sabato 1 febbraio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs February 1, 2014

** CUBA. 5025, Feb 1 at 0707 check, open carrier/dead air from R. Rebelde.

15340, Feb 1 at 1448, another day of RHC missing from this morning frequency, leaving something weak, presumably HCJB Reaching Beyond Australia. Still no RHC at 1518 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 1180, Feb 1 at 0711 UT tune-in ``Ciudad Delicias, Chihuahua`` partial ID amid music. Per WRTH 2014, it`s XEDCH with 1.5 kW at night; per IRCA it`s 250 watts. And Cantú *still* claims the call is XEJK. Whatever, how can this possibly surpass the 34 R. Rebelde jammers all over Cuba (per WRTH) on 1180 ranging from 1 to 200 kW, including four of 50 kW? What little RF is coming out of Cuba is easily nulled for XEDCH to dominate, with more QRM from Omaha than Cuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 9545, Feb 1 at 0657, very poor signal with some talk, 0658 music, 0700 talk. Generous FRG-7 meter shows S9+10, which ought to provide more modulation than the just-barely I am hearing. 31m is almost dead otherwise, but there is nothing else this could be except SIBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [and non]. 7490, Feb 1 at 0702, Brother Scare rerererereplaying his claim to be on 29 SW transmitters, and again later in the minute, since there are now *two* unsynchronized transmitters with BS on 7490, not just WBCQ. They are making a wobbling SAH as it`s BS vs BS. Yet another self-defeating clash like on 9930 and 9955. Ivo Ivanov says the second 7490 is WHRI, moved from 7520 at 06-08, while WBCQ is on 7490 at 05-11 with BS.

Or has been: as we reported yesterday, from Feb, BS on WBCQ 7490 is supposed to re-contract to 01-04 Sun-Thu only. So maybe this clash is only once for the transitional period. Surprised if WBCQ agreed for WHRI to move onto 7490; there was nothing wrong with 7520. However, for A-14, there is a gap at 05-12 between WBCQ and WWCR reservations on 7490, so why not?

Meanwhile, 5110-CUSB is still WBCQ with BS at 0705 Feb 1 check, and unusually much stronger than the BS on 5085 WTWW, as the skip is long with the TN signals barely propagating to here. 5110 is also supposed to be Scare-free from now on in February; we`ll see.

See also USA: WRMI where some BS frequencies have suddenly vanished even before Feb 1, 7570 and 11825: would that be a reduxion in total hours, or some technical problem? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UKRAINE. 21270-USB, Feb 1 at 1441, UT9IR making quick contest contacts, awarding ``5-9, BS217`` to each. What means the latter? Not the format for grid squares. lookup shows:
Sergey V. Ponomarenko
ul. Perova 26
83085, Donetsk

** U S A. 9955, Feb 1 at 1400, I can`t detect any change in signal from WRMI at the usual time they swap transmitter #10 at 160 degrees for transmitter #11 at 315 degrees. #11 is also the one which has been missing from 7570 at 22-10 UT, so is that one down? At 1400, 9690 is still running with BS, which is #13 at 285 degrees, but also missing is 11825, which had been #12 at 315 degrees. 17790, #7 with Radio Africa at 87 degrees is audible at 1438, but not propagating(?) earlier in the hour. Another check at 1520: 11825 still AWOL; 9690 with BS, 17790 with RAN; and 9955 with BS now sounds strong enough to be on the NW antenna, but not sure.

Meanwhile I check the RMI webcast, and at 1558 Sat Feb 1 hear IS and Eslovaquia closing in Spanish, fill music, and 1601 `Wavescan`:

Jerry Plummer in reporting from HFCC Kuala Lumpur, mentions a conversation with the rep from Jordan about their 500 kW transmitter on ``12090``, which they pledge to keep plenty far enough away from 12160 WWCR. But, but, but, but, Jordan has been completely gone from SW for years! Clueless Dr Jerry apparently believes the Jordanian that the thing is really on the air, or will be in A-14?

Don`t bet on it. These all-expense-paid trips to HFCC twice a year are just junkets for a lot of lucky frequency ``managers`` who pretend to broadcast; or if they do, could just as easily coördinate over the web. Jordan continues to register several wooden channels, 9830, 11775, 11810, 11960 and 15290 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, Feb 1 at 1523, WTWW-3 is on today, with Arabible, and so are the other two, 9930 with BS, and 9475 with PPP (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1727 UT February 1