sabato 15 novembre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs November 14-15, 2014

** BRAZIL. 11745 & 11815, Nov 15 at 0633, extremely distorted spurs from 11780v RNA are much stronger than usual, maybe because the fundamental is too, during EBC promo not mentioning the spurs! 11780 is somewhat overmodulated, contributing to the problem. Wolfgang Büschel says he can`t hear the spurs on various remote receivers including North Americans, but I sure can. By this hour the shorter-path MUF has fallen way below 11825 for the BS from WRMI.

6180, Nov 15 at 0638, RNA is back on here after missing for a bimonth! Music // 11780 and its spurs, but only a poor signal, so must not be anywhere near the full 250 kW. Last time 6180 heard here was Sept 19 when it was obviously ailing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA [non]. 6070, Nov 15 at 0639 check I`m hearing nothing but Latin from VATICAN; fear CFRX is off again unless it`s totally not propagating when it ought to be, at least enough to cause and suffer from, QRMass. Unofficial website
does not acknowledge it`s off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 9550, Nov 14 at 1402, RHC with heavy CCI from CRI in Vietnamese, as Arnie keeps putting RHC on this channel thus featuring Commies for Commies vs Commies. Nov 15 on some other RHC frequency, caught tail of a frequency announcement around 1400; needs to be copied to evaluate their claims vs reality. At 1414 Nov 14, 11950 RHC is still going contrary to schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420, Nov 15 at 0628, ERTOpen is on with Greek talk, fair-good (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 13725, Nov 15 at 1430, NHK World Radio Japan, good with flutter, Sakura theme, opening Persian, an English word required in the pronounced URL. So whence? 500 kW, 90 degrees from Issoudun, FRANCE until 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH. 9875, Nov 14 at 0725, unfamiliar classical music, fair with heavy flutter, 0729 to choral which has that too-sweet-to-be-real Juche flavor. Of course, it`s VOK, during Russian bihour 0700-0857 on 200 kW, 28 degree beam from Kujang across DVR and onward to North America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 610, Nov 14 at 0731, ``full`` ID but all I can catch is an FM in the 105s, on to Mexican music. #1 suspect is XEBX Sabinas, Coahuila, but neither IRCA nor Cantú show any FM frequency for it, and no 105+ for any 610 station. Cantú`s link to XEBX site
doesn`t work either. Yet, searching for own website soon finds it at
which is now primarily 105.9 ``La Primera`` with 610 only a doomed AM-pendage. This is certainly the trend for more and more Mexistations --- get `em while you can. XEBX homepage (should that really be XHBX??) also displays the ubiquitous Kim Kardashian oily big-ass nude photos, here courtesy (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 710-, Nov 15 at 0708, that annoying comes-and-goes off-frequency low audible heterodyne is back as the Chihuahua state anthem is playing, i.e. XEDP Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, allegedly 7/0.1 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 11725, Sat Nov 15 at 0632, RNZI with `Saturday Night` request show, which judging from the content is very much skewed toward the Older Demographic; a comedy bit just ending, then to opera singer Kathleen Ferrier. VG signal as usual, such that we can even hear the scratches on the record. 0645 with phone number for requests: 0800-RADIONZ (try that from abroad??), next being Hallelujah Chorus. This might benefit from DRM, but that`s only on weekdays from 0651 on 11685-11695 for Tonga.

The misleading RNZI program schedule at
shows this program only after 0808 UT: ``9:08 PM Saturday Night --- Nostalgia and musical memories including your requests, snippets from the comedy archives and Peter Fry's Deep Purple selections``

with generic RNZ National relays at 7-9 pm. But if you go to the RNZ National schedule,
you find it already started at 0606 UT! ``7:06 PM Saturday Night Nostalgia --- An evening of music, reminiscences and entertainment including your requests``

The local time start of 1906 is convenient in North America without staying up way later, only in our winters when it`s 12:06 am CST, while in our summers it`s not until 2:06 am CDT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 960, Nov 15 at 0600-0605 UT, local KGWA Enid is still sometimes going to 5 minutes of dead air at local midnight, i.e. a `Fox-hole` of no Fox news, thus unwittingly facilitating DX. I hadn`t checked this in quite a while, but tonight I can`t recognize anything with the remaining carrier tightly nulled, except there is a fast SAH of approx. 10 Hz, but no commensurate modulation --- some other station with dead air?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. 11850, Nov 15 at 1359, strange sequence of signals: bit of the Vatican IS, RFE/RL ID, intro for VOA in language not caught, then cut off at 1400. Aoki listings explain that IBB Tinang relays VR in Russian at 1330-1400 (violating Separation of Church and State, opening the floodgates for all gospel-huxters to claim access to the USG IBB network), but at 1400, IBB site switches to Biblis for VOA Kurdish. 11850 until 1327 is another Filipino, RVA Palauig-Zambales in Vietnamese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 17840, Nov 14 at 1453, fair signal with Romanian pop music, i.e. RRI Romanian at 1400-1557, 300 kW, 285 degrees from Galbeni, a station which hasn`t given up yet on SW and one of few signals on 16m. Don`t be surprised if they mix in some pop/rock music in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13564, Nov 14 at 1416, GNK, HIFER beacon from Madison WI is JBA with continuous CW IDs. This seems to be the most reliable one here. More to try for: Bob LaRose in San Diego reported in DXLD 14-46:

``HIFER beacon "RR" received weakly on approx. 13563 kHz just before 1700 UT today [Nov 5]. After Glenn's success receiving some of these, I've been listening at different times but at my QTH there are strong ISM* carrier(s?). In this case they acted as a BFO so CW ID was audible even with the weak signal. HF Underground says this is 10mW in Mojave, CA`` *industrial/scientific/medical part 15 devices

I`ve also heard from Tha Dood in West Virginia: ``I've yet to try any beacons on 13 MHz, albeit it's an idea. I've yet to hear ISM hash where I am. Could just be geography. On some weekends I've simulcasted from my Part #15 MW station to 13 MHz. When I have been on 13560 AM, it's been weekends. On just a couple of mW's you actually can get fair local coverage, better than Part #15 MW, and no night time propagation to wipe you out like MW band. So, I've been using that 13560 sparingly, and from the sounds of it, probably a good thing.``

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1747 monitoring: confirmed Friday Nov 14 at 2130 on WRMI 7570 and 15770. 7570 now much better here on the NW antenna as daytime absorption is lessening, likely to remain so thru the winter.

Latest revision of the 9395 Global 24 schedule removed the Sat 1000 WOR airing. After Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-USB Sat 0730 & 1530, next:
UT Sun 0231 on KVOH 9975 (very undermodulated last week)
Sun 1000 on WRMI 5850
Sun 2300 on WRMI 11580
UT Mon 0359v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5109v-CUSB
Mon 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Tue 1200 on WRMI 9955
Wed 0401 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Wed 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wed 1415 on WRMI 9955
Wed 2200 on WBCQ 7490v
Wed 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395

** U S A. 9395, Nov 15 at 0626, as usual, Global 24 via WRMI builds up to a good, even very good signal late at night here, while mostly unusable during the daytime (plans to try the NW instead of N antenna at 11-21, which should help, but a higher frequency would help even more). Now I`m hearing ``Tammy`` sung by Debbie Reynolds; during show `The Rendez-Vous` at 05-07 UT Sats among other times. At same time RNZI`s `Saturday Night` is playing even older requests; see NEW ZEALAND.

Meanwhile, in order to update DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS,
I`ve found current times for shows which qualify, subject to change!

WORLD OF RADIO: Thu 2200, Fri 0030, Mon 2200, Wed 0400, Wed 2200
Media Network Plus: Sat 0000, Sun 1000, Wed 0430
Happy Station: Sat 1400-1400, Sunday 2300-2400, Tue 1100-1200
Wavescan: Wed 2230
Global 24 Daily Mailbag: Monday-Friday 0000-0030, Mon-Tue-Wed 0730-0800. Shows at hourtop normally start after a few minutes` news. Too, there`s Song of India, Saturdays at 2300-2400; only on 9395 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13845, Nov 14 at 1415, no signal from WWCR-3, must be down! Nominal on others, 15825, 9980, 7490. Also Nov 15 at 1428, no 13845 while 7490 and 15825 are on, but not 9980 (since it takes a break anyway at 12-15 on Sat & Sun unlike weekdays). I have not noticed WWCR-3 night frequency 4840 missing, scheduled 01-13, but that would be helpful to chase possibly reactivated 4845 Mauritania.

13845, Nov 15 at 1835, WWCR-3 now on with PMS, but carrier is cutting on and off and frequency slightly shifting about 320 times per minute or five-and-a-third times per second! Watch the S meter jump. Something`s very wrong. 15825, 12160, and 9980 are nominal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 15550-USB, Nov 14 at 1517, WJHR Milton FL with its one-and-only screaming gospel-huxter, but who is not identified at this website explaining how the station came about:
Unless he is John Hill as in the callsign. Seems they had racks of taped sermons they had to do something with! Also gets own frequency doubly wrong: ``15.50 mHz``, i.e. milliHertz, while it`s really on 15.550 MegaHertz! The scratchy USB without carrier is at least weakly audible here just about any time during the daily 14-22 UT span, but logged now because it has heavy CCI since R. Tamazuj/Dabanga via VATICAN to Sudan are now scheduled 1500-1627. One could hear them without WJHR QRM by tuning LSB only, but no escaping them if one wanted to hear WJHR. FCC has failed to protect America`s most incredible licensed SW station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5085, Nov 15 at 0640, WTWW-2 is back on, after being down for more than a biweek, but now it`s pointlessly // 5830 with PPPP/SFAW, since Ted lost the account from Brother Scare. Or rather the WTWW-2 frequency is back on, but who knows which transmitter # if they have been swapped around. At 1742 Nov 15, 9930 // 9475 with PPPP. Now to find whether all three are on at once in the afternoons: Yes, Nov 15 at 1830, 12105 with usual non // SFAW hour, presumably to be followed by the Bibling languages, while 9930 still // 9475 SFAW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Cheater-check Nov 15 at 0709-0711 UT:
750, KAMA El Paso TX is still owning the frequency instead of WSB, Spanish talk from Univisión América
660, KTNN Window Rock AZ is *not* heard for a change, but something weak in Spanish
880-CUSB, KHAC Tse Bonito NM, still on 10 kW ND day power, facilitating audibility of English sermon, hymn. FCC ignores this, but is there any FCC record of such AM stations being permitted to fail to modulate both sidebands? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 970, Nov 15 at 0649 UT, Jim Bohannon speaking; only 970 found in ever-widening spiral of states from the map
is WDAY Fargo ND until 1 am CT = 0700 UT. It`s 10/10 kW U4 which means different patterns day and night, but the NRC Pattern Book shows same almost circular patterns, only with a slight notch to the ENE as if there were something in Canada to protect; maybe an extinct station? There are smaller 970 fulltimers in Superior and Ishpeming, but not right on the notch (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5097.4, Nov 15 at 0641, open carrier again like I heard exactly 72 hours ago on Nov 12 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1857 UT November 15