martedì 8 aprile 2014

Glenn Hauser logs April 8, 2014

** CHINA [and non]. 13830, April 8 at 1338, Firedrake jamming, poor with CCI. Usually only hear CNR1 jamming here --- vs RFA Tibetan via TAJIKISTAN.

16100, April 8 at 1343, CNR1 jamming, good with flutter.
NO other FD or CNR1 jamming found in the 10s, 12s, 14s, 17s, 18s, 19s

** CUBA. 5025, April 8 at 0556, R. Rebelde transmitter produces only a big hum, while 5040, RHC is already off.

9550, April 8 at 1333, RHC is still here despite colliding with CRI in Vietnamese, but no RHC any more on 9540. The weak 9550 signal sounds like it used to on 9540, minus the QRM.

15370, April 8 at 1333, RHC is here for the second day, so looks more like it`s intentional, ex-13780. Not quite as strong as // 15340, but the combo now make leapfrog mixing products not only on 15400 but also on 15310. At 1342 April 8, 15400 is axually better audible than seriously undermodulated fundamental 15230!

Ivo Ivanov found another new frequency today at 11-15, 9830, which he thinx replaces 9540. Now to check for 17720 starting at 1930 as in web schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA [and non]. 9690, April 8 at 1351, with BS from WRMI unexpectedly on 7455 instead, how about the AIR GOS at 1330-1500, which has been blocked for months? Unfortunately there is a third station QRMing and hard to hear AIR. Aoki shows the only other one at this time is V of Nigeria, which would be unusual here at this time, maybe long-path remnant? Not in HFCC, of course, and EiBi shows VON on 9690 but not between 1200 and 1630; their operation is however, unpredictable.

AIR // 13710 is fair-good until 1400 QRMed by Kashgar with CRI English; while third AIR //, 11620 is a JBA carrier. Aoki shows nothing else there now, except evil jamming by China, even tho AIR is in English. We can only hope WRMI will stay off 9690, but see USA, could be just a mistake on 7455 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, April 8 at 1334 check, VOI is fair with flutter --- but dead air, or possibly a trace of modulation. So much for ``Exotic Indonesia`` with RRI Banjarmasin this Tuesday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 15745, April 8 at 1429, fair-good open carrier, 1430 `Sakura` and NHK opening in Hindi, via MADAGASCAR. At first I thought it would be in Indonesian or Swahili (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [non]. 15525, April 8 at 1357, fair OC is on from Voice of Tibet, MADAGASCAR, 1400 programming, 1407 jump to 15530 to avoid ChiCom jammer, which however I can`t hear today on either frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12050, April 8 at 1339 is today`s missing frequency from WEWN, while 11550 Spanish and 15610 English are inbooming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7455, April 8 at 1349 past 1400, surprised to find Brother Scare here, with blessedly non-boosted modulation typical of WRMI, and indeed // synch with 15770 WRMI. 7455 is on instead of 9690, which we have rued from the very first day of WRMI Okeechobee, since it blox All India Radio at 1330-1500. Often when trying [hee hee] to hear BS on 9690, there would be QRM here from India. So a welcome change, altho see INDIA [and non]. However, I fear it`s a mistake, since the same transmitter #13 on 285 degree antenna is carrying TruNews on 7455 until 1100, so probably failed to change frequency to 9690 when resuming at 1200. We`ll see. 1620 recheck: still on 7455, not 9690.

As for yesterday`s anomaly, 9955 missing at 2115 April 7, Jeff White explains, ``Brother Stair has not cut back on WRMI at this point. 9955 should have been on at 2115; will have to check to see if there was a problem. We have had some short power outages recently due to osprey nest construction on the ranch, so it's possible. Jeff`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

The report dispatched at 1639 UT April 8