venerdì 6 dicembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs December 6, 2013

** CUBA. 6000, Dec 6 at 0635, RHC is in Spanish, `Estampas de Cuba` about Antonio Maceo, instead of proper English (Spanish is supposed to be off all frequencies by 0600). VG signal, like English on 6165 and 5040, but the other English frequencies, 6060 and 6100, are very undermodulated. It`s *always* something wrong at RHC. Next:

11760, Dec 6 at 1355, RHC Spanish here is just broken up modulation, totally unreadable, and with CCCCI, while 11750 and 11860 are OK; however 11860 as I tune in is cutting off and on the air at 1357.

17730, Dec 6 at 1408, RHC remains reactivated here, better than QRMed // 17580, now with homage to Mandela (what?? He represented freedom rather than repression); anyhow an improvement over hoary old Fidel speeches usual heard in this segment on `Voces de la Revolución` --- no, a bit later today at 1421 when I`m on 15230, it`s Maduro & Chávez stuff from Venezuela (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5025, Dec 6 at 1343, R. Rebelde is back on the air altho mostly missing in the evenings; only fair signal this late on day path, something about Venezuela (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 9800, Dec 6 at 1422, VOA Philippines [q.v.] is messed up, so I can hear the IRIB IS and 1423 NA. It`s start of the Hindi hour via Kamalabad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 6140, Dec 6 at 1342, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze fair on new frequency, Friday in English about North Korea. Tnx Ron Howard tip that they switched the 1330-1430 broadcast from 5910 on Dec 4, found Dec 5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9775, Dec 6 at 1423, R. Free Chosun with good steady and loud signal in Korean, better than 9800 VOA Korean from Philippines [q.v.] which has severe problems today. One more time: no way this is transpolar from Tajikistan or Uzbekistan, rather than via Philippines or vicinity. Aoki still claims Tajikistan, Eibi Uzbekistan, and remains missing completely from HFCC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 9955, Dec 6 at 1330, one more(?) day of the unintended relay of KBS World Radio via WRMI, once again joining `Seoul Calling` in progress amid the one-hour broadcast, instead of R. Slovakia International. Before, at 1328 there was Czech fill music, 1329 Andy Sennitt ID. S.C. this Friday is about kimchi having achieved ``World Cultural Heritage`` status by UNESCO, along with kimjung, the process of preparing the buried fermented cabbage dish (I lunched at Enid`s only Korean restaurant, Sula, yesterday, but skipped the kimchi; if only I had known). 1340 on to `Current Affairs in Focus`, discussion of China`s expanded ADIZ. I assume this will not be appearing Sat or Sun when RSI was not scheduled anyway, but hearing KBSWR again has been nice while it lasted. Now if they only had the sense to buy a dedicated broadcast hour on WRMI! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 6170, Dec 6 at 1346, for the sixth Friday in a row, RNZI reverts to its A-13 frequency for the 1300 segment, instead of B-13`s 5950, which is still heard other days. At least it makes no difference here as far as QRM, good and quite in the clear. Discussion of the Maori Language Commission trying to maintain and improve language skills, on `Morning Report` which is closing at 1349, into music. I assume this show is long-delayed from the RNZ National network. RNZI`s Saturday program schedule shows ``2:30 AM Blue Smoke -- An audio history of popular music recorded in New Zealand in the 1950s and early 1960s`` which this certainly was not. Presumably axually relaying RNZ National, with ``2:05 NZ Live (RNZ)``. Steadily weakens after 1400, and not heard at 1502 check. What`s the next scheduled frequency in AM? 5950 is supposed to continue until switch to 9765 at 1551, but it`s still not audible on 5950 either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** OMAN. 15140, Dec 6 at 1415, RSO is kindly playing some Cuban music while RHC is busy propagandizing verbally, or maybe it`s just Santana, but still odd to be coming from the Sultanate`s English hour; 1420 segué to something else; sufficient signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. 9800, Dec 6 at 1422, VOA Korean modulation is severely suppressed, distortion audible only at peaks while signal level is still fairly good. Wiggle that patchcord! Isn`t anyone at Tinang paying attention to what is really going on the air? This facilitates Iran q.v. being audible, opening Hindi at same hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 25900, Dec 6 at 1406 and later chex to 1455 find *no* trace of the Moscow student station, Radio Green Eyes, which is reported to broadcast only at 12-15 UT Fridays. I reminded the ~700 members of the DXLD yg about this a few hours earlier and hope someone could hear it, possibly beyond Europe. Before 1500, 12m was starting to open with SSB hams from somewhere, but not 10m. Need a better F2-propagation Friday to have a chance at this. Nick Sharpe in the BDXC-UK yg did report at 1215 UT today:

Radio MTUCI 25900 kHz, 1200, Sinpo 35333 --- Very reasonable reception right now of this Friday lunchtime/afternoon station in the Russian language being heard west of London on a longwire antenna.

I understand that their mailing address is
Radio MTUCI,
Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics,
P. O. Box 19,
Moscow 127055,

I have heard some western music on the station and also electronic music but has anyone had a reply from them?``

Harald Kuhl, Germany, replied: ``A while ago I received a reply from the man behind this station, but this wasn´t for a reception report.
This was all in (google-)Russian, no luck when writing in English`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA [and non]. 21505, Dec 6 at 1358, Buzzing Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is back to Arabic programming separately from 21540 Kuwait, unlike yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOMALILAND. 7120-, Dec 6 at 1351, very poor longpath signal but can make out some music from R. Hargeisa, slightly on lo side as usual, and with CW QRhaM from a K4- on the hi side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9930 & 9955, Dec 6 at 1505, Brother Scare is right in synch via WTWW and WRMI, respectively, probably coincidentally, while 9980 WWCR is 4 seconds ahead. Congrats to WWCR which wins the competition today to get him on first, making the other two duplicates totally redundant (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** THAILAND. 5875, Dec 6 at 1503, open carrier, dead air, good signal, S9+20 just about the SSOB in fact, but no programming other than a brief tone and then off. Per Aoki, supposed to be at 1500-1530 is VOA Uzbek via Udon Thani, immediately after BBC English via Nakhon Sawan, both jammed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [and non]. 15515, Dec 6 at 1411 very poor signal, presumed V. of Tibet via MADAGASCAR, and another weak signal on 15520. From Aoki, presume this is the current cat-and-mouse setup: VOT jumps from 15520 to 15515 circa 1408, leaving the CNR1 jammer behind. In A-13 the same was happening from 15525 to 15520 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12050, Dec 6 at 1353, WEWN Spanish is missing, while VG on the other frequency 11550 with an Ave Maria song. 1507 check, now 12050 is on and squealing as usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, Dec 6 at 1358 following KBS World Radio [see KOREA SOUTH [non]], WRMI starts its one-minute sports `Scoreboard` about 1358:30; 1359 signal and loudness level jump amid it as they now smoothly switch transmitters and antennas from 160 to 315 degrees, in time for Bob Zanotti ID before 1400`s `Voice of Life Radio Ministry` from Georgia. Rechex during this Friday hour only find more gospel huxters as in the program grid, which shows the first one as `Words of Life` instead (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. TP carrier search Dec 6 at 1323-1327: JBA carriers on 774, 882, 972, 1053 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1640 UT December 6