martedì 6 maggio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs May 6, 2014

** CHINA. 17735, May 6 at 1303, CNR1 news sounders, very poor, but obviously here to jam BBC Uzbek via Thailand at 1300-1330 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6165, May 6 at 0542, RHC is absent from this English frequency, which I know was on after 0100; remains on the remnants of the Cuban Five, 6100, 6060, 6000, 5040 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6185, May 6 at 0542, XEPPM is off, unlike last night. I guess it`s just a matter of when they get around to turning off the SW transmitter, mañana (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 91.7, May 6 at 1330 UT, KOSU announcement by Kelly Burley about OSU applying for transfer of license to itself for KOSN 107.5 Ketchum-Tulsa, which they have been renting (I think). Go see the paperwork at an address in Grove OK; inconvenient (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


** U S A. 9370, May 6 at 0540, WWRB with BS at night on day frequency, and this time // much weaker night frequency 3185 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1510, May 6 at 0551 UT, dominant signal is something new, Mexican music, long corrido, loops somewhat CCW from E/W. 0555 partial ID as ``La Ke Buena`` with no WLAC to be heard, but that must be in a fade, regaining shortly making 4 Hz SAH, during C2CAM; just after 0600 UT ID in accented English as ``WQQW, La Ke Buena`` and right back to music.

This is a 1 kW *daytimer* direxional toward me! COL Highland IL, address in Belleville = St Louis MO market. See my previous log of November 7, 2013 in DXLD 13-46, when heard around sunrise, updating entry in NRC AM Log when it was in English as a ``hometown station`` for Madison county, quite a reversal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Finally, our first significant regional tropo opening of the spring, morning of May 6! I know something is up when I turn on 90.1 and hear Radio Kansas, KHCC Hutchinson, totally capturing the frequency from KUCO in OK, on the nondirexional YB-400 whip. KHCC is in a pledge drive interrupting `Morning Edition`. The Kansan gospel huxter on 91.5 is also elbowing KOSU 91.7, forcing me to off-tune for it to 91.75 but still hear some ACI.

So after breakfast I switch to TV with the antenna rotated north.
Hepburn tropo map for 1200 UT today shows a minor purple area in eastern OK and eastern KS, so we`re at the western edge of the opening.

1325 UT, all the big Wichita signals are solid on VHF and UHF, starting with KSNW-45, so I look for other ones.

1328 UT, still an NTSC signal on channel 28 and only 28, tnx to 8.8 kW KWKD-LP Wichita with Daystar. It`s weak with JBA sound but enough to lock and recognize. On the B&W analog TV I keep an eye on 28, where it`s a lot easier to peak the rotator on Wichita than with a DTV signal, and it is fading out by 1500 UT as the DTVs are also weakening and dropping off. Titan TV fails to list KWKD 28 for Wichita, just a TBN translator somewhere, K28JB, which is not in the database for Kansas. And not in FCC TV Query either for anywhere!

KWKD analog 28 is // but not synchronized with Daystar OKC via Cable 95 in Enid (the latter breaks up and sometimes goes to black, apparently due to off-air pickup QRM to 50 kW KOCM RF 46 Norman? Enid Suddenlink has claimed they get everything from OKC via fibre now, not air, but maybe not applicable to this minor but apparently must-carry signal. I am not getting anything on 46 directly, but there are two low-powers in Kansas, and three others in Oklahoma including most likely Tulsa.)

From 1330 UT I find that RF 43 bears THIS TV as 43.1 and a whole bunch of others, i.e. KCTU-LD Wichita KS with only 2.7 kW per which shows only 3 subchannels,
Asterisks mean ``major virtual channel guessed, not in database``.

But I identify eight with PSIPs!
43-1 THIS [not really? see 43-6]
43-2 EBRU TV
43-5 AMG/FAM
43-6 COOL TV [but with THIS bug in lower corner!]
43-7 MICASA  [so it`s Spanish?]
43-8 LAUNCH  [old low def off-color movie? no sound either]

Titan TV is seldom complete, accurate and up-to-date, but I bring up its Wichita on-air listings which also include much of the rest of Kansas as far as Colby. Its lineup for KCTU 43 is rather different:
43.1, KCTU Wichita - THISTV
43.2, KCTU-Cool EBRUTV
43.4, TVScout Ind
43.5, KCTU-LD6 Ind
43.6, KCTU-Ebru COOLTV
43.7, KCTU-LD7 IND [programming unavailable]
43.8, KCTU-LD8 IND [programming unavailable]
[and no higher channels]

I`d never heard of EBRU TV before, so Google it; surely not the ``newest cable network`` by 2014y!:

``Ebru TV takes pride in being the newest cable network that offers a complete television experience that is both wholesome and exhilarating for family viewers of all ages. Launched nationally in 2006, the network broadcasts 24 hours in English to viewers across the United States.

Ebru TV's wide range of high quality programs serve to viewers eager for more inclusive and representative portrayals of their lifestyles. It offers members of diverse communities a place to share their unique stories and contributions.

Ebru TV is available on RCN basic cable in Manhattan, Washington, D.C., Boston, Chicago, Lehigh Valley and Philadelphia as well as the largest international TV platform in the US, the Globecast World TV.

Parent Company

Ebru TV is a majority-owned subsidiary of Samanyolu Broadcasting Company (SBC), an international media corporation with headquarters in the United States, Germany, Turkey, and Azerbaijan.

Founded in 1993, SBC has grown rapidly. Its programming currently reaches viewers in over 80 countries through several televisions [sic] and radio stations.

The secret of SBC's continuing rise has been our ceaseless effort to bring audiences unique, high quality content that integrates the values of today's families, the wisdom of past generations and the fresh perspectives of tomorrow.

Contact information for Ebru TV:
300 Franklin Square Dr., Somerset, NJ 08873
Phone: 1 (732) 560 0800 Fax: 1 (732) 560 0801``

Click on the `Demand EBRU TV from your TV provider`` button leads to:

So I enter a zip for Wichita, and get NO on-air ``providers``, so they don`t even know they are carried on KCTU (or don`t want us to know). And just what is the Turkish/Azerbaijani connexion? Where does the name come from: surely nothing to do with Hebrew?? BTW, the U in EBRU logo is a pair of flames (or petals?). Programming includes Dr. Who! but hardly exclusively.

1329 UT on RF 30, discussion of juicing, program bug lower left says DAYtime. 1335 UT on RF 30, 30-1 RTV, but much of the time it`s black even tho with `good` signal, apparently a transmission problem. By 1416, Retro TV is showing, and no subchannels. At 1442 UT it`s black again, but then revives so I can identify multiple channels from it:
30-1, Retro
30-2, HRTHD – video of a radio talk show, about music?
30-3, FAM
30-4, PBJ
30-5, TUFF

This more or less matches Titan TV, except here too some of the channel identifiers are mixed up:
30.5, KSMI-LD5 TUFFTV shows this as KSMI-LP, 15 kW in Wichita KS but only as a CP LD and a CP-MOD LD, with seven different channels:
*30.2:E:My Family TV
*30.4:E:Tuff TV
*30.6:E:Jewelry TV
The asterisks mean ``major virtual channel guessed, not in database``. KSMI also listed on RF 51, which if really on, I would not see here due to OKC, but they probably left it for 30 now activated.

1352 UT on RF 14, DTV 17 KAAS-DT is decoding. But per, KAAS Salina is on RF 17, displays as ``18``, and relays KSAS RF 26 Wichita ``24``. On RF 14 it`s really KOCW, 40 kW in Hoisington KS which evidently does not relay KSAS directly, but via KAAS. Is it really picked up off-the-air, double relay? That`s risky. Hoisington is just north of Great Bend and a bit closer to Salina than to Wichita.

1355 UT on RF 44, I am getting NBC `Today` just like on 45 from KSNW, but soon to local break, news and weather from `KY3`, i.e. KYTV, another ``3``, Springfield MO --- despite antenna still being pointed at Wichita. Bunch of photos. At 1428 UT, I see a subchannel, 3-2, labeled on PSIP: KY3 24/ --- it`s supposed to be 24/7 as displayed on screen, but by leaving a space within the PSIP which allows only 7 characters, the last of 8 characters is cut off! Duh. It`s Weather Nation, combo with local info. Bunch of more photos.

1425 UT, I rotate ENE toward Springfield MO to see what else may be incoming besides 44: RF 23 has:
21-1, OPT-HD kidvid
21-2, OPT-LD? more kidvid
21-3, OPT Create
This is KOZK, 100 kW in Springfield, Ozark Public Television

1426 UT, RF 22 with PSIP for 2-1, KSNC-DT which is Great Bend KS

1427 UT, RF 16 with Smoky Hills public TV bugs in LR or LL and:
9-1, KOOD-1
9-2, KOOD-2, same PBS kidvid as on KOOD-1, but not synchro!! Why? Are they relaying KPTS or some other station here?
9-3, KOOD-3, Create
This is 496 kW in Hays KS; also shows a 9-4, PBS World, unseen. KOOD also has transmitters in Lakin, Colby, Dodge City.

By 1500 UT, the Kansas signals are fading out, but at 1519 UT, KSNW-45 is still in-and-out. By 1533 UT, RF 45 is overtaken by KOTV Tulsa, even with antenna still toward Wichita. So then pointed at Tulsa, still solid for most of the hour as I am somehow tuned first to 6-3, which is Newson6 --- but it`s 4 hours old, as obvious from the continuous clock showing 6:xx am! Make that Oldson6. Report from Guthrie wildfires. Graphic style and everything match sibling station KWTV 39 OKC, except their old-news-channel is 9-2, News 9N while 9-1, the main CBS channel is nevertheless named News9. KOTV has an additional channel: 6-2 KOTV-CW while 6-1 is PSIP`d: KOTV-HD.

It`s amazing how there is a complete lack of standardization in the way PSIP IDs are handled. The 30 and 43 LPs in Wichita don`t show their real callsigns anywhere, not even on the -1 channel. There is also an RF 24 LP in Wichita, blocked here by OKC.

Distance-wise this opening was nothing special, but with the reduced reach of DTV, not getting any of these under dead conditions for months, 100 miles seems like real DX! And it is real DX concerning low-power outlets. Quick approximations, not site to site, by ---

From Enid to:
Wichita KS     152 km =  94 statute miles
Hoisington KS  249 km = 155 statute miles
Hays KS        305 km = 189 statute miles
Springfield MO 419 km = 260 statute miles

BTW, my rotor currently won`t reach between NNW and WNW, but fortunately not much TVDX to be had from those angles. Antenna is the C-490 about 21 feet above ground (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1826 UT May 6