venerdì 17 ottobre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs October 16-17, 2014

** ARGENTINA [and non]. 11711-, Oct 17 at 0155, Cairo is off 11710 ending the analog het to RAE, but now for the 0200 English hour, the problem is QRDRM noise centered on 11715 from AIR in Nepali, DRM whether they want or can hear it or not, at 0130-0230, 250 kW, 124 degrees from Delhi-Khampur (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9885, Oct 17 at 0128, CNR1 jammer, fair with heavy flutter, vs RFA Tibetan via Tajikistan, unusual to hear either now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5040, Oct 17 at 0104, RHC in wrong language, English instead of Spanish, also on proper 6000 // 6165. This happens periodically. Not rechecked 5040 until 0346 when it is back in Spanish.

A greater anomaly is reported to me by Mike S. in Arlington Heights IL: ``Hi Glen[n], Radio Havana Cuba at 2130 GMT, 6165 kHz, 10-15-14, English service with Latin Music and talk. Very good S7 signal with Yaesu FT840 and 45 foot longwire``. That`s a completely off-schedule emission both in frequency and in language (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** DIEGO GARCIA. 12759-USB, Oct 17 at 0102 trace of talk, as AFN is making a rare appearance; I check for it any night when I am monitoring around this time. By 0111 I am hearing some music, and find it significantly better on the PL-880 with short reel-out antenna, than on the DX-398 next to it with a longer N-S random wire plugged in.

0116 announcement; 0118 talk about veterans, PSA? then a long rock song, 0126 segué to another; 0129.4 announcement, 0130 M&W conversation, maybe PSAs, 0132 music, 0136 announcement; 0145 still music, 0146 announcement with phone number starting with 370-; M&M dialog, then W chimes in; 0150 another song past 0156 when I quit (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 12070, Oct 17 at 0117, R. Cairo VG signal, extremely distorted music in presumed Spanish service

11710, Oct 17 at 0117, R. Cairo carrier with no modulation audible, but plenty to make a het with Argentina, q.v., 11711-

9315, Oct 17 at 0117, R. Cairo third Spanish frequency is open carrier/dead air, fair with flutter

9965, Oct 17 at 0117, R. Cairo Arabic is VG with music but always that whine (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420 & 9935, Oct 17 at 0151, still no signals from ERTOpen. I didn`t check UT Oct 16 or 15, but John Babbis last heard these on Oct 14-UT 15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 9690-, Oct 16 at 2048, distorted talk modulation in presumed Hausa from V of Nigeria, 2057 a bit of drumming not so distorted before cutoff at 2057.4*. It had been fair-good signal strength, certainly the best out of Africa on the band at this time.

I then tune up to 11770-, expecting it to come on there and it does by *2059, but very poor level, can`t tell language but presumably Arabic as in Thorsten Hallmann`s AfricaList.
This too is off-frequency to the lo side but unlike 9690- has a het, axually two tones, one or both of which may be coming out of same transmitter as nothing else is scheduled on 11770 at this hour. One of the tones cuts off intermittently and back on.

Thorsten believes this off-frequency transmitter is Abuja, 100 or 250 kW, while Aoki lists both as 250 kW Ikorodu. How about the BDXC-UK?

It has Hausa at 2000-2130 on 9690 Abuja and no listings at all for 11770v, which has been reported several times in the last months. The WRTH 2014 showed Hausa at 2000-2030 only, then Arabic at 2030-2130 on 9690 Abuja, also nothing on 11770 at this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN. 15355, Oct 17 at 0126, Qur`an with poor-fair signal from RSO on wrong frequency, noticed here first, then confirmed 9500 is AWOL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Oct 17 at 0100, JBA carrier from R. Chaski until cutoff at 0103:46.5, which is 18 seconds later than one trinite ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. 9535, Oct 17 at 0152, with REE kaput, something else can be heard here: CRI English, very poor with flutter. Was already scheduled during this hour, southward from Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN, and close to // 9570 Albania & 9580 Cuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 11905, Oct 17 at 0114, SLBC carrier cut to music modulation at 0114:48, timesignal ending at 0115:18.5, sign- on in S Asian language mentioning Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation in English. Good signal but with flutter. When it`s this good, chances improve for hearing Diego Garcia, which I already am, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. As publicized initially from Jerry Whitney of Kestrel Electronic Design in DXLD 14-41 and WORLD OF RADIO, then supplied to the MW DX lists, his experimental station WH2XDE in New York state began testing about 2330 UT October 15 on 1750 kHz. Its purpose is to explore various digital modes, but initially in CW and AM, sked approx. 0000-0200 UT with 1 kW AM carrier from Victor NY. I haven`t been able to hear it yet on UT Oct 16 or 17, but many others have in north/east America.

Brandon Jordan near Memphis TN reports UT Oct 17: ``1750, good signal from 0026 tune in until 0324*. "WH2XDE,1" code ID's approximately every 10 minutes, 1 kHz test tones, World of Radio relay from 0219 to 0247, more code ID's until Star Spangled Banner at 0323, one last ID at 0324 and off`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 4802-USB, Oct 17 at 0108, I come across a Navy MARS net as I am performing my usual 60m bandscan for South Americans. It`s already in informal conversation segment about travel plans, weather, etc. NNN0 calls are obvious, but copying the suffices is a challenge because of weak signals, and altho usually with fonetix, not clearly enunciated. I`m never sure of the NCS` call, maybe NNN0ZJ, or BJ or RJ?

At 0111, NNN0BH says he`s sorry he missed the digital part of the net earlier; strongest signal is at 0113 from NNN0BWR. Googling finds the latter as Robert Loomis in Park Falls, Price County, Wisconsin. All the calls in the Wisconsin MARS roster have 3-letter suffices, so may have missed one with ``NNN0BH``. The only one with a BH in it is:
NNN0IBH, who is Michael Kieck, in St Francis, Milwaukee County. My last log of this Wisconsin Navy MARS net was March 22, 2014 at 0108, where I mention three previous logs on 4802 in 2013y (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1743 monitoring: on WWRB webcast, 0329 UT Friday Oct 17, previous preacher halts, but then Bible readings come on, back to the preacher, 0332 outro `Word of Life Broadcast` from Tullahoma TN, now with hum, presaging WOR playback? 0333, WOR 1733 starts, overlapping the preacher for a few seconds, not blastingly loud and seems OK altho late.

By 0355 recheck, however, the stream is running silently, and 3185 is already BSing. At 0400 the stream revives with Bibling. So WOR didn`t last even until cutoff 0400. It`ll be a rare occasion when WOR makes it thru WWRB air unscathed, but at least Dave keeps trying. Next:
Friday    2130 on WRMI, 7570 & 15770
UT Sunday 0131 on KVOH, 9975, etc.
See also: USA, WH2XDE, 1750 kHz log where WORLD OF RADIO was played (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, Oct 17 at 0123, still 0140, 0150, WTWW-3 is dead air, as Ted has failed again to keep all the transmitters modulating, burning 100 kW for nothing. 9475 and 5085 are nominal. 12105 is fading down from good at outset to only fair with increasing competition from CODAR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9265, Oct 17 at 0150, WINB is already off. Will they be back on after 0600 like last nite? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 870, Oct 17 at 0137 UT with WWL carefully nulled, rock music seemingly in English, but 0138 YL Spanish announcement. Among the XEs on 870, by format this one looks likeliest, per Cantú:
870 XEAMO éxitos + FM 98.9 Irapuato, Gto. 1,000 500

UNIDENTIFIED. 9550, Oct 17 at 0153, open carrier, fair with flutter. Uplooked later in Aoki, I suspect it is BBC English, southeastward from Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN about to start for the 02-03 hour only; as CRI Amoy via Kunming is supposed to end at 0157 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0509 UT October 17