domenica 19 aprile 2015

Glenn Hauser logs April 17-18, 2015

** ANGUILLA. 6090, April 18 at 0117, CBB is missing; also no 11775 circa 1300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ARGENTINA [and non]. 11711-, UT Sat April 18 at 0135, RAE is only poor in storm noise, not boosted like last night with a K of 6; at least there is no spur audible from Brasil, but still crackling around 11745 & 11815 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 990, UT Sat April 18 at 0605 UT, CBW opening news magazine, ``The Monocle Daily, live from London on Monocle 24``; little problem from usual opposite nemesis XET Monterrey; could they really be direxional south for a change??? Monocle is a new one on me, but is now one of the contributors to CBC Overnight, along with ABC, BBC, DW, PRI and RTE. Here`s the ``winter`` sked of CBC Overnight on Radio 1: 
showing `Monocle Daily` [sic] really airs Saturdays only at 1-2 am.
This sked claims times are Eastern, as of March 9, implying that altho for Winter, DST has been taken into account. Yet, we know better that the times are Eastern ONLY in the Eastern zone! Delayed an hour for CBW in Central, etc., etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9200, April 18 at 1251, CNR1 jammer, very poor; none others audible in the low-9s, and no complete bandscan undertaken today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 11935++, April 18 at 0124, open carrier/dead air, no het but slightly on the hi side, fair with flutter. Must be R. Cairo rather than RB2 Brasil, apparently off.

12070+, April 18 at 0125, R. Cairo in suptorted Spanish on VG signal level. Slightly on the hi side but not as far off as 11935. The Spanish is axually partially readable! 0125 ``Radio El Cairo presenta`` --- pause for several seconds of musical theme --- ``Efemérides --- un programa semanal``. This format for opening programs applies across the board in Spanish and other languages, and IIRC Turkey does it as well. 

9965+++, April 18 at 0126, R. Cairo, very good in Arabic, not distorted but with perpetual whine; further off frequency than 12070 and 11935.

9315.0, April 18 at 0126, R. Cairo, fair in Spanish, not too distorted, and not off-frequency for a change (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1270, April 18 at 0555 UT, VG signal with Mexican music, looping E/W, soon ID by SHVA as ``La Zeta 1270 AM``, so KTUZ Claremore (Tulsa market), 5/1 kW U4. Day and night patterns favor ENE/WSW, not so much toward here. I could easily believe this was on 5 kW day power. Note that namesake KTUZ FM // 106.7 is way over in OKC, and the TV station on RF 29 (``30``, ``36`` or ``48`` depending on which Spanish virtual channel one views) is in Shawnee/OKC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 11905, April 18 at *0114:11 SLBC carrier on, fair with heavy flutter; 0114:46 music prélude starts, 0115:19, 2+1 mistimesignal ends, sign-on announcement. These times are quite reliable compared to each other showing good precision: the only problem is that they are all wrong (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. Please monitor a Saturday English broadcast from VOT --- I have been trying to confirm whether or not there is any `Letterbox` still airing, at least on alternate weeks, the `DX Corner` having been canceled last year.

Their podcast page is a mess --- random bits of various programs here and there from various dates --- but never (at least not recently) anything dated on a Saturday or Sunday, as if a different crew doesn`t bother to put up any of those programs, except perhaps `Today in History`. One used to be able to pick a date, click, and listen to an entire English transmission on demand.

There is one `DX Corner` podcast from last August, perhaps the final one. The program schedule page for English remains blank, when viewed both on IE and Mozilla.

The links to these are on Alan Roe`s Hitlist,

When I bring up the VOT World webcast at 1700 UT Sat April 18, the player timer already shows 6:50:00 and it`s in Spanish about --- what else --- Atatürk. Spanish is scheduled at 1630 on 11930, English on 15520. There are two other live webcasts, East and West --- West goes to Russian! when there is none such scheduled on SW, only at 13-14. 

Finally we find English at 1705 on the East webcast: `Eco-Friendly Turks` is ending, 1706 `Today in History`. 1710, `Question of the Month`, about Year of Turkish Culture 2015 celebrated in which country? Then music fill, nicely in stereo. 1723 headlines; 1725 English SW schedule in jumbled fashion by announceress who obviously doesn`t understand what she is reading; sign-off but more music continues, now the latest IS, 1729 mixed with IDs in French. 1730 timesignal 52 seconds late (on webcast), and opening French. So if there was a `Letterbox` earlier, we already missed it. I expect different English broadcasts will be on different webcasts at different times. They fail to make any of this clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1769 monitoring: confirmed Friday April 17 at 2130.5 on WRMI 7570 --- very poor in noise level, and NOT on 15770 where it had been reliably, instead carrying RFI Musique --- which is shown on the schedule for System D, 15770 at 21-22, as filler, at various times almost every day of the week. The only nominal time for WOR on 15770 is now Sundays at 2100, altho still Thu April 16 it was on 15770 as well as 7570. We`d much prefer 15770, as 7570 is getting absorbed into summer daytime noise level, and really should be moved to a higher band.

Thomas Völkner notifies us April 17: ``Hi Glenn, Due to maintenance work at the Goehren transmitter site, there will be no HLR transmissions over the coming two weekends resp. Wednesdays. Regular transmissions will resume on Saturday, May 2nd, with WOR and other media shows in their usual slots. Allbest, Thomas`` By ``resp.`` he means also off Wednesdays.

Sat 1930v WA0RCR  1860-AM
Sun 0315v WA0RCR  1860-AM [last week started at 0328.5]
Sun 2100  WRMI   15770 
Sun 2300  WRMI   11580
Mon 0300v WBCQ    5110v Area 51 
Tue 1100  WRMI    9955 
Wed 0630  HLR     7265-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio [off]
Wed 1315  WRMI    9955 
Wed 1430  HLR     7265-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio [off]
Wed 2100  WBCQ    7490v 
Thu 0330  WRMI    9955 [or 1770 if ready in time]

** U S A. 5850, Friday April 17 at 2332, WRMI is on with `Democracy Now`, Amy Goodman recognizable anywhere. This would be the Global 24 service, not RMI programming. Could not hear it at first next to noisy computer, but audible fairly outside on the PL-880. Could not listen long enough to determine whether it`s the current day`s episode; last weekend, DN was also replaying on Sat and Sun. Global 24 is also allegedly still scheduled Sat/Sun at 22-02 UT Sun/Mon on 11825, but those may be automated replays of old programming like observed last weekend. There is still nothing new on G24 website or Facebook since late March (Glenn Hauser, OK, April 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7490.0, UT Sat April 18 at 0129, WBCQ with `Allan Weiner Worldwide`` running really long this week after 0000 UT start. He`s talking about where to get the best lobster rolls at chowderhouses on the coast of Maine. New co-host on the phone seems to be called Norm, saying goodbye to him, reachable at or 941-737-7159. 

Allan says he will be in transit next week so some others in the crew will do this show, and also the following week (and Norm won`t be available either). 0134 his closing prayer to Jesus, but then plugs for BCQ airtime, mentioning 7490, 5110 and 9330, but not 15420 (and 9330 has been off the air for weeks), until finished at 0141; 0142 WBCQ jingle ID, joining Brother Scare`s screenreader with the same BS we have heard earlier this week about America being destroyed by nuclear strikes from somewhere. This is running one word behind 7570 WRMI.

5110 was already carrying Brother Scare during AWWW so that was on 7490 only. Recheck at 0544 still on with BS, fair-good signal, presumably until 0700 UT Sat as Larry Will told me, rather than until 0500 as Ivo Ivanov assumed.

5110-CUSB will presumably return to Area 51 programming on Sat/UT Sun and Sun/UT Mon, but as of 1633 UT April 18, no new schedule for this weekend at Larry may still be away in Europe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7505.4, April 18 at 0128, WRNO is back on after missing several days, VG signal level but distorted music, and always way off-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1440, April 18 at 0553 UT, peaking NE/SW in heavy QRM, tuning by, I hear ``The Big Talker, KHHA(?)``. No, it must be my closest but seldom heard 1440, KMAJ Topeka KS, 5/1 kW U3 with such a slogan. Both day and night patterns aim NW, with a null toward here. I never hear a trace of it on daytime groundwave, unlike 580 WIBW which is almost a local (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11425-SSB, April 18 at 1257-1313+, intermittent singing, initially and repetitively with syllables sounding like ``ba-ta-hay`` over and over, some overlap from competitors; 1313 more of a real song but also with repeated syllables. Presumably the Indonesian QSO pirates which infest this part of the band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1744 UT April 18