sabato 14 marzo 2015

Glenn Hauser logs March 13-14, 2015

** ANGUILLA. CBB still missing March 13 at 2133 check of 11775, and March 14 at 0043 check of 6090. FWIW these are still registered by Jerry Plummer for HFCC in A-15, 100 kW at 320 degrees, 10-22 & 22-10 UT, but what does he know?

My nearest steetlite has just fired up with an RF noise burst at 0042 UT March 14; sky nearly clear at orange sunset, officially 0037 UT per (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5040, March 14 at 0041, RHC in French, having shifted one hour earlier before DST began, and presumably paired with Creole at 0000-0030 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 12080, March 14 at 0045, R. Cairo VG signal level but suptorted music

12035, March 14 at 0045 I have just tuned down from 12080 in time to hear a mistimesignal in progress ending at 0045:27.5 to open the Cairo Spanish service. Same VG signal here and also same suptortion.

9860, March 14 at 0047, the third R. Cairo Spanish frequency is weaker, merely good level, undermodulated but not so distorted at least during music.

9965, March 14 at 0047, R. Cairo in Arabic, good level like 9860 but suptorted, plus whine, and scratching crosstalk from some other modulation source. 

So impressed am I by the various defects of Abis transmitters that I have not been checking them for frequency accuracy lately, but someone did find 9965 recently was askew (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980.0, March 14 at 0056, JBA carrier, and by 0100 I am pulling some Spanishish modulation, talk with some brief musical bits, presumably themes for gospel modules on the Red Radio Integridad relay. On one receiver I listen to the content and on the other with BFO offset for precision of the anticipated autocutoff of R. Chaski: these do occur simultaneously at 0105:06.5* which is 43 seconds later than 7 nights ago at 0104:23.5, so averaging 6.14 seconds later per 24-hour period. No sign of BBC/UAE carrier this time, but presumably still on without propagating (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 11905, March 14, will SLBC be back tonight, a no-show last night? Yes, but late: cuts on at 0115:10.5, very good with flutter, adding modulation about 10 seconds later, just missing the mistimesignal! Already opening announcement joined in progress, 0115:47 into S Asian songs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1764 monitoring: confirmed Friday March 13 at 2130:32 on WRMI 15770, // now much weaker in the noise 7570 even tho the latter is aimed this way while 15770 is not: MUF/LUHF advantage. Next:
Sat 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Sat 1000 on WRMI 5850
Sat 1930v on WA0RCR 1860-AM Gateway 160 Meter Radio Newsletter, MO 
Sun 0315v on WA0RCR 1860-AM Gateway 160 Meter Radio Newsletter, MO
Sun 2300 on WRMI 11580
Mon 0300v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v
Tue 1100 on WRMI 9955
Wed 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wed 1315 on WRMI 9955
Wed 2100 on WBCQ 7490v

As chances to hear WOR on SW are reduced, you may want to subscribe to a podcast: three different sources are linked atop 

** U S A. 7490-, March 14 at 0000 UT [now timeshifted one hour earlier] I`m all set from `Allan Weiner Worldwide`, first listening on WBCQ webcast; but the first 5 minutes are misc. fill music and bits of phone instruxions which weren`t supposed to go on the air. 0005 finally another ID and ``William Tell Overture`` theme. Some problem with the usual feed from Florida so AW is using dialup phoneline instead; he`s feeling awful having caught a cold, and also depressed by the death last Monday of his ``Wizard of Wireless`` co-host (by phone) Mal Fuller, heart failure. Rest of hour is mostly anecdotal about him, repeated countless times as ``a good man``. I do glean a few other things:

1390, WEGP, Presque Isle ME went off the air two weeks ago! (evidently permanently), was 25/10 kW with talk format. As a result, AW`s station on 780, WXME Monticello, 5/0.06 kW, has converted to talk. (WEGP was an easy catch in European logbooks, often reported, tnx to being on a good split frequency and its cardioid pattern toward Europe with null toward the rest of US.) 

TimTron has been working on the 7490 WBCQ transmitter so it should now have more power, better modulation and fidelity than ever; reports wanted (and several phoners seemed to agree). In fact, Allan boasts that 7490 is the highest fidelity of any US SW station. By 0030 I`m on the porch really listening to 7490-, still slightly on the lo side.

Around 0100 AW is talking about new programming on 5110; Thursdays at 8 pm ET [UT Fri 0000] is a church in Ontario, I think he called it `Lakeside Lifeline`, followed next Thursday only by a one-time show from Fred Moe, `Radio Thrift Shop`, at 9 pm [UT Fri 0100]. 

And starting right now on 5110 is WAZU --- except it doesn`t, when checked at 0106, much weaker 5110 is still AWWW, 41 seconds behind 7490-. Allan also said 5110 would be on until 11 or 12 tonight (with Area 51), also mentioned me, i.e. UT Mondays 0300v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11580, UT Saturday March 14 at 0030, instead of a Ukraine repeat, pre-emption for much-anticipated return of Global 24 to WRMI. A bit of a letdown since it`s not any programming of their own, but just another airing of AWR Wavescan, already multiple times on WRMI et al.: first, Ray Robinson reading a feature on New Caledonia. In fact, at first I thought G24 was a no-show until I went back and listened to the recording I was rolling which started with a Global 24 ID after the WRMI classic ID. Global 24 also now scheduled for UT Sundays 0200 on 9955, presumably another WS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9475, March 13 at 1856 check, hooray! WTWW has finally realized there was no modulation on #1 transmitter, and brought it up, as PPPP is singing ``A Mighty Fortress`` with, uh, enhanced lyrix. Big sig yet fading deeply and suspect running considerably underpowered. So mod returned sometime in the past bihour since last check at 1652. Charitably, that adds up to at least 35.6 hours of dead air, since I first noticed this March 12 at 0517, but likely started hours earlier, including three day/night/day frequency changes circa 1400, 0200 and 1400. (Of course I could not be monitoring continuously all those hours, but fat chance the mod ever came on and off again amid.)

9475 at 2135 March 13 is very strong and loud, so that I can now hear some very weak crosstalk underneath: it matches WTWW-3 with Bibling in French on 12105; the two insufficiently isolated one from another (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 720, March 13 at 1838-1840+ UT on caradio, once again WGN is audible at midday, this being 6-8 minutes after local mean noon in Enid. Also with a SAH of 136/minute = 2.27 Hz, nothing but KSAH Universal City TX possibly in range (unless it`s some kind of spur or image, unseems).(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0349 UT March 14
** URUGUAY. 6125+, March 14 at 0055, JBA carrier definitely on the hi side, maybe RNU; and once again since so much else is going on (WBCQ, Chaski, Sri Lanka, etc.) I forget to check after 0100 when its only listed competition, China, is supposed to be off. Maybe tomorrow nite? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)