giovedì 16 ottobre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs October 15-16, 2014

** AUSTRALIA. 2485, Oct 16 at 1232, VL8K, ABC with talk, probably news on the hour, with het probably from local source; better on clear // VL8T, 2325. As usual, can`t pull even a carrier on 2368+ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. 5995, Thu Oct 16 at 1301, 1312, and weaker at 1342 chex, RA Brandon is again WalMat, i.e. playing nothing but ``Waltzing Matilda`` IS over and over. Same thing happened on Fri Oct 10 during this hour, but not noticed in the interim. Before 1300 Oct 16, regular programming was running in AM on 5995, not DRM, like at 1245 on 6150, `LNL` interviewing a birdie-nerdie, and finished waltzing again after 1400 when 5995 switched to Shepparton with better signal. Other frequencies including 5940 Shep at 1300 were nominal with ABC news --- is this the last news to be heard on RA until 4 hours later at 1700? We know that there`s no news break at 1400 now that JJJ net show `Earthbeat` is occupying RA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BANGLADESH. 4750, Oct 16 at 1237, S Asian singing, poor with flutter, presumed BB HS. Also lots of carriers on frequencies of INDIA, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 5925, Oct 16 at 1243, soft romantic music, poor with flutter; 1248 some talk sounds Chinese, 1300 CJKT/ZRGD ID. Aoki shows it`s CNR5 at 1000-1705, 100 kW, 163 degrees from Beijing 491 site. WRTH explains that CNR5 = Zhonghua News Radio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. Lots of carriers on 60m along the grayline Oct 16 at 1237+ UT as our sunrise is 1240: 4760, 4800, 4820, 4880, 4895, 4920, 4970, 5010, 5050, all of which fit some AIR station, and most with at least a trace of modulation, altho some also bear ChiComs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 4870, Oct 16 at 1239 poor signal with music, presumed RRI Wamena as usual. 4870 is also a Delhi, India frequency with the Kashmir service, but not starting until *1430, while Wamena runs until 1500v per (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT [and non]. 21540, Oct 16 at 1355, R. Kuwait, and another Arab, 21505 BSKSA remain on 13m, with SPAIN gone from 21640, 21610, 21515. The band is thinning out even more; however WHRI has appeared already on 21600; see U S A (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1300, Oct 16 at 1254, Radio México Noticias, about Juárez and Chihuahua, as XEP holds up well after sunrise; underneath I`m hearing Gounod`s `Ave Maria`, so surely a Catholic station; see UNIDENTIFIED (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1560, Oct 15 at 1859 UT, ``KEBC Del City`` ID and no mention of any translator, into NBC Sportsradio. Last March while in OKC, I had heard it duplicated on 92.9, and so listed in the 2014 NRC AM Log, but that has since changed, with the 92.9 presumably reassigned to another station in the group. I was checking this out for Log editor Wayne Heinen (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. With area tropo, aiming north for Wichita on RF 45, RF 8 et al., but on RF20 I am getting Muskogee from the ESE, surely for Tulsa market, 19-1 as KQCW-HD, but momentarily cross-promo with KOTV 6 logo in lower right; while 19-2 as thisTV. shows there is also an application for a ``DN`` service (whatever that means --- abbr. keys are lacking), on RF20 at exactly same tower coördinates, by KWBT-TV whose calls are not shown on any other channel. FCC TV Query shows KQCW is licensed to Griffin, same owner as KOTV, while the KWBT app belongs to Tulsa Channel 19. So what is going on here? (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3385, Oct 16 at 1230, carrier and some modulation from RENB, Rabaul, until autocutoff at 1230:59* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. 9690, Oct 16 before and after 0300, confirmed that the relay of CRI in Chinese and English is gone with the demise of REE (just as the reciprocal on 11910 at 12-14 has been replaced by CRI English). Tsk2, 9690 was a bigsig to North America, but really redundant, as CRI English has been and still is on 9790 via CUBA at same time 0300, with an even huger signal (but subject to Cuban SNAFUs).

Meanwhile, where`s REE`s English service online-only? Seems they did none dated Oct 15, but the ``first`` one of 30+ minutes is now up dated Oct 16 via:

Mike Cooper in GA explains, Oct 16: ``I've checked the English- and French-language pages of REE and found audio files/streams with today's date, even though it is before the former broadcast time for either service. Both on-demand programs are 30 minutes in length and consist of feature material. There is no news or current events content. The English broadcast begins with a funeral march as the host explains the end of shortwave after 70 years. The French broadcast says absolutely nothing about the distribution change and goes directly into a feature`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1742 monitoring: confirmed on webcast of WBCQ 7490, Wednesday Oct 15 at 2100. Also confirmed after 0330 on WRMI, 9955, good signal.

WORLD OF RADIO 1743 monitoring: confirmed first SW airing at 1230 UT Thursday Oct 16 on WRMI, 9955, following 1229 folk music fill and gh ID. LAH from off-frequency RFI Chinese via TAIWAN, still here well underneath. WRMI good at first, but fading down with the LAH becoming more troublesome. Next:

UT Friday 0325v on WWRB, 3185
Friday 2130 on WRMI, 7570 across N America & 15770 toward Europe
Saturday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB, which is producing good results all over Europe
UT Sunday 0131 on KVOH, 9975, toward Caribbean, South America
Sunday 1000 on WRMI, 5850 northward across pole, even to Asia?
Sunday 2300 on WRMI, 11580 toward Europe
UT Monday 0300v on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5110v-CUSB across America
Tuesday 1100 on WRMI, 9955 toward S America
Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on HLR, 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1315 on WRMI, 9955 toward S America after Taiwan is off
Wednesday 2100 on WBCQ, 7490v across America but closest bestest
UT Thursday 0330 on WRMI, 9955 to S America (unless 1744 be ready)

** U S A. 9265, Oct 16 at 0618, what`s this? VG signal with gospel huxter, on WINB`s frequency, but is it something else at this late hour, like WMLK reactivated? WMLK is still FCC-registered on 9265 at 04-09 UT except Saturdays! Despite having been off the air for years.

0628 muses on how his mother clued him in on ``how wicked women are`` --- what a nice thing to say! Refers to what Adam did 6000 years ago, huh? Refers to Adam as his ``grandpa``, and all his progeny are of necessity sinners too. 0630 outro as `Red Letter Edition`, says will be back tomorrow. (That`s a show that Ted used to stick in on WTWW-2 Saturday evenings, maybe still does.) 0632 canned ID for WINB, into soul music, and Pastor something of something Deliverance Ministry. The guy is really mumbling.

WINB is on way late, testing overnight propagation, or permanent change? Certainly a much better signal than we usually hear from it earlier, let alone in daytime. Is this on their schedule now? Of course not! Still dated August 17, showing Wednesday`s final program starts at 0200 UT Thursday in Spanish, and Thursday`s first program starts at 1745 UT.

Next check at 1228, WINB is on again, or more likely still on, with ID including phone number for listening online, 712-432-5377. However, at rerecheck 1345, 9265 is finally off.

Checking the program schedule for the ones I heard: the only one with Deliverance in its name is
``05:30P / Tue-2130 Prayer, Healing and Deliverance Ministri`` [sic, for a semihour]. And:
``11:00A / Sat-1500 Red Letter Edition`` for an hour

** U S A. 21600, Oct 16 at 1355, VG signal with gospel music, must be WHRI on earlier than usual: yes, apparently generic LeSEA filler with 1357 contact info to PO Box 12, South Bend IN, or c/o METV, PO Box 27266, Limassol, Cyprus; music continuing 1400+. 21600 is EiBi-listed at 16-18 weekdays, and this is a Thursday; 14-20 on weekends (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 880, Oct 16 at 1214 UT, KHAC IDs in passing, again announcer preaching Christianity, mixing Navajo and English. As reminded by KAZ, I check the LSB, and yes, not heard, just on USB (plus carrier). If one were tuning thru on LSB only, one would certainly miss it. COL Tse Bonito NM, but primarily for Window Rock, Gallup and the Res. And again obviously on ND day power way before sunrise (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1140, Oct 16 at 1257 UT, Spanish ad for Frontera Supermarket in Kansas City, Kansas, then ID as ``La Poderosa 11-40`` so not-so-powerful 4 kW KCXL Liberty MO (KC market) is still partly-Spanish. NRC AM Log 2014-2015 lists formats: TLK/NOS/SPT/SS! Hearing grocery ad at first might equally have led to KLTK Centerton AR, fully Spanish and owned? by Mercado Las Américas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VIETNAM. 7906-USB, Oct 16 at 1305, I tune in poor signal earlier for Ho Chi Minh City radio, when YL is already going with presumed marine weather/notices, but as far as I can discern is only in Vietnamese. If English, with a heavy Vietnamese accent. Closing rapid beepstring signature runs from 1311:18 to 1311:29*.

EiBi shows this transmission as English at 1305-1320, along with a full listing of all the other Vietnam coastal stations on 7906 with their rotating schedules in Vietnamese only, mostly 10-minute segments twice daily each:

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Pacific carrier search, Oct 16 at 1224-1226 UT: JBA carrier on 702, presumed 2BL, Sydney, Australia, and also one on 774 which loops west too rather than NW, so suspect it`s another 50 kW DU, 3LO Melbourne, rather than 500 kW JOUB Akita, Japan. One more JBA carrier, on 882, hard to DF, but there are no DUs more than 5 or 10 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 740-, Oct 16 at 0637, LAH peaks NE/SW, i.e. XEQN Torreón, Coahuila, rather than XECAQ, Cancún, Quintana Roo, assuming it`s one of the two R. Fórmula outlets listed. But the major signal on 740 now is KTRH with `Coast to Coast` rather than KRMG. Why a station as close as Coahuila would want to be or could be in the main lobe of 50 kW KTRH Houston is beyond me (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1300, Oct 16 at 1254 UT, under XEP Juárez, Gounod`s `Ave Maria` is sung, so likely a Catholic station. The only EWTN I find in the NRC AM Log on 1300 is far too far in South Carolina. At the website I can`t find any affiliate lists; Spanish leads to SW only. Ave Maria could be on an English affiliate. A couple of Texans are SS:REL, KKUB Brownfield, and KLAR Laredo. Probably too late for WNQM Nashville which is part Spanish, and would be on 50 kW ND (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 2660+, Oct 16 at 1234 UT, JBA carrier, slightly on hi side compared to 1660 station, suspected KGLD Tyler TX, 2 x 1330 as IDed years ago after much effort, but will be tough to get anything definite again. Is licensed for 1000 day, 500 PSRA, and 77 watts at night, all non-direxional. So in Oct, day power span would be at 1230-2345 UT, making 1230+ UT and +2345 UT the best chances to DX it, assuming they are compliant (November: 1245-2315). BTW, KGLD was the original call of ch 11 in Garden City before transformed into the Kansas State Network sequence as KSNG (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

This report dispatched at 1753 UT October 16