martedì 4 marzo 2014

Glenn Hauser logs March 4, 2014

** AFGHANISTAN [non]. 13580, March 4 at 0626, poor signal with SW Asian music. HFCC shows it`s IBB in Urdu via Nauen, GERMANY. Aoki agrees on the hours, but it`s really Mashaal Radio in Pashto! At 05-09, from IBB/RFE B13, flanked by same at 04-05 via Sri Lanka, and 09-11 via Kuwait (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake [non] logs of CNR1 jamming vs unheard Sound of Hope, u.o.s., some of same frequencies as last few days, but generally weaker today, and never a complete match from one day to the next:

13970, March 4 at 1435, CNR1 jammer, very poor; none in the 12s, 14s
15970, March 4 at 1438, CNR1 jammer, poor with flutter
16360, March 4 at 1438, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter
16920, March 4 at 1438, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter

17790, March 4 at 1440, CNR1 jammer should be here on Tuesday against VOA Tibetan, but hardly a trace of it under WRMI/Radio Africa Network

18970, March 4 at 1441, CNR1 jammer, fair with flutter; none higher (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [non]. 13665, March 4 at 1436, Chinese dialect on fair signal, not CNR1, so what? Aoki shows R. Free Asia in Cantonese on 13665 via TINIAN at 1400-1458 only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I suspect this was it rather than jamming. Another of those jumparound services, per Aoki, others being: M/W/F 13655, Sat 13675, Sun 13635 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 15550, March 4 at 0615, stilted Spanish commentary on US policy until cut off abruptly at 0618.6*. Was poor signal, but a good sign of improving spring propagation across the lessening darkside; as suspected, HFCC shows it`s Iran:
15550 0520 0620 27S,28S,37,38 KAM 500 289 0 215 1234567 271013 290314 D SPA IRN IRB IRB 14180 SPANISH

15085, March 4 at 0621, VIRI IS on fair signal, a few minutes after 15550 cut off, better here. There are now lots of signals across the 19m band. 0623 ID in unknown language, NA, another brief announcement, 0624 Qur`an in standard runup to news on the half-hour; 0630 three chimes, news theme and presumed news.

HFCC shows 0620-0720 is currently the only hour this OOB frequency is in use (remember when it was 15084?), and it`s Italian?! I certainly should have recognized that if correct; HFCC shows it could even be same transmitter as on 15550, exactly same parameters except CIRAF:
15085 0620 0720 28S KAM 500 289 0 215 1234567 271013 290314 D ITA IRN IRB IRB 14164 ITALIAN

What other languages are on air from Iran at 0620? WRTH shows Arabic continuing, French and Albanian starting --- I`ll bet this was really Albanian! supposed to be only on 13820 from Kamalabad, and 15490 from Sirjan, yet another mixup by IRIB whose own operations are too complex to carry out accurately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 15380, March 4 at 0620, poor signal with Qur`an, among several other 19m signals propagating, notably q.v. IRAN. This one is certainly BSKSA as scheduled in Arabic at 06-09 and again 12-14 when we ordinarily hear it, both 500 kW, 310 degrees to CIRAF 39-North = Turkey, maybe also Syria, Iraq, the latter a bit close for skipzone from Riyadh, but also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7455 & 5850, further chex of new WRMI service, March 4 at 0609, playing music, 0610 canned ID at odd time by Rick Wiles of TruNews. Supposedly runs until 1100 on both. Still not showing on WRMI graphic frequency schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17775, March 4 at 1440, KVOH is on with good signal, but no modulation except some hum; then, just barely music. 1448 music modulation suddenly up and down and up and now it`s good. Ray Robinson, ops mgr, explained that KVOH stayed on 17775 yesterday past usual 2000* in order to work on tech problems I have been pointing out, and apparently still doing so. 1526 recheck: off the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 690, March 4 at 0642 UT, ``Ghost Riders in the Sky`` on keyboard, 0643 TC in Spanish for 17:1, another upbeat banda tune. Dominant signal, loops NE/SW, and seems KGGF Coffeyville KS is no longer leaving its carrier on overnight. Central TC rules out Los Mochis and Tijuana, and XEN DF is mostly news/talk, so that leaves XERG Monterrey NL likely. I kept listening for ID, but brain dozed off shortly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11822-SSB, March 4 at 1425, intermittent ham talk mentioning 10 meters, apparent spur and hard to copy as modulation made the exact frequency vary; could be local, or not (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 12450, March 4 at 1428-1432, another try at the very weak signal I once had, suspected of being 2 x 6225, Democratic V of Burma via Tajikistan. Nil. And apparently there will not be, as Wolfgang Büschel and Ivo Ivanov report that since March 3, the DVOB 1430-1530 broadcast is heard on summer frequency instead already, 11560. Hmm; its second harmonic would be: 23120.

I was trying to detect similar behavior to that described by Harold Sellers, BC, a few days ago hearing 6225:

``6225 TAJIKISTAN Democratic Voice of Burma, 1428 Feb 27, carrier already on, 1429:25 short tone followed by a long one :50-:60, 1430 s/on with traditional Burmese music, man with presumed ID, 1431:30 man and woman with news. Fair`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1653 UT March 4