sabato 5 aprile 2014

Glenn Hauser logs April 5, 2014

** ALBANIA. 9845, April 5 at 0124, R. Tirana is already on with IS prior to 0130 English; still good signal for A-14 and no QRM.

It`s a bit shocking to realize that Albania is one of only three European countries left still broadcasting directly to North America in English on SW --- along with Spain and Romania. Or we could push it by adding the weekly Mighty KBC from Netherlands via Germany; and bicontinental Turkey, but really from studios and transmitters in Asia (Minor) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BANGLADESH. 15105, April 5 at 1222, open carrier is already on with heavy flutter, but good signal; 1223 ~1 kHz tone; 1227.5 Bangladesh Betar IS; time signal ends at 1229:40.5, opening English, best heard in a long time, and it`s almost readable with some concentration. Newscast has big item about scouting; 1236 music break; 1237 News comment`ry about Vitamin A campaign for children; 1240 ID ``Bangladesh Bétar``; 1246 YL talking about trade; 1250 songs; 1259 sign-off.

[non: Meanwhile at 1242:20 UT April 5, I log an Enid earthquake; the bed shakes and something in the room shifts, making a noise. There have been scads of minor EQs lately in Garfield and neighboring counties, but no one wants to admit that fracking is causing them. This is the first one I have been privileged to experience for months. USGS info
shows it was a 3.8 about halfway between Enid and Guthrie, and no tsunami warning was issued! Whew. Or here, 22 miles SE of Enid:
says the USGS]

15505, April 5 at 1356, BB OC, 1358 IS JBA, TS to 1359:41. For once the 15105 broadcast was better (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11856.5, April 5 at 0101, good signal from R. Aparecida citing long list of affiliates around the country ending with Guajaramarim; still way-off frequency but nothing to het it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11764.8, April 5 at 0104, gospel music from SRDA, vs RHC 11760 splash; figured another Brazilian had to be off frequency so measured it too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANARY ISLANDS [non]. 6205, April 5 at 0138, very poor carrier with bit of music, probably Horizon FM relay via Ireland(?). Nothing on 6245 or 6255. Jan Reint, Zwolle, Netherlands, at 2043 April 4 told the BDX group that he`s been hearing it all week in the evenings on 6205 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Only one standout WOOB CNR1 jammer this morning:
16160, April 5 at 1329, CNR1 jammer, very good with flutter; none in the 17s, 18s, 19s, 14s, 12s, 10s
15570, April 5 at 1334, CNR1 jammer, very poor with VOT het on lo side
13830, April 5 at 1336, CNR1 jammer, and noise, poor with flutter
11805 & 11785, April 5 at 1337, CNR1 jammers, very good with flutter
11640 & 11605, April 5 at 1338, CNR1 jammers, good with flutter, CCI

** DIEGO GARCIA [and non]. 12759-USB, April 5 at 0125, AFN barely audible with rock music, 0131:40 OM DJ seems with phone numbers, for requests? along with YL, sports news; 0139 a bit stronger when back to music. R2, S1 at best, but I`ll take it. I check this several times a week when I am porch-monitoring around 0100, presumed time when the day frequency come up, but usually nothing. Correlates with 11905 Sri Lanka, now putting in a good but fluttery signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 7450, April 5 at 0120, Greek music too close to WRMI 7455; Helleniki Radiophonia has been missing most of the time for several days at random chex of all its frequencies. 9420 still missing, ceded to audible Iran?

Apparently only running one transmitter at most, last reported with two at once, briefly on March 31: John Babbis in Maryland, who never misses a day monitoring Avlis, but only from 1900 past 0200 UT, posted these results the last few days:
April 4-5: 7450 23-02+
April 3-4: nothing
April 2-3: 7450 23-02+
April 1-2: 15630 19-23, 7450 23-02+
March 31-April 1: 15630 22-23, AND 7475 21-02+
March 30-31: 15650 22-23, and 7475 22-02+, and 11645 01-02

He also forwards this, which may presage some change in SW output, but altho page is autodated today, it`s originally from Feb 25:

``NEW PUBLIC BROADCASTER NERIT TO OFFICIALLY LAUNCH ON APRIL 27, SAYS KAPSIS --- NERIT, the public broadcaster that will replace ERT, will begin broadcasting on April 27, Deputy Culture Minister Pantelis Kapsis said on Tuesday. Pilot broadcasts will start next month, Kapsis told Vima FM. The minister, who is in charge of overseeing the launch of the new service, said that NERIT's board is currently considering proposals for new programs. Kapsis added that 30 million euros had been paid out so far in compensation to ERT employees that were sacked when the broadcaster was shut down in June. The remaining compensation will be paid once the Finance Ministry gives its approval, said Kapsis.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. UNIDENTIFIED. 15770, April 5 at 1222, open carrier with heavy flutter, fairly good signal. Leave a receiver on it and never any modulation until finally off at 1249:07*. Could it be WRMI warming up for *1300 Brother Scare? NO, not with flutter like that, quite similar to the transpolar Bangladesh signal on 15105. (And WRMI comes on 15770 at *1256 with steady carrier, starting the BS already at 1258.) Only other 15770 in HFCC is Cairo at 14-16 in Pashto, but Aoki has the answer, yet another case of an HFCC boycotter:

All India Radio, 250 kW, 132 degrees from Aligarh at 1115-1215 Tamil & 1215-1245 Telugu! Now all they need to do is add modulation and they`ll be in business. Condolences to the Telugu deprived of their broadcast today (and often?) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 710, Saturday April 5 at 1206 UT, XEDP with same sequence as yesterday: Mexican NA, `Soy Soldado`, Chihuahua anthem, full ID for AM & FM, then inserting a brief prayer, finally 1214 over to the Low German preacher. (But mostly its format is not religious, rather ranchera) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6935-USB, April 5 at 0135 as I tune in the only pirate heard for several days, first words heard are m----- f-----, which I find rather crude, tho I`m no prude, and into heavy music; hard to tune in exactly but maybe closer to 6936. Thread here concludes it was Radio Free Whatever:,16378.0.html

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1640, April 5 at 0524 UT I find local KZLS in open carrier/dead air. So I dare to turn up the volume and turn the DX-398 around to find what else I can hear. There are two SAHs, one fast and one slow, and two audios --- one with Spanish music, which would be KBJA in Sandy, Utah, and one English sports, which would be WTNI in Biloxi MS; 0529 UT promo for ESPN. In fact, I can still hear them without nulling the KZLS carrier. But 0530 UT, KZLS resumes with Blaze Radio ``news``. Unfortunately KZLS dead air is sporadic, altho not unusual, unlike KGWA 960 which more than half the time provides a Fox-hole at 0500-0505 UT (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 90.1, April 5 at 0459 UT, I hear a new ID from our only classical-format radio station, long known as KCSC-FM: now it`s KUCO!

Website shows message from manager: ``The University of Central Oklahoma, our licensee, requested that we change our call letters to KUCO to more closely align with the University's abbreviation. The change is effective April 1. Therefore, you will hear us refer to our new call letters and see KUCO reflected on our website, Facebook page, etc. Changing out all our copy will occur over a period of weeks. Yours in music! Bradford Ferguson`` now forwards to

Wikipedia is right up to date with the historical background I was about to summarize:

``KUCO was originally a student-run classical music station, KCSC, when it signed on in 1966. KCSC adopted its name from when the university was known as Central State College. When the school was elevated to university status as Central State University, it tried to change the calls to KCSU, but those calls were already being used by Colorado State's student station.

In 1978, it built a new 400-foot tower and expanded its signal to 100,000 watts, extending its coverage to nearly all of central Oklahoma. The station started becoming a more professional operation in 1983, and by 1985 had become Oklahoma City's main NPR station. Oklahoma City had been one of the largest cities without a full-market NPR station. Previously, parts of the city got grade B coverage from Oklahoma State's KOSU and the University of Oklahoma's KGOU.

In 1993, however, KGOU built a repeater in Spencer to better serve Oklahoma City. Central and OU agreed to adopt non-conflicting schedules in 1996. Although KCSC was the more powerful station, it dropped all NPR programming to become an all-classical station, while KGOU became central Oklahoma's main outlet for NPR programming. KBCW signed on in 1999.

On April 1, 2014, KCSC changed its call letters to KUCO to better reflect its association with the University of Central Oklahoma (which adopted its current name in 1990).``

I`ve wondered why they didn`t do this long ago? Perhaps KUCO was tied up by some other station. KCSC also was confusing for websearchers, because a student (once carrier-current?) station at Chico State College, California, also calls itself unofficially KCSC, now apparently only a webcaster: (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, April 5 at 0059, R. Chaski carrier with some music audible, cutoff at 0107:23.5*, which is 6 seconds later than yesterday; now before the cuton of my sunset-latening streetlight at *0110:19.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 21660, April 5 at 1332, very poor signal from algo: nothing in Aoki, but HFCC has Riyadh in Urdu at 12-15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 15770, April 5 at *1256, WRMI on with steady carrier, 1258 BS undermodulating already, interrupted by Bob Zanotti dotless ID at hourtop; retunecaross 1303 finds BS mentioning that he will remain on 11565 only at ``one thousand to twelve hundred``, apparently due to insufficient funds. Missed whether that refer to WRMI or WHRI, both of which have been Overcome. Must be WHRI which is A-14 registered 08-12, while WRMI is available 22-06. See also INDIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 21515, April 5 at 1332, JBA signal but // stronger 21610 & 21640 REE. Don`t usually hear this, not daily? HFCC has it registered available 7 days at 09-17, 161 degrees. Aoki shows: M-F 11-15, Sat 11-14, Sun 11-17 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11715, April 5 at 0105, very surprised to hear instantly-recognizable KJES here at night on its morning frequency --- mistake, or experiment? Guy in gringo Spanish with Bible quotations, soon joined by kidchoir, VG signal. Not on 7555. It could work, as HFCC shows nothing at all on 11715 between 00 and 04. Oh oh, there is something, according to Aoki, AIR at 0130-0230 for all its Nepali DRM listener, but why tell HFCC? If AIR on, KJES would have had no problem overcoming it here. Still going at 0125 and presumably until 0230.

11715, April 5 at 1338 VG, KJES still here when it is supposed to be, catechisms in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7506.6, April 5 circa 0105, WRNO still AWOL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 12105, Saturday April 5 at 1252 check, WTWW-3 is already on with Russian Bible, before usual *1300. For how long? Possibly another of their occasional all-night broadcasts also in other languages. At 1252, WTWW-1 is still on night frequency 5830, while WTWW-2 is on neither 5085 nor 9930 yet --- fortunately for T8WH PALAU which stays on 9930 until 1400 weekends and now with sufficient signal (Glenn hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1725 UT April 5