lunedì 3 novembre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs November 2, 2014

** BRAZIL. 11745 & 11815, Nov 2 at 0615, distorted spurs from RNA 11780, which is the SSOB on fundamental; 11855 ZY Aparecida is also audible. 11825 WRMI BS has weakened so that it no longer interferes with the 11815 spur.

6000-, Nov 2 at 0623, very weak het under RHC on the lo side, presumably the other RNA transmitter reactivated as reported 5 days ago by Wolfgang Büschel on 5999.582 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Sunday-evening serious Chinese concert becomes the jammusic on CNR1:

7545, Nov 2 at 1310, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter, CCI (HFCC: vs IBB Chinese via Tinang; Aoki: Cantonese from VOA)
7445, Nov 2 at 1310, CNR1 jammer, fair with flutter
7470, Nov 2 at 1310, CNR1 jammer, fair with flutter (HFCC B14 has nothing here: because per Aoki it`s secret RFA Tibetan via Mongolia)
9350, Nov 2 at 1313, CNR1 jammer, fair with flutter (vs IBB Tibetan via Tajikistan)
9500, Nov 2 at 1317, CNR1 jammer, fair with flutter (HFCC shows only CVC in Hindi here so why jam this?? Because per Aoki it`s a non-jammer CNR1 frequency, imagine that! Merely a collider? But no CVC in Aoki)
9530, Nov 2 at 1317, CNR1 jammer, fair with CCI
9660, Nov 2 at 1317, CNR1 jammer, fair
9680, Nov 2 at 1317, CNR1 jammer, fair with heavy CCI
9810, Nov 2 at 1319, CNR1 jammer, fair
9825, Nov 2 at 1319, CNR1 jammer, fair with Chinese CCI

** CUBA. 15370, Nov 2 at 1329, RHC is absent, but audible on 15230; by 1425, 15370 is on. DST is now off in Cuba, lapdog of USA dates, and Spanish programming has shifted one UT hour later: 1435 starting `En Contacto` DX program with radio anniversaries including Radio Taíno and Radio Enciclopedia, ``para los principiantes`` about the tropical bands, including 3900-4000, which strictly speaking is not a tropical(only) band but used in temperate zones of Japan, Europe.

We expect RHC to make seasonal frequency changes by Nov 3, as usual 8 days later than the rest of the world; today the old ones are still running. 15370 is // and synchro with 9550, 11760, 11860, 15230, 17580, 17730; // but an echo apart from the other site on 9820 & 12010 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9935 // 9415, Nov 2 at 0616, ERTOpen with Greek pop music, fair signals on both (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9330+CUSB, Nov 2 at 0619, Brother Scare still on WBCQ, poor-fair with deep fades; also at next check 1313. Now that he`s been back on WBCQ for a couple days, what does his homepage show?
NO 9330, of course, but long outdated frequencies like 5015, 5950, 9690, 11730 from WRMI! Link to ``complete shortwave radio list``page``
is even worse, still showing WRMI on 6875, three defunct WHRI listings, etc. Still no BS on the WBCQ 9330 schedule either:

** U S A. 9395, Nov 2 at 0617, Global 24 via WRMI now has a VG signal during `The Rock Pile`, classic rock from 1969, and much stronger than 9955 WRMI. Could be they are experimenting with 315 degree antenna now on 9395 instead of 355.

9395, Nov 2 at 1315, next check, S Asian song, 1330 Keith Perron about Titanic songs, so it`s `Song of India` show from PCJ; only fair signal now and declining, squeezed between Asians on 9390 & 9400. 1400 starting NHK World Radio Japan relay; 1438 talk about nuclear weapons mentioning S Korea, so probably KBS World Radio relay; by 1450 it`s very poor and unusable, probably for the rest of the daytime like yesterday.

As of 1548 UT Nov 2, I can`t find any listing of what was on between 07 and 18 UT, but do find a schedule starting at 1800 UT Nov 2 past 1200 UT Nov 3:

November 2 – UTC
1800 – Radio Sweden
1830 – Radio Slovakia
1900 – Polish Radio External Service
2000 – Deutsche Welle
2100 – Explorations. Exploring the Fukushima Disaster.
2200 – The Kelly Alexander Show
2300 – Media Network Plus
2330 – Chart Toppers – Name the songs to
0000 – MLK Speeches
0100 – Radio Prague
0200 – The Happy Station Show
0300 – Blues Radio International
0330 – Chart Toppers
0400 – Radio France International
0500 – Rock Pile. Two Hours of Classic Rock. European Reception Reports Requested:
0700 – Media Network Plus. European Reception Reports Requested:
0730 – Chart Toppers – Name the songs to European Reception Reports Requested
0800- 1100 – Jazz for the Asking. European Reception Reports Requested:
1100 – Radio Prague
1200 – NHK Japan

It also seems G24 will be carrying all(?) the PCJ Radio International shows, probably multiple airings each:

Our initial understanding was that Global 24 would be ``commercial``. Altho various programs may be paying for airtime, most of them are non-commercial, with only a scattered spot ad here and there. And we wonder if RMI itself will be diminishing time for some of the same shows already on 9955 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9930, Nov 2 at 1433, WTWW-2 is on but not with BS: instead // 9475 WTWW-1 with SFAW/PPP. 12105, WTWW-3 carrier is also on now, but dead air. More SNAFUs as they try to Transmit World Wide. Also, listening intently to 9930, I can barely detect some music underneath as this collides with T8WH Palau which is on until 1500 Sundays only.

At 1628, 9930 is still PPP, and 12105 is still dead air! 9475 is much weaker than 9930 but still //. Maybe its #1 priority SFAW is running on 9930 because altho on the air, the 9475 transmitter can`t run at full power now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1656 UT November 2