martedì 6 gennaio 2015

Glenn Hauser logs January 4-6, 2015

** ALBANIA. 7425, Jan 6 at 0230, R. Tirana, fair signal but English so undermodulated it`s unreadable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL [and non]. 9665-, Jan 5 at 0630, praise music in Portuguese with a het, i.e. R. Voz Missionária, vs at this hour must be KCBS Pyongyang (which had been inactive for a while). It was also hetting presumed RFI more than a bihour earlier; see FRANCE [non]. Nothing audible from 9645v or 9630v other ZYs at this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11746 & 11814 approx., Jan 5 at 0414, crackling spurs from 11780v RNA/RNB seem to have shifted just a bit to be centered around these at plus/minus 34 kHz instead of 33. At 0633 Jan 5, however, tho 11780 remains quite strong, I don`t hear the spurs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 11810.0, Jan 5 at at 2216, language unknown, I am again hearing the transmitter with carrier breaking up severely, seems to be too much for mere Doppler effect, as also logged January 4 at 0127, and pinned on CNR8 from Beijing 491 site. Aoki now shows this starting only on Dec 31, 2055-2100 Chinese, 2100-0600 Mongolian. For one thing, nothing else on 11810 would have a span covering my two logs. This would also cause QRM to BBCWS English via Ascension until 22 M-F (but Aoki says it`s deliberately *jammed anyway by the ChiCom), and also KBSWR English direct from Korea South to Europe at 22-23 daily. How does that sound in Europe this winter? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 1620, Jan 6 at 0243, YL in Spanish here is not // R. Rebelde on 5025 which has OM with SBG during which Matanzas is ahead 7-1. Therefore, I assume the 1620 R. Rebelde has switched to Rebelde FM relay. At 0249, I find 5025 to be // echoey 1180 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6165, Jan 5 at 0625, I happen to catch a bit of RHC DXers Unlimited, as Arnie is talking about his plans for a 90m outlet on 3365 --- still in future tense. Says frequency was used by R. Rebelde years ago with a 5 kW transmitter and a full-wave dipole, getting good reports from all over Cuba and neighboring countries; and it also had a lobe up 15 degrees bringing in reports from afar.

Next transmitter for 3365 will be a Snieg 50 kW, air-cooled in like-new condition tho it`s almost a semicentury old, and with excellent audio quality (which is more than could be said of // 6000 which is very undermodulated now). So has it been on the air at all or just mothballed?

But why the delay? I wonder if it is the same transmitter that R. Progreso has been using on 4765, now vanished? And being rejiggered? Jan 6 at 0237, still no 3365, nor 4765 except for a JBA carrier, Tajikistan or Brasil? It will be interesting to note whether 3365, 4765 and 5025 are ever all on the air at same time from Cuba.

17730, Jan 5 at 1446, no signal from AWOL RHC here, tho 17790 WRMI and 17775 KVOH are in well,

6270, Jan 6 at 0233, RHC leapfrog mixing product, poor signal, Spanish slightly louder than English, i.e. 6060 over 6165 another 105 kHz higher. After 0500 both are in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also EAST TURKISTAN 9710

** EAST TURKISTAN. 9710, Jan 6 at 0228, Chinese lesson for Spanish, fair with flutter, i.e. CRI, 500 kW, 294 degrees from Kashgar at 01-03 for CIRAF 12-14 = most of South America. Not a hint of RHC which is scheduled on 9710 at 22-06, 250 kW, 315 degrees from Habana, but never very strong here, so I don`t believe that Aoki listing, as it would be equivalent to the China relay on 9790 at 03-05, 250 kW at 305 degrees, which blasts in. Okeechobee signals on 31m now are poor

RHC website gives 9710 target as Antillas, which is totally vague about real azimuth but surely not 315 USward! Maybe RHC is propped-out now, as on other occasions we hear the two mixing badly. Way to go, Arnie! Why don`t you co-ordinate with your ChiCom buddies? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9905, Jan 5 at 0405, R. Cairo good signal but humbuzz, bits of suppressed music in Arabic service; offsets not checked this date

9965, Jan 5 at 0405, R. Cairo, other Arabic service is distorted

9965++, Jan 6 at 0221, R. Cairo, poor with whine, Arabic? Heavy flutter; further off-frequency than 9905

9905+, Jan 6 at 0222, R. Cairo, open carrier/dead air, heavy flutter

9860.0, Jan 6 at 0223, R. Cairo, very poor in presumed English, heavy flutter, modulated better at first, under- at 0227 check. Not off-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [non]. 9665, Jan 5 at 0406, something in French mixing with het from perpetually off-frequency Brazilian, Voz Missionária. Nothing such scheduled in four references, but I bet it`s RFI via SOUTH AFRICA, which does start 9665 at 0430 for Swahili --- on the air early by yet another SENTECH mistake, or a new transmission. RFI does start French service at 0400 on other frequencies via Issoudun.

Meanwhile, whether it be at 0400 or 0430, how self-defeating to choose a Brazilian frequency, which are never registered in HFCC, and always off far enough to cause a het, all over the ISWBC bands 6, 9, 11 and 15 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 94.3, Jan 5 circa 2030 UT as we are driving past KLGB-LP, on North Van Buren in Enid, now it`s back in whack without the spurs, and with normal modulation on channel (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. RF 24, KOKH-TV, 25.2 with GritTV, Jan 5 before 1700 UT a movie whose aspect ratio must be ``squeezed`` for correct proportions, why? Next movie after 1700 must *not* be squeezed (and I am not just referring to the credits of either, which are often squeezed for SD TV plays). Grit seems to specialize in nothing but old Westerns. Well, there must be a reason for the `squeeze` option to exist (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SLOVAKIA [non]. 5850, Jan 6 at 0058, WRMI with Fámily Radio, ``el sonido de la nueva vida`` outro in Spanish, contrary to new schedule grid showing altho this is a system-F Family Radio red block, the programming is supposed to be R. Slovakia International, daily 0000 in Slovak, 0030 in English.

This adds to the 9955 schedule for RSI in English, M-F 1230, Tue-Sat 0130; let`s see, is the latter still being jammed? Meanwhile, 7455 is outroing Ukrainian Radio in English. Both 7455 and 5850 then go into TruNews along with 5015 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 9620, Sun Jan 4 at 2053, no signal from REE, which ought to be audible; propagation may be degraded, as 11940 is poor and 12030 very poor. I never hear the fourth frequency scheduled, 11685. However, Ivo Ivanov reported earlier the same date between 15 and 19 UT, both 9620 and 11685 were off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1754 monitoring: confirmed UT Monday Jan 5 at 0401 on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5110v-CUSB, very poor. Also confirmed Monday Jan 5 at 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395, fair. Next:

Tuesday 1200 on WRMI, 9955
UT Wednesday 0401 on Global 24 via WRMI, 9395
Wednesday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1415 on WRMI, 9955
Wednesday 2200 on WBCQ, 7490v
Wednesday 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI, 9395

** U S A. 11550, Jan 5 at 2210, TruNews via WRMI, Rick Wiles has just arrived in Cuenca, Ecuador, whence this originates; apparently setting up some ministry there if he can get $$$ for it. Says has also added an hour on KKGM 1630 Dallas. Then replays an anti-Obama episode from 2008y shortly after he was first elected: ``I`m not saying he`s the Anti-Christ, but ----``. What rot! Jeff interviewed Rick a few weeks ago on `Viva Miami` when he was at the open house; he sounded reasonable and sane, probably because Jeff treated him as if he were (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also SLOVAKIA [non]

** U S A. 9930, Jan 5 at 1438, WTWW-2 is on again, with another `Unshackled` episode. `Schedule` remains quite unpredictable.

12105, Jan 6 at 0220, WTWW-3 with usual alternate SFAW hour, PPPP but not the same as on WTWW-1 5830. 0301 recheck now poor signal on 12105 with open carrier; 0309 inaudible and presumed off, rather than PMS as heard only once before during this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9975, Jan 6 at 0221, KVOH with the IMF couple again, he preaching in English, she consecutively translating into Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 820, Jan 6 at 0300 UT, as I am trying to dig out the UNID [q.v.] under WBAP, I note its ID ``WBAP 820 and 99.5 HD2``, and then second ID to be completely legal (?) on 820 adds ``KPLX HD2``. WBAP has been with ABC News, but not any more? Locally-originated news on the hour, while the unID is ABC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1540, Jan 6 at 0245 UT, ``KEDA, Radio Jalapeño`` ID from San Antonio TX, immediately upon tune-by. Suspect they are frequent, good for DXing. Again the dominant signal on frequency despite nominally unfavorable power and pattern as previously explained (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 820, Jan 6 at 0253 UT, I`m getting English CCI to WBAP,; nulling it as much as possible, and also trying to minimize the IBOC noise from WCCO by tuning to 822. The unID peaks about ESE/WNW, and the two make a slow SAH of 45/minute = 0.75 Hz, the unID on the hi side. I`m hoping to pull an ID circa 0300 UT, but by 0257 it`s losing out to WBAP. After 0300 WBAP is doing local news, while unID is in national, including Motel 6 ad; 0305 UT mentions ABC News, and both back to separate talk shows. NRC AM Log lists stations in New York and Oregon with ABC on 820, both very unlikely.

Trying to find an ABC affiliate listing on various websites gets nowhere, as ``affiliates`` linx are for *stations*, not *listeners*.
And would you believe this site easily Googled,
is headed ``latest updates`` about their upcoming coverage of the Atlantis Space Shuttle landing on May 26, 2010????????

Anyhow as of January 1, ABC networks have been revamped, ending a deal with Cumulus, now with Skyview; press reports say there are many new affiliates signing up.

Setting aside the network clue for now, but going with the DF, I have heard before 50/1 kW WWBA Largo FL, Oct 7, 2013 at 0607 UT, IDed by its echoing against WBAP during WBAP-originated Red Eye Radio, but did not log a SAH. 

Now I try this:
to find that in 2013y, WBAP was right on 820.000 while WWBA was 0.5 Hz low on 819.9995, so no match there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1240+, Jan 6 at 0247 UT, off-frequency station still heard causing LAH but quite weak, and unlikely ever to be able get any modulation or ID here, but still loops WNW/ESE. Could DXers in Colorado check on daytime groundwave whether it`s KCRT Trinidad as I suspect, or one of the others? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 0607 UT January 6