venerdì 2 gennaio 2015

Glenn Hauser logs January 2, 2015

** ALGERIA [non]. 5865, Jan 2 at 0611, RTA via FRANCE in Qur`an, fair signal. I don`t think I`ve been hearing this after 0600, so sked change as of January? But HFCC, EiBi and Aoki all have 5865 registered for the entire B-14 season at 04-07 UT, in three segments. Aoki shows French expanded to 0600-0615, then Qur`an, but it`s not so tonight. // 7295 stops by 0600  (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BOLIVIA [and non]. 6135v, Jan 2 at 0614, BBC French via Woofferton has big het and CCI, typical of off-frequency 6134.8 Radio Santa Cruz, but which normally closes much earlier; maybe on extended schedule even tho past New Year`s Eve (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 9550, Jan 2 at 1453, RHC is on here playing ``Guantanamera``, with SAH/CCI from China in Vietnamese. Also on 9640, 9820, 11760, 11860, 11950, 15230, 15370, 17730. 9550 is scheduled for only one hour, 14-15, why? All four morning hours would collide with CRI. I take a look at RHC online schedule and recompile the morning hours to show which frequencies are supposed to be on in each:

12-14, 6000,       9640, 9820, 9850, 11760, 11860, 11950, 15230, 17730
14-15,       9550, 9640, 9820,       11760, 11860, 15230, 15370, 17730
15-16,             9640, 9820,       11760,        15230, 15370, 17730
[my original font lines up the spaces and frequencies; sorry if recipients` does not]

That makes 11950 the odd one in at 14-15. Also, on a google translation of the schedule, I am astounded to see target area for 9710 at 22-06 and 9640 at 12-16 as ``Netherlands``. In the original Spanish it`s more sensibly ``Antillas`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 960, Jan 2 at 0601 UT, tonight`s Fox-hole by local KGWA 960 Enid is occupied by XEK, as immediately obvious by their proud announcement of founding in 1937y, and ``estamos en la cuarta generación``.

[Since that was 78 years ago, just how long is a ``generation``? This vague term is ill-defined in English and Spanish. Should it be the average age over the entire population at which a woman bears her first child? Or only within a certain population group? Or should it be the median age at which a woman has borne all her children? The length of time will certainly have varied greatly not only geographically but over the ages, so what use is the term, anyway?

How about women who are nulliparous --- do they figure into the equation? Wikipedia says ``In developed nations the average familial generation length is in the high 20s and has even reached 30 years in some nations``. Of course, ``millennial`` and other groupings of ``generations`` are completely arbitrary, as all ``generations`` are totally overlapping each other as procreation continues apace.]

Getting back to XEK`s generations, ``now in the fourth`` after 78 years could mean they take about 25 years each, as the third would have ended at 75 years = 2012. Unless at the outset 1937 that was somewhere in the middle of a ``generation``. O, this is too confusing.

Speaking of arousal, XEK goes on to play ``Cuando Calienta el Sol``, altho Nuevo Laredo is far from a beach, unless they refer to the Rio Bravo or dammed-up parts of it. That love song is really steamy, as monolinguals may not realize. No NA heard during this window. KGWA carrier is much hummier than usual, impeding XEK but it remains atop somethings much weaker in English until KGWA modulation resumes at 0605 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1640, Jan 2 at 1443 UT check, KZLS Enid++ is in open carrier/dead air again. Why bother to broadcast at all? (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 15550, Jan 2 at 1457, good open carrier modulating WJHR USB and now the frequencies match for good pitch; 15400 carrier is even stronger, both preceding R. Tamazuj via VATICAN, with sign-on in Arabish from 1459, after which both manage to modulate programming today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, Jan 2 at 0617 check, WRMI is back to BS instead of RFI Spanish relay as heard 24 hours earlier. Was experiment or misfeed?

By Jan 2, the new 7455 System D schedule appears:
0000-0015 daily: Hymns of Praise
0015-0030 Mon-Fri Moments in Bible Prophecy
0015-0030 Sat & Sun Viva Miami
0030-0100 daily: Radio Ukraine International [sic]

However, the extra-frequency schedules are headed ``Times are UTC; days are local days in the Americas``, so taking that literally, the VM UT days would really be Sunday and Monday.

Meanwhile, the 11580 block at 23-24 UT is still shown, also with ``RUI`` at 2330 daily, and WOR Sundays at 2300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENINIG DIGEST)

** U S A. 9395, Jan 2 at 1503, Global 24 via WRMI with `Democracy Now`, Amy interview about retiring Sen. Udall contemplating releasing the entire CIA torture report as seems to be his option. Then about the Pentagon Papers, apparently Daniel Ellsberg himself. Fair signal with fading requires close attention, but I am trying to follow it until --- 1522 abruptly and rudely cuts over to a European News Network Special, about investigating the plane crash that killed Dag Hammarskjöld in September 1961. More about that new development:

`Democracy Now` is a one-hour program but after the Dag diversion, not back to DN, instead 1536 fill music starting with ``Winter Wonderland`` by Louis Armstrong, etc. Current G24 skedgrid shows on Fridays only, D.N. both at 13 and 15 UT. If it did really air entire at 13-14, that still doesn`t make 15-16 dispensable for those listening later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5085, Jan 2 at 0609, WTWW-2 is off again, shux, no more marathon of `Unshackled` of which there must be thousands of episodes available. Program`s own listen-archive goes back only to 2003y, at the rate of one per week = approx. only 624 by now. It seems the radio program started circa 1940y, altho the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago dates back to 1877 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 690, Fri Jan 2 at 1405 UT, I`ve just started a MW bandscan upward in search of any Mexican or other interesting sunrise skip, but stop here at KGGF Coffeyville KS for an engrossing interview about cyber-security (or rather lack of any). Keeps going with no commercial breaks or ID, outro at 1433 UT as `Perspective` from Kansas State University.

This was the flagship public-affairs program on KKSU 580 Manhattan, which gave up its frequency to WIBW Topeka over 12 years ago, but still very much in produxion and available for any Kansas station to broadcast. So is this a regular timing for it, or is KGGF still in holiday-filler mode? Here`s the audio archive, including two weekly episodes since this one:

``CYBER SECURITY RISKS - 12/19/2014 --- According to one cyber security expert almost 56 percent of smartphone users will use their device for some form of holiday shopping this year. That use is not a problem, but the fact that some of these phones may contain malware disguised as an app is a problem. That app could lead to data theft and identity leaks that could put the user and their private information at risk. The big issue is that many Americans are sacrificing their privacy for convenience. The guest is Gary Miliefsky, founder and CEO of SnoopWall-dot-com`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [non]. 11695, Jan 2 at 1543, news in English with accent I can`t place, African or Asian? Also has strange reverb, internet buffering breakup and blaaps. 1547 outro as Vatican Radio, English to Asia, Laudetur Iesus Christus and IS also breaking up at 1548-1550*.

I`ve already IDed it by lookup in the handy Broadcasts in English B-14 booklet from the British DX Club which is always by the FRG-7, no computer needed, showing 1530-1550 on 11695 via va-tican site, // 15470 ph-ilippines and 15775 va DRM. Why in the world is VR feeding by internet, just from THS to SMG, no good old analog FM STL or even landline? Backup?

NO, HFCC B14 shows 11695 site instead is really Palauig, RVA PHILIPPINES relay, so that explains it; while 15470 (unchecked) is IBB Tinang, Philippines site. WRTH 2015, EiBi and Aoki B-14 agree on all this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1240.13 approx., Jan 2 at 1445 UT, somestation is off-frequency to the hi side making a LAH pitch of approx. C3 = one octave below middle-C on my keyboard. Peaks WNW/ESE. At this time an hour after sunrise, it can`t be too far away and more likely west than east. Looks like one of the four Coloradans would be most likely, closest being KCRT Trinidad. (BTW, why isn`t there a single 1240 in Utah??) During daytime groundwave here, no such het is heard, between Wichita and Elk City. I would also settle for much-needed KBEL Idabel OK or even KOKL Okmulgee (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1947 UT January 2