venerdì 17 aprile 2015

Glenn Hauser logs April 17, 2015

** ANGUILLA. 11775, April 17 at 1404, no signal from CBB, missing a lot lately: Harold Frodge in MI notes both 6090 and 11775 missing at numerous chex April 13-16, but PMS still on WWCR 5935 or 13845 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ARGENTINA [and non]. 11711-, UT Fri April 17 at 0042, RAE with much better signal than usual, tnx to boost by K-index of 6: music, then Brazilian announcement. Fortunately, no spur from BRAZIL 11780 while the first-order ones on 11745 & 11815 are audible but weak. Compare to UT Sat but UT Sun & Mon, RAE will be off for the weekend (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. 9580 & 12085, April 17 at 1330, RA is still carrying `Keys to Music` during this hour on Friday, this week featuring Bach Cantatas and the stories behind them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 1610, April 17 at 0507 UT, CHHA Toronto music with boosted bass beat, as I often notice, even when the signal is quite weak, thump, thump, thump. Do those locally or in the east who get it loudly and routinely, notice this? It`s a lot easier for AM stations to transmit low than high audio frequencies, but this one stands out. Perhaps it helps that there is usually no CCI with SAHs and LAHs to confuse things (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. CNR1 jammers morning of April 17:
13980, April 17 at 1243, CNR1 jammer, fair with flutter
12950, April 17 at 1245, CNR1 jammer, fair with flutter; none in 14s
16100, April 17 at 1408, CNR1 jammer, very poor, flutter; no 15 OOBs 

17760, April 17 at 1408, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter
EiBi has these matched up:
17760 1400-1500 2467 CHN CNR1 Jammer      M  FE 
17760 1400-1500 2467 USA Voice of America TB FE /THA-u
Days 2467 in his system = Tue/Thu/Sat/Sun, but this is Fri!

Aoki version, where days = Sun/Tue/Thu/Sat, but this is Fri!
17760*VOICE OF AMERICA 1400-1500 Tibetan 250 321 Udon Thani THA 1725N 10245E VOA/IBB a15

I can`t tell if VOA is really there under the jamming, but the ChiCom sure think it is; or are they suitably confused by the day-of-week jumparound? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1360+ & 1420-, April 17 at 1227 UT, and just about anytime, local 1390 KCRC Enid is still putting out matching spurs plus and minus almost 30 kHz, lowly hetting whatever stations may be audible on those frequencies more exactly. Pitch of the two hets almost matches, but never quite due to loose frequency tolerances at KCRC et al. They loop toward the KCRC site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non non]. 15320, April 17 at 1246, Brother Scare is spelling out M I N I S T R Y and O V E R C O M E R, as if we`d never heard him before and/or were totally stupid --- but then that`s his prime demographic. Fair signal on newish frequency via WHRI, ex-11700 where I first heard this transmission. Aoki shows 15320 at 12-13 is daily except Sunday, while previous hour 11-12 is 7-daily (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7555, April 17 at 1237, WEWN Spanish is still on night frequency with morning mass, long pregnant pauses presumably filled with something on video, // 12050, and // original English version on 11520. So day frequencies 11550 Spanish and 15610 English do not start now until 1300 UT. Website sked is still outdated, expiring March 29, 
claiming day starts at 8 am ``Eastern`` (not applicable to Alabama, but so what?), which would now be 12 UT. So why would they stay on night frequencies one real hour *later* in the summer when the sun is rising earlier and earlier? Not the only US SW station to schedule contrary to common sense (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17790, April 17 at 1408, no signal from WRMI/R. Africa Network, while 17775 KVOH is inbooming; WRMI audible poorly on 15770, goodly on 11825. These and 9395 are the only four WRMI frequencies now scheduled between 14 and 21 (17790 to 15190 at 2000 if operational) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1320, April 17 at 1228 UT, mentions 91.5 FM, St. Louis weather, iHeart Radio, 1320 AM. Not clear if // the FM, or cross promotion. These are Bott stations. NRC AM Log lists KSIV AM & FM Clayton MO as //. However, the FM would have to be non-commercial, so is the AM too? KSIV is 4.6/0.27 kW U2; well after sunrise now. 

1320 was my local while at Washington University, 1963-1965y; call then was KXLW. That`s too far back before 1978y to show in FCC call sign history for facility 6499. Here`s an exhaustive listing of all the frequency, ownership and call sign changes in the St Louis market, saying KXLW lasted until July 1975:

Also there is this story about KXLW`s colorful early history long before I was there:

** U S A. 1580, April 17 at 0520 UT, looking for the new KHIG in Colorado Springs CO (ex-KREL, sports): looping NW/SE probably this, atop but with considerable QRM, W&W interview mentions ``all things women`` (a title?), about nutrition, libido, nether regions. Guest on phone is nutritionist Abby; 0532 UT local ad with addresses but I can`t copy anything to match to C.S. 

All this during heavy local T-storm, no AC power outage but on DX-398, battery and internal antenna only. 0533 UT ID by M sounds like ``Kick-1580``, which makes me wonder if it`s KXZZ Lake Charles LA 1/1 kW U2, which is sports format but not known to use that slogan; possibly CCI from it. Then back to `All About Her` program; 0559 UT ID by low-key M voice, stoned? tentatively KHIG, 0600 UT right into ``Radio MD``. That`s the network/webcast carrying `All About Her`. 

About the program, subtitled ``the NAKED truth about WOMEN``:
But hard to find any affiliate list of real radio stations.

Shawn Axelrod in Manitoba two hours earlier was hearing Kay-High-15-80 with non-pot talk about benefits of sleeping nude, other health matters. Ex-KREL facility is 10000/140 watts U1, and was well-known for running day power at night which would still be likely (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1700, April 17 at 1218 UT, ``1700 The Champ`` IDs, Des Moines and Iowa ads, 1221 UT back to CBS Sports Radio. From KBGG, distinguishing it from KVNS TX on another sports network (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1644 UT April 17