domenica 8 dicembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs December 7-8, 2013

** CUBA. 11760, Dec 7 at 2020, first RHC English hour of the day is AWOL, off the air completely; 13680 in Brazilian to Portugal is on at 2022 check.

11760, Dec 8 at 0059, RHC is back on with rumble/roar on the modulation, and with BFO the carrier is rapidly wobbling. Not QahiraRM this time, probably not propagating.

5025, Dec 8 at 0052, R. Rebelde is off again. Wolfgang Büschel has been hearing it back on after 0700, when RHC 5040 (and all the other frequencies) have finished, so maybe it`s having to share antenna and/or transmitter with RHC while something is down.

5990, Dec 8 at 0103, CRI English modulation finally stops its overrun after scheduled Spanish relay hour, and then off.

9825 & 9885, Dec 8 at 0123, pulse jamming against nothing, ex-Martí & VOA-Spanish frequencies; can`t be too careful (or paranoid) (or incompetent) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. 15190, Dec 7 at 2002 is not too late to tune in and hear R. Africa, Bata by itself: a very poor signal today, until *2002:47 R. Africa, Okeechobee cuts on over it, making the usual SAH of several Hz, at first dead air so Bata can be heard under; by 2007 modulation grows a bit, not clear from which but probably WRMI.

2101 recheck, now WRMI is definitely atop, but still SAH from the other, program ending off-hour, 2102.5 ID as ``Radio Africa Network on WRMI, Okeechobee``, into some music, while the Bata CCI is talking. The seventh day in a row that Radio Africa has been colliding with itself from these two sites on same frequency. How much longer until Pan American Broadcasting gets its act together (or rather, acts apart)? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 7450, Dec 8 at 0110, poor signal with Greek music, ERT here rather than 7475 tonight, and not on 9420 where I only hear JBA talk, presumably CRI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 7375, Dec 8 at 0056, The Mighty KBC, via Nauen, GERMANY, is very poor, much weaker than neighbors 7365 Martí/jamming, and 7385 WHRI. Winter-night syndrome; until now it`s been sufficient even adequate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Dec 8 at 0053, very poor carrier(s) from R. Chaski and/or VOA Sri Lanka and/or CNR1 jamming, but the one signal left at 0100 is obviously Chaski as it cuts off at nearly-anticipated time of 0104:23*, which is six seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. 9690, Dec 8 at 0107, strong open carrier, off in less than a minute, uncovering very poor Brother Scare via WRMI, who has some equally poor CCI. Presume the strong carrier was REE, as previously heard testing well prior to China relays at 0200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1698 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-2, 5085, UT Sunday Dec 8 from 0028, very good signal, and thank you, Ted; followed at 0100 by his ham-radio programming. Next: UT Sunday 0501 on WTWW-1, 5830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5050-USB, Dec 8 at 0052, WWRB has resumed USB here as well as AM on 3215 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13927-USB, the main AF MARS frequency near 20 meters, Dec 7 at 2010 has ``Wolf Bait`` (or ``Wolfbait``?), picturesque tactical callsign, evidently a mobile unit (airborne?), ``out west`` compared to the base station being contacted, AFA5TW, apparently discussing a USENET phone patch; is there such a thing? One roster puts AFA5TW in Michigan. It seems that Wolf/Bait, one or two words, is unknown to the UDXF yg search (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 24940-USB, Dec 7 at 2027, W7ORC says he is a special event station, commemorating the pouring of the first concrete at Grand Coulee Dam in 1935(?). Wikipedia however says construxion began on July 16, 1933. Temp there is 17 degrees, windchill minus 15. Leisurely contact with unheard W9EEE. ARRL/FCC lookup shows:
PO Box: 464
Trustee: Gadd, Steven H, KF7LSA
Previous call sign: KD7JGR

** U S A. 1860-AM, UT Sunday Dec 8 at 0119 at first no signal, then WA0RCR appears with some technical discussion, amid CW QRM. Had it taken a break? ARRL/FCC lookup shows:
Jackson, Vernon C, WA0RCR
2109 Ebert Ln
Wentzville, MO 63385-4607
But this individual is allowed to funxion as a broadcaster on weekends. As per lookup:

``Founded the "Gateway 160 Meter Net" on 1,860 KHz in May of 1979. The Gateway 160 Meter Radio Newsletter began during the net in July of 1979. It emphasizes 160 Meter activities and general concerns and news of interest to the Amateur Radio community. The service is aired on Saturdays from 10:00 am Central until 3:30 am Central, Sunday morning.`` 

So it`s about time I updated the times for this in my DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS list,

When on at night, the signal exhibits very little fading, since there is no CCI unlike broadcast MW to cause subaudible heterodyning. I wonder how much power he runs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1570, Dec 8 at 0117 UT, dominant signal is preacher in English; this is on the FRG-7 with east-west longwire, which doesn`t favor XERF to the SSW. Probably nearest 1570 to the east, KBCV, Hollister (Springfield market) MO, 5/3 kW U4, which is a 24-hour Botthuxter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 29000, Dec 7 at 2042 an isolated AM ham catches my ear in a long contact, other side not heard, and he doesn`t like to ID, in several exchanges. Says is near Bangor and the coast of Maine; 2051 finally mumbles a call I can`t catch, W1-something, and then sounded like K1GS, but he`s in Rhode Island, an unlikely contact on 29 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0447 UT December 8