domenica 7 dicembre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs December 6-7, 2014

** BRAZIL [and non]. 10000, Dec 7 at 0245 during WWVH propagation forecast (see also HAWAII), I am hearing additional beeps every dekasecond, a sure sign of the format of PPE Rio de Janeiro, and also the next few minutes at least when WWVH is not toning. Unreadable JBA voice announcements to go with them. During one minute I am also hearing some very weak Morse code from a third station; would that be BPM China? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11747 & 11813 approx., Dec 6 at 0639, crackle spurs audible from 11780.1 RNA which now has a VG signal, the SSOB. 11747 spur also audible at 0244 UT Dec 7. At 0635 Dec 7, 11747 spur is still audible. Tho not always logged, 6180 remains active & audible at night here but only poor-fair signal // 11780.1, e.g. at 0644 Dec 7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL [and non]. 11765v, Dec 7 at 0243, the wailer in Brazuguese from SRDA has a het caused by the ZY always being off-frequency. Nothing in HFCC at this time, but Aoki shows 11765 as a ChiCom jammer frequency caused by possible Sound of Hope 100 watt usage anytime between 2030 and 1600 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 11500, Dec 7 at 0244, Chinese on very poor signal, i.e. CNR1 jammer, as in Aoki may be in use any time between 2041 and 1700 should Sound of Hope activate a 100-watt nuisance transmitter from Taiwan. See also BRAZIL 11765 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COLOMBIA [and non]. 5910, Sat Dec 6 at 0643, HJDH is back on with good signal, peppy Colombian music, and no QRM from Austria after 0645 since that`s M-F only. The other HJDH is also on 6010 with different music, and always weaker, since that facility is on an antenna to protect Mexico City but which now is long silent. 5910 songs segué at 0646, 0649, but that`s a short one and retune 0651 finds a low-key greeting ending; finally at 0658 on 5910, an ID only as ``La Voz de tu Conciencia``, no mention of Alcaraván. I still see logs of this as that, and wonder if any real IDs were copied. Possibly they still occur at other dayparts.

5910 HJDH is apparently on at 0237 UT Sunday Dec 7 to cause CCI and fast SAH to vocal classical music from RRI Romanian which is clear on its // 7340 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 12330, Dec 7 at 0229, I`m hunting for RHC harmonix, since Arnie deprived us of 12140 by moving off 6070, and there is a JBA carrier here, which I would like to think is 2 x 6165 RHC --- after all, 6000 has succeeded in audibly occupying 12000 elsewhen, but the 6165 transmitter seems least harmonic-prone.

9535, Dec 7 at 0253, RHC with clip of ``Imagine`` during Spanish commentary, // much stronger 6060. With SPAIN set to resume limited SW service, this was one of their main frequencies, deliberately occupied by Arnie to keep Spanish on it (or to pick up some of REE`s lost audience) --- so beware of a collision unless coordinated. Now on the RHC schedule at 22-05 UT for Centroamérica

15230, Dec 7 at 0640, surprised to find good signal in Spanish here, RHC with an interview about baloncesto, more deportes. It`s not only the SSOB, but the OSOB! And stronger than this frequency normally accomplishes morning or evening. All Spanish frequencies are supposedly off after 0600. (Or not? Aoki shows 15230 until 0700, but RHC website is down when I try to recheck it.) No sign of nearest SW station WRMI on 15770, which is supposedly 24 hours with Brother Scare (except 21-22 breakaway for others) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also IRAN

** CUBA [and non]. 9490, Dec 7 at 0255, ID as ``Radio República, La Voz del Directorio Democrático Cubano``, and claiming schedule of ``de 8 a 11 de la noche`` = 01-04 UT. Now it`s way over jamming. Then citing articles of the Declaration of Human Rights (inapplicable to Commie Cuba, of course); recheck 0318 it is still on and the jamming is heavier by comparison. This transmission used to be only two hours long, and HFCC registered as 00-03, 250 kW, 285 degrees from Issoudun, FRANCE, but really expanded and shifted one UT hour later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9964-, Dec 7 at 0227, R. Cairo in Arabic, whine, RTTY on lo side (persistent circa 9960 so Cairo is foolish to approach it).

9905, Dec 7 at 0251, VG signal, Qur`an but distorted and suppressed modulation; also RTTY QRM [see IRAN 9895]

9860, Dec 7 at 0252, R. Cairo, fair signal in ``English`` but open carrier/dead air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. Re: ``15395, Nov 27 at 1438, very good signal with conversation, Farsi? Reverb/echo doesn`t help to recognize it: it`s really Pashto from RFI, per Aoki during this semihour only, 500 kW, 85 degrees from Issoudun --- nothing else on this frequency for 23.5 hours a day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)``

Glenn, There has been continuous confusion about RFI carrying Pashto and/or Farsi. According to their website, they do not have a Pashto service, hence what you've heard must have indeed been Farsi:

"RFI parle au monde en français mais aussi en 12 autres langues : anglais, portugais du Brésil, cambodgien, chinois, espagnol, hausa, kiswahili, persan, portugais, roumain, russe et vietnamien."

including links to the non-SW English service, available on FM in selected African cities, online, on smartphones, satellite, on Air France A380 flights, and two services targeted at North America: subscription IPTV and good old telephone: "dial 832 225 5397 to hear the latest broadcast from the English Service (no charge)". 73, (Eike Bierwirth, Dec 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** HAWAII. 10000, Dec 7 at 0245-0250, I`m monitoring WWVH with propagation minute first, 0248 typhoon warning, 0249 more east Pacific weather, as PPE BRAZIL [q.v.] is also audible underneath, while WWV is JBA. I notice that there`s a glitch/snag in the WWVH time announcement every minute during the word ``hours``. Also, as often happens, immediately after the prop info, a tone cuts on for 2 or 3 seconds when it is not supposed to (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 9895, Dec 7 at 0251, Qur`an, poor signal with flutter, but good, clear modulation, unlike Cairo on 9905 et al. This is per Aoki, VIRI`s ``Al Quds TV`` service in Arabic for ``Palestine`` at 0230-0530, 500 kW, 289 degrees from Zahedan.

9710, Dec 7 at 0320, RHC in clear with no CCI, while VIRI is good on 7325 with IS before English ``Voice of Justice`` to North America. // 9710 cuts on late at *0321 now causing heavy CCI to RHC making both unusable.

13820, Dec 7 at 0638, fair signal but talk is just barely modulated. Per Aoki this is: VIRI Albanian, 0620-0720, 289 degrees, 500 kW from Kamalabad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH. 11735, Dec 7 at 0634, classical piano concerto, fair signal during the French hour of VOK on 28 degree antenna with 200 kW USward; this frequency scheduled 03-09 with hours in Spanish, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Russian per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 660, Dec 6 at 0700, Chihuahua anthem is playing, which is all we need to log it again as XEACB, Ciudad Delicias. Makes slow SAH with something, probably KSKY Dallas, which I can hear sloganing ``The Answer`` by nulling the XE (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 3200-, AM, Dec 7 at 0302, old time radio show fading up and down, mostly down, slightly on the lo side, and with running-water QRM at 0313. This is a good spot to be noticed, halfway between WWRB and WWCR. There are *no* logs of this one now on HF Underground.

6770 AM, Dec 7 at 0322 there is algo very weak here, another hangout of OTR pirate, and is 3200 off now? No, that seems still on too.

No current logs of 3200 on Free Radio Café either, but one of 6770 at
by Oly, at 0140 Dec 7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6950.02-LSB, Dec 7 at 0225, pirate music, 0226 the song is in Spanish. No carrier, and I am getting clearest sound about 20-25 Hz on the hi side per PL-880 tuning which however may not be calibrated exactly. At 0230 abrupt announcement, part of it missed, ``--- Radio, transmitting in LSB, the --- of modes``. Many more logs of it here:,19758.0.html
as Pesky Party Radio, LSB being ``the fishiest of modes``. Retune 0254 just in time to hear sign off, ``This is ---- Radio, goodbye and thanks for all the fish``, then another song until 0256*. Signal was generally good & sufficient, but as I was bandscanning on the other radio I never could understand the ID myself when it popped on unexpectedly; and only given once in each break (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 93.7 & 94.9 approx., as I drive along US 81 (North Van Buren in Enid) within a few hundred feet of 94.3 KLGB-LP, circa 2130 UT December 6, I am also getting dirty spurs from it with big hum and distorted modulation. Glad the range isn`t greater but there shouldn`t be any range for these from a 100 watt LPFM (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 11825 // 11580, Dec 7 at 0637, BS via WRMI is ``interrupting`` himself for old canned announcement about adjusting stations and frequencies with contracts expiring at yearend. Same one we have been hearing for weeks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 9815, Dec 7 at 0252, good signal with flutter, open carrier. It precedes Afia Darfur in Arabic/Sudanese per Aoki at 0300-0330, 100 kW, 53 degrees via SÃO TOMÉ; and on same at 1900-1930 when it`s via Nauen, Germany (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1800-1885, Dec 7 at 0315, 160m hamband is unusually packed with overlapping CW signals: must be some contest. Even QRMing 1860-AM WA0RCR with its ham radio news service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13820, Dec 7 at 1410, R. Martí vs heavy wall-of-noise jamming. Kim Elliott notified us Dec 4:

``The IBB transmitting station near Greenville, North Carolina, has installed and is evaluating a new Orban model 9300 Digital Optimod-AM audio processor ("delivers louder, cleaner, brighter, FM-like audio with an open, fatigue-free quality that attracts listeners and holds them").

Greenville "would be very interested in any listener comments regarding fidelity and the ability to overcome less than ideal propagation while using the new audio processor."

Of course, co-channel noise from Cuba is another consideration.
The new audio processor is on transmitter GB-5, with this schedule:
 UT            kHz    Content
0400-0700     7405    Radio Martí
1230-1300     9610    Vatican Radio
1400-2000    13820    Radio Martí

You can send reports to the VOA Radiogram email address: radiogram (at), and I will forward them to Greenville. Kim``

Anything to gain some advantage vs the jamming is a good thing (besides bombing the jamming sites?), but honestly I can`t tell any difference, and had not found the modulation deficient on either RM frequency before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1750 monitoring: again no show at the planned new time on Global 24 via WRMI 9395: UT Saturday Dec 6 at 0401. Monitoring webcast, jazz continues to 0405, then Bach fill music and applause, 0410 some classical piano rather than 1812 Overture.

9975, UT Sunday Dec 7 at 0227, big carrier and hum, then gospel music prélude, 0230 KVOH sign-on and start WORLD OF RADIO 1750, but the audio keeps dropping off several times for about 15 seconds each as the file apparently keeps playing unheard. I finally give up at 0236 which is probably longer than most listeners would have stuck with it. Recheck at 0249-0250, now it`s continuous deadair except for hum, and furthermore past 0301, 0310 and 0317 when some other program is unairing. By recheck 0454 however, swing music is back shortly before sign-off. Sure hope they get the newer transmitter they have been expecting! That makes the third failure of WOR to appear so far this week that I know of; long live redundancy! Next:

Sun 1000 on WRMI 5850
Sun 2300 on WRMI 11580
Mon 0400 on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Mon 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Tue 1200 on WRMI 9955
Wed 0401 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Wed 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wed 1415 on WRMI 9955
Wed 2200 on WBCQ 7490v
Wed 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395

** U S A. 5830, Dec 6 at 0642, WTWW-1 is OFF. But next tuneby at 0646 it`s ON, and so is 5085, WTWW-2, the latter with Xmas music which seems to be its new format, stunting? BTW, OTOH, FWIW, at this time 5830 is VG, *much* stronger than neighbors a few km closer to us, 5890 & 5935 WWCR, which are ``weak & hollow-sounding``; why?

At 1353, 5085 is on with dead air; at 1345, 5830 is still/again off, and at 1351 so is 9475, leaving Australia alone, but at 1501 check, 9475 is on; while 9930 is still off.

12105, Dec 7 at 0240, music on VP signal. Guess it must be WTWW as nothing else is scheduled, altho normally in PPPPpreaching during this hour, and it`s not // 5830 or 5085 which maintain bigsigs on 48% and 42% of the higher frequency. 5085 is still Xmas music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9395, Sat Dec 6 at 2149, Global 24 via WRMI is carrying KBS World Radio, discussing Korean affairs, fair-poor. Considerably after the fact, I noticed on the program grid, and it still shows that WORLD OF RADIO was to air at 2130 but on Saturday November 29 only. [see also WORLD OF RADIO Monitoring]

9395, Sun Dec 7 at 1357 Mideast music with good signal, so G24 is still relaying R. Cairo; 1400 interrupt for G24 ID, 1401 back to R. Cairo with YL introducing `Modern Egypt` about trade and investment, a UN report, and 2015 to be a ``Year of Industry Between Egypt & Kenya``; all with bits of music interspersed, along with some surging humbuzz. `Switzerland in Sound` is scheduled to follow at 1430, but at next check 1448, fill music ``You`re So Vain`` is playing, 1452 starts `1812 Overture`, but 1500 over to African music show which must be the scheduled `Sounds from the Global Village` at 15-16 Sundays. Signal remains good and sufficient at these hours, altho hardly blasting like 11825, the BS from WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9330-, UT Sunday Dec 7 at 0258, WBCQ on with old scratchy song as if it were `Marion`s Attic` or `Behaviour Night`, but no, outro as ``That Old Slow Drag`` by Trixie Smith, a Black Swan disc, acoustic recording from the 1915-1925y period. It`s the `Pirate Joe Show` from WHVW. He seems uncertain whether he is also on 7490, but he is with weaker signal, altho something else on 5110. Then musing how the Occupy Movement might have lasted longer instead of collapsing if it started in the spring with more warm weather to follow. Then I calculate that 9330 is running 34 seconds behind 7490. Pirate Joe is an old buddy of Allan Weiner`s, and they have the same accent and similar voices (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3185, Dec 7 at 0311, WWRB is open carrier/dead air, while 5050 is blasting the BS. By 0318, bluegrass music on 3185 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1750, UT Sunday Dec 7 at 0200 I peak the FRG-7 with east-west longwire on this frequency and strain to hear any trace of me on WH2XDE, the experimental 1 kW station in Victor, Ontario County, New York run by Jerry Whitney who says he has been airing WORLD OF RADIO UT Sundays at 0200. By 0212 I might hear a trace of me, but maybe wishful imagination. Later in semihour on DX-398 and PL-880 I can`t hear even a carrier, which is normal here almost 2 megameters away (1894 km = 1177 miles). Victor is just SE of Rochester on the NY Thruway. But I hope others are hearing it closer to the area. Here`s the latest from Jerry: (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Hi Jerry, How about an update on how WH2XDE is going? I haven`t seen any reports of it for almost a month now. Are you still carrying out regular tests? Any digital modes yet?

Also it was never clear to me how the other ops using the same callsign fit into the picture. Are they operating independently, or collaborating, on some kind of schedule? But also on different frequencies than 1750?

If you have carried World of Radio any further times please let me know too. 73, (Glenn to Jerry Whitney, Dec 4, via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Hi Glenn, All of the analog tests have concluded. The antenna and transmitter are operating properly so the next step is to finish construction of the digital exciter. Two more weeks and this should be done and ready for tests. I will advise as to the mode/freq/time of these tests. Most of the feedback I received from listeners prefer a weekend evening so I will stick to the Saturday night timeslot (0000-0400 UT Sunday morning).

I have been currently operating low power (25 Watts) in a few digital formats along with the other stations on the license to make software/hardware adjustments. So far I've been happy with the results. Static and fading on this frequency is a challenge but some of the digital formats work quite well as long as the signal is fairly strong (S/N +10 or better). The total lack of static and noise when listening is very easy on the ears!

The primary station is WH2XDE-1; this is my development station location. The other stations have asked to join in with the tests but their resources and time are limited. I am grateful for their participation along with the SWL reports I receive. A few additional people have asked to join the group but this would involve modifying the license. I would consider additional stations if the license is renewed.

I plan to stay on 1750 kHz for all tests of WH2XDE-1. The other participants may operate on other frequencies but likely at low power.

To be done:  

    Concluded that a vertical antenna is the most practical option at this frequency. Vertical ant. to be installed next summer. Currently using horizontal loop.

    WH2XDE-1 will operate digital formats at 5 kW PEP and test at lower power levels to examine optimum power levels for coverage areas.

    Except for narrow band formats, Receiving stations should use SDR type receivers. Analog receivers have too much distortion in the filter sections.

    Use "open" source digital codec to avoid licensing requirements. This would rule out DRM long term.

    Develop a "dongle" type receiver for use with a laptop or raspberry PI with integrated software for demodulation.

    Settle on a single format that is open source, that is robust for MW frequencies with single channel 7.5 kHz fidelity (approx.).

    Use of "polar" transmitters instead of linear amplifiers to obtain sufficient power and efficiency. Develop exciter for this (close to completion).

I would expect high power DRM tests to start around January. I'll keep you posted on progress.

I run "World of Radio" at 0200 UT (Saturday night, UT Sunday) on 1750 kHz (1 kW AM) --- very glad to do it! 73 (Jerry Whitney, WH2XDE, Dec 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 93.5 WFM, Dec 6 at 2121 UT on caradio, during all-day fog with visibility of about 2 miles here, two or three stations are fighting over this channel depending on elevation and location of the car. First one says ``same station, new frequency, Power 93-5 FM``, so that gets my attention. I`m not sure what the old frequency was, but this now leads to and in WTFDA FM Database to KDGS, Andover KS, 15/15 kW, 114/114 meters HAAT, Rhythmic CHR format, i.e. rapcrap. On the east side of Wichita, this must be the one following with Wichita ads.

But then ads for Oklahoma City as if from the same transmitter, but must have been a capture. Or??? WTFDA Database shows only two Okies on 93.5, a 250-watt translator in Tulsa, and a 45 kW in Altus, far southwest. FCC FM Query has a third one: KSTQ, licensed to Stuart OK with 900 watts at 84 m. Stuart is west of McAlester in SE OK, another unlikely to be running OKC ads, but trop-propagable. Now I`m thinking the OKC ads were really on KDGS Andover KS for some odd reason.

After that and as I park at home, 93.5 is dominated by a station carrying a sillyballgame concerning K-State and Tennessee. That must be one of the other two full-power Kansans, KLKC-FM, 3/3 kW, 81/81m, in Parsons, SE Kansas, or more likely KKDT, 95/95 kW, 304.8/304.8 m in Burdett, a place so small it`s not in Rand McNally index, but FCC coverage map shows it SW of Hays, well NW of Wichita, in west-central KS. And unlike KLKC, it`s on the K-state football station list
but as Hays-Ness City. It also identifies with Lacrosse, apparently (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 630v, Dec 7 at 0649 UT, somestation making rumbling low audible heterodyne against the others, and I can get a good DF on it, close to east/west ---- which would seem to rule out Mexico, but point to stations in northern AL, northern GA or maybe NC. Several other channels suffer from LAHs, maybe Mexican, such as 780 vs WBBM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15343-USB, Dec 7 at 1351, intruder, colloquial Spanish 2-way, the stronger one inserting ``puta`` into every phrase. Also signs of these on 15573 again and somewhere around 15100 I didn`t get pinpointed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1730 UT December 7