venerdì 7 novembre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs November 7, 2014

** ALBANIA [and non]. 11785, Nov 7 at 0704, CRI English news with axualities, fair signal but splash from 11780 Brasil. It is now *far* easier to log Albania via numerous China relays from Cërrik Site with much better-maintained equipment than R. Tirana itself with one transmitter and antenna operational at Shijak. This CRI is 0700-0900 at 310 degrees for UK, but also USward, same azimuth as R. Tirana uses.

11855, Nov 7 at 0706, Chinese, fair with fast SAH. This too is CRI via Albania, same 150 kW parameters as 11785. The SAH no doubt denotes that 24-hour R. Aparecida, Brasil, has managed to come quite close to the nominal frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11745 & 11815, Nov 7 at 0704, still scratchy distorted spurs audible from much stronger 11780 RNA. BTW, 11815 would interfere with another Brasilian station, Rádio Brasil Central, altho I don`t detect it on the air in the nightmiddle (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. CNR1 jammers morning of Nov 7:

12910, Nov 7 at 1348, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter
12870, Nov 7 at 1349, CNR1 jammer, very poor and not synchronized with 12910; none in the 13s, 14s
15265, Nov 7 at 1351, CNR1 jammer, with het from off-frequency Taiwan, // 12910
15375, Nov 7 at 1352, CNR1 jammer, fair with flutter, about 2 seconds ahead of 12910; none in the 16s
11100, Nov 7 at 1355, CNR1 jammer, very good with flutter, until 1400* after timesignal; none in the 10s, but some in the 11.6`s unlogged
 9150, Nov 7 at 1357, CNR1 jammer, fair, not synch with 11100
 9230, Nov 7 at 1358, CNR1 jammer, very poor
 9320, Nov 7 at 1358, CNR1 jammer, poor, not synchronized with others

 9200, Nov 7 at 1442, CNR1 jammer, very good; the above 9`s off now

** CUBA. 17730, Nov 7 at 1342, RHC Spanish with rumble on carrier in AM mode, and slightly wobbling in BFO mode; // 17580 by comparison is not doing this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 17625, Nov 7 at 1346, BSKSA is finally back in whack with normal non-distorted and on-frequency AM signal in Qur`an, // slightly stronger 17615; after having been a blob circa 17628 for a biweek since October 25. Why didn`t they just take it off the air until they could fix it?? Like Cairo, they have no shame? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7588.5-USB, Fri Nov 7 at 1433, QSO discussing error rates, latency; abbreviated calls heard, uttered fonetikaly, are THN, TXX, TXL, A6J. 1438-1440 sends something in digital mode; 1440 back to speech. 1447 refers to west Texas and New Mexico; At 1458, 6JN, while TXL seems to be the NCS, but TXX announces close-down at 1500* and nothing further heard. They had been referring to each other as ``sir``, implying they are officers, not merely enlisted? I have one previous log on this frequency:

``7588.5-USB, Tue Dec 10 [2013] at 1508-1518+, MARS net discussing methods for scanning documents, with abbr`d callsigns 6VF, 6IS, 6TV and 6GE, who seems to be in charge. Per my previous log Nov 5 at 1353 on 5202-USB, when I also heard 6TV, these are Texas US Army MARS with calls really starting AAR6- (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST 13-50)``

Latest 7588.5 log in UDXF yg is also from last year: ``7588.5 AAR6IN & other US Army MARS stations conducting long-haul tests here, on 9303.5 & 8066.0: ~ 1900 UTC in USB voice (10/AUG/2013) (Jack L. Metcalfe - Stanford, KY)`` Several earlier UDXF logs on this frequency referred to the US Army Reserve Command.

Current googling leads to Texas Army MARS, including AAR6JN; and today`s net concerning training and traffic starting at 0801 CST had frequency M137 as primary, M116 as alternate, with nominal NCS AAM6TXG, a call I did not hear. One can find a lot of info but not everything without being able to log in, at:

Initially there was het from a weak AM broadcast on 7590, which per Aoki was N Korea Reform Radio at 1430-1530, via Uzbekistan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17790, Nov 7 at 1345* good open carrier goes off; no doubt WRMI tuning up for the 1400 R. Africa Network broadcast toward, rather than from, Equatorial Guinea (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9395, Nov 7 at 1444, fair signal from Global 24 via WRMI now with jazz. No hour by hour program schedule for today can be found on their website or Facebook, but this:

November 8th UT --- The Rendez-Vous from Berlin will be airing tonight 0100-0300 and again 0800-1000. The Rock Pile will air at 1000-1230 UT. The final 30 minutes of the Rock Pile include our Berlin special. Be sure to get our special QSL. See more at:

Global 24 is pleased to announce a special QSL card remembering the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989. Global 24 will be broadcasting several special programs throughout the weekend about the tumultuous events in Berlin. Our special QSL card will be available for confirmed reception reports from November 6 through November 10``

So World of Radio will not be appearing this Saturday at 1000+ UT like it did last Saturday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1748 UT November 7