venerdì 11 luglio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs July 11, 2014

** AUSTRALIA. 15400, July 11 at 1229, that Kununurra station saying ``salaam aleikum`` so could be any of many Arabic-influenced languages, then into hymn ``Praise the Lord`` to tune of ``Gott sei die Ehre`` à la Family Radio, which has no monopoly on it. Announcement mixes in English terms such as ``P O Box``, but could not copy a location for it. 1230 no English ID, but into `Making Life Better` talk/sermon by David Radcliffe in Melbourne with consecutive translation into Indonesish, mentions Jakarta. Today`s topic: ``What will you do when your business goes bad?``. Fairly good signal.

11595, July 11 at 1243, also fairly good, canned loop of inspirational music as runup to transmissions, still IDing as ``HCJB Australia; programmes on this frequency will commence shortly`` repeated periodically. Finally at 1245, signing on with ID as ``Reach Beyond Australia``, first time I`ve caught them uttering their new slogan, ``greeting listeners in South Asia on 11595 kHz in the 25 meter band`` and into unID language. Evidently have not yet re-produced the IS&ID loop to delete ``HCJB`` from it; if they can locate the same music by now. A-14 schedule here:
shows 15400 at 1215-1300 including `Making Life Better` at 1230-1300 Mon-Sat in Bahasa (Indonesia). The Friday 1245-1300 program on 11595 is `Prathana` in Hindi (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 14870, July 11 at 1253, CNR1 jammer, poor; none in the 10s, 12s, 13s, 16s, 17s, 18s (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5949.2+, July 11 at 0524, R. Rebelde is still here way off-frequency instead of 5025. Next check at 1222 UT, still there with fair signal, altho no attempt to remeasure. Meanwhile, Wolfgang Büschel was using a remote receiver in Cocoa FL of N9JY and at 1240 July 11 did measure it on 5049.239 at S9+15. Don`t know if it had varied a bit, but within my margin of error on the keyboard, i.e. 761 Hz from 5050, between the notes at 740 and 784 Hz. Will be interesting to note whether the misoperators correct it by UT July 12 before WWRB reattempts to use 5050 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 13695, July 11 at 1235, S Asian vocal music, 1240 into talk, which Aoki shows as AIR Telugu via Bengaluru; fair with flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. A bit of Es DX on channel A2, July 11 at 1411 from SSW, but nothing further develops (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 11825, July 11 at 1247, Brother Scare via WRMI with heavy CCI, during disturbed conditions, i.e. CNR1 jamming and VOA Chinese via Philippines at 09-13. This 24-hour BS service is normally inbooming here day and night (while we must still strain to hear RMI`s own programs on 9955, etc., all beamed outward).

I was therefore surprised to see a log in the July NASWA Journal on 11825 with no mention of QRM: ``Radio Romania International, Galbeni, 0320-0340 May 22, ID, English feature, fair (D`Angelo-PA)`` EiBi shows that as via Galbeni eastward to S Asia, // the North American frequencies 7350, 9645 via Tiganeshti. O yeah, that was before WRMI resumed 11825 as of June 1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. 21630, July 11 at 1316, JBA carrier, nothing on 21640, and another JBA signal on 21610. Therefore I suspect REE`s old habit of using 21630 instead of 21640 has brought it back, clear now, but likely to clash again with BBC Ascension on 21630 at 1200-1230 & 1400-1430. Finally 21630 fades up enough at 1321 to make it // 17715 REE. As recently as July 8, Paul Santos in Quezon City tells me he was hearing Spain very well on 21640 // 21610 at 1515.

BTW, As I mention on WORLD OF RADIO 1729, per a July 7 story in El Confidencial, via Pedro Sedano, REE`s Castilian service is being merged into domestic RNE, with more and more simulcasts of Radio 1 and Radio 5, already the case with news, to be completed in September. The head of RNE also said that as a result, REE would be *expanding* airtime in foreign languages!

BTW2, this part of the 13m band again has QRM in our mornings from something in wideband FM, weak signal, but so are the intentional SW broadcasts in AM. Today it`s no longer // 101.9 KTST OKC, which means my neighbor with an FM radio receiver radiating on the second harmonic of its 10.7+ MHz IF, is tuned to some other station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, July 11 at 1731 check, WTWW-3 is off again but 2 and 1 are on, 9930 and 9475 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1905 UT July 11