martedì 4 marzo 2014

Glenn Hauser logs March 3-4, 2014

** BRAZIL [and non]. 6134.8, March 4 at 0058, another night with R. Aparecida almost on the same frequency as poor R. Santa Cruz, BOLIVIA, making low rumbling het and neither one of them readable. Also, the TADIL-A bonker is banging away on the low side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 11645, March 4 at 0113, Helleniki Radiophonia pop music is on this frequency tonite // stronger 9420 and strongest 7475 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 11985, March 4 at 0114, AIR 0045 Sinhala service with music is improving via Delhi-Khampur, and much better than // 11740 Goa. Checked just before 0115v* as the two never go off simultaneously (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MONGOLIA [and non]. 17730, March 4 at 0118, Chinese and CCI making LAH, and heavy flutter. Besides some DRM noise circa 17675 from NZ, the only other signal on 16m is 17495, poor with echo in non-// Chinese, since that`s really CRI in Amoy from Beijing site, while 17730 is no doubt CNR1 jamming vs. R. Free Asia in Tibetan via Ulaanbaatar, at 0100-0300. (If I had been listening later at 0215, I might have heard another 16m signal, KVOH testing, per Bob LaRose in San Diego.)

So if you are frustrated trying to hear and/or QSL the irregular and North America-avoiding V. of Mongolia, here`s a way to log and/or QSL Mongolia otherwise --- except be sure you are hearing Tibetan and not Chinese, i.e. RFA and not CNR1. And don`t expect good QSLer RFA to admit where the site is, even tho it`s an open secret, e.g. in Aoki, WRTH. I also wonder how careful A. J. is to sort out and reject reports that are really hearing ChiCom jammers rather than RFA itself and can`t tell the difference (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Latest development at KXOK-LD, Enid`s sorry excuse for a TV station: March 3 around 2030 UT check, main channel 31.1 on RF 31 and RF 32 is *still* playing nothing but old episode fragments of `Outdoor Oklahoma` and `Discover Oklahoma`; 31.2 is still M-FOX per PSIP but presenting nothing except full color bars and silence; and 31.3 is now black, not even a PSIP. This causes the Zenith set-top box, to exclaim NO SIGNAL upon various parts of the screen (to avoid burn-in? Is that still a problem?). Yet the signal meter shows this subchannel is still being transmitted on both RF 31 and weaker RF 32. Last time we checked, it was also silent color bars like 31.2. Mysterious little changes accomplishing nothing, like presenting three real TV channels 24/7 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU [and non]. 5980, March 4 at 0059, R. Chaski with a bit of modulation along with its carrier, hit at *0059:10 by SAH from BBCWS UAE carrier, until 0104:20.5* when Chaski cuts off leaving BBC alone. That`s 11 seconds later than 48 hours ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 5910, March 4 at 0121, RRI good in Romanian, and no het from Colombia tonite, // better 7340. Meanwhile RRI English after 0100 on 7325, indicates Moldova and Romania are getting jittery about what`s going on in Crimea, not that far away (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. 11775, UT Tue March 4 at 0114, REE IS is atop RNBrasil, and again close to zero-beat; 0115 opening Emisión Sefarad, also 0117 ID before a segment about Sephardic poetry, but too much QRM to follow, as incompetent frequency management at REE continues to stymie the efforts of program producers, while letting numerous clear frequencies, including the sometimes-registered alternative, 11795, go free (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 11905, March 4 at 0114:48 brief open carrier from SLBC starts some music, timesignal ending at 0115:17.5, so their clock is getting further beyond whack. Anyhow, we can only get this clearly before *0200v Cairo blob, when unlikely to include any English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 7730, March 4 at 0308 check, JBA carrier here, presumably new RTI relay via WRMI in Spanish at 0300-0400, which Jeff White mentioned on `Wavescan` resumed Okeechobee as of March 1. Must be on very unfavorable antenna for us, but should be doing the job to Mexico, Central and/or South America. Still no English relay (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Since Jeff White tipped me that WRMI would be starting a new service on two frequencies today March 3, `TruNews` at 2200-1100 UT on new 7455 and 5850, I was standing by to confirm it at 2200 --- neither on the air, nor later in that hour.

Recheck at 2312, now they are on, presumably really starting at 2300, VG on 7455 well over the RTTY, and good but weaker this early on 5850. Psalm CXXXIX being referenced, and soon ID as TruNews, discussion of current events in Ukraine. Rick Wiles obviously has contempt for Pres. Obama, always including his middle name, which is code for ``he`s not one of us``, but goes a step further, referring to him as ``Eric Saturo``?? I guess maybe an alternate Indonesian-era name, but I don`t find it by Googling. O, here it is, stepfather was Lolo Soetoro, per Wiki.

The TruNews website does not yet list WRMI, but *only three* radio station affiliates: one domestic, KBXD, 1480 Dallas, where we first ran across him when that station debuted, almost a sesquiyear ago, M-F at 8-9 am CT; ``World Band`` stations WHRI, 5920 & 7385 at times converting to 0200 UT Tue-Sat, at least until DST shifts next week; and on WWCR, 6115 and 5070, M-F converting to 23 UT. His shtick is that all news must be viewed from a Christian standpoint only Wiles can provide.

New WRMI IDs seemingly by Wiles himself are inserted on 5850 and 7455 at hourtops and hourbottoms, always referring to ``World band``. Evidently this show is only one hour long, so will WRMI keep running it over and over until 1100 UT, the alleged span of these new frequencies?

No, apparently under the umbrella of TruNews, another show takes over at 0000-0200 UT March 4, `Revelation Ready` with Dan Duval. That may be brand new, since the closest program name for him that Google finds is `Rapture Ready`. Today`s topic: the face on Mars. No further explanation needed for what R.R. is about. Now the RTTY QRM is growing from the station which used to own 7455 --- will they complain to FCC? This area is after all a fixed utility band with broadcasters the intruders subject to bumping. Even worse by 0200.

I didn`t check WWCR 6115 & 5070 for // at 23-24, but after 0200, TruNews is repeating on 7455 & 5850, and now it is // WHRI on 5920 & 7385 (syncrhony not checked). How does this significantly improve the program`s reach --- four frequencies instead of two from close geographical sites? Must be following the Brother Scare model. Will it keep repeating thru the night, alternating with Revelations or even more politico-religious shows? I won`t be listening except for possible random chex.

WRMI website continues to provide a program grid only for 9955, not updated since Feb 9, and a transmission grid not updated since Feb 11. Getting back to 2200 UT Monday March 3, despite listing as `Overcomer` until 2400 UT, WRMI is in fact running other programming as monitored on 9955: 2231 tune-in amid `Wavescan` which must have started at 2215, as Jeff is mentioning the next NASB meeting, open to the public, which will be at IBB Greenville, Thu & Fri May 15 & 16 (let`s hope it`s still a SW station by then); mailbag items; mentions CFRX reactivated on 6070, including my log of it. After the JSWC report consisting of month-old routine logs in Japan, all spoken according to a very strict format, Jeff adds that Radio Taiwán Internacional relays via Okeechobee have resumed as of March 1, 0300-0400 UT on 7730 --- in Spanish, as tested several weeks ago. Apparently they weren`t interested enough to try English.

BTW, A-14 plans show that WRMI will also start relaying R. Japan, but also only in Spanish! 0400-0430 on 5985, apparently replacing WHRI on 6195, but not really, since WHRI is moving to 12015 at that time. (WHRI will also still have NHK in Portuguese & Spanish at 09-10 on 6195, and 2130-2200 Portuguese still on 17540.)

Continuing non-TOM 9955 monitoring: Monday at 2245, `Acontecer Venezolano`, discussing the demonstrations and unrest there; 2300 `Frecuencia al Día`, 2330 unchecked.

9495, UT Tue March 4 at 0056 check is playing `My Way` by Sinatra. Again, not sure what WRMI program that would be (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7506.6v, March 4 at 0308 check, WRNO is still missing. Ron Howard, who monitors almost every night during this span, a lot more than I do, says he last logged them on Feb 24 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6155, March 4 at 0057, weak pulsing like OTH radar, but if so, it`s narrow-band, not audible on adjacents (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0358 UT March 4