT Saturday HLR 7265-CUSB
1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0315vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM
2100 UT Sunday WRMI 15770
2300 UT Sunday WRMI 11580
0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5110v Area 51
0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955
1100 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955
0630 UT Wednesday HLR 7265-CUSB
1315 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955
1430 UT Wednesday HLR 7265-CUSB
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite:

Access to audio, podcasts of this and previous programs:

** U S A. 840, July 14 at 1814 UT, Rush is barely audible; at first I thought it was another talker, but compared to KTOK 1000, the 840 station utters the same words a good many seconds behind. According to Rush` station list, it`s either KXNT in Las Vegas NV or WHAS in Louisville KY, both of which carry him live. Tho both 50 kW, KXNT is out of the question at much greater distance and extremely unfavorable N/S direxinal pattern. 

So once again I have WHAS at high noon, presumably residual skywave (maybe sporadic-E enhanced, a little-explored phenomenon on MW vis-à-vis VHF and even HF) and/or diminished D-layer absorption for some reason. Groundwave over the Ozarx at that distance, 1092 km = 678 miles, is less likely than skywave at midday, I think. The path from Louisville is mostly conductivity 8 and 4 millimhos/meter, while that from Chicago at about the same distance, and which can make it on groundwave 670 and 720 kHz, rates 15 and 8, enough to make a difference. 

This signal also fades down, and has a 6 Hz SAH on it. That`s likely from KTIC in West Point NE, which is a marginal groundwave signal over good conductivity of 15 and 30. Neither that C&W nor the fourth possibility, religious KWDF in Ball LA, would be on the `EIB` network (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)  

** U S A. 870, July 14 at 1812 UT, on caradio from quiet parking lot in central Enid, JBA signal here with intonation sounding like Spanish, quite different from the Vietnamese I was expecting, which is what I normally hear around SR/SS or sometimes at night vs WWL, i.e. KFJZ Fort Worth TX. However, Radio-Locator shows KFJZ now as Spanish Christian (only); is it still Vietnamese at all? No website. It also has a bump in daytime coverage toward the north. Having proven a few weeks ago that WWL New Orleans can be heard here over 600 miles away in the daytime, I`m also seeking it again, and that may well be the SAH of about 6 Hz against KFJZ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1150, July 14 at 1808 UT on caradio at a quiet parking lot in central Enid, I`m getting three signals at midday; KSAL Salina KS mainly, with Rush, but also a slow SAH of about 0.6 Hz and a faster SAH. The second signal is no doubt 1 kW, KNED McAlester OK, which is barely present at this distance, 251 km = 156 miles, but what could the third be? Looking at the NRC Pattern Book on 1150, the next-closest is:

KOLJ Quanah TX, 530 watts C&W, near SW corner of OK, 288 km / 179 mi
and after that:
KRMS Osage Beach MO, 840 watts, News/talk, 505 km / 314 mi
Of course on the vertical caradio antenna, no DFing is possible. All these are non-direxional daytime. Altho slightly more powerful, the greater distance and lesser ground conductivity over the Ozarx makes KOLJ far more likely, over 30/15 g.c. BTW, 5 kW KSAL has a much better signal here at night with a lobe toward us than non-direxional daytime; but more QRM (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0213 UT July 16