MVBR Test Transmissions on 9480 KHz
Tomorrow Sunday the 3rd of November MVBR will make some tests on 9480 KHz,
this will take place between 0900 and 11.00 UTC.
All reprts to: Thank you!
European Music Radio Schedule for November 2013:
17th November 2013, 08.00 - 09.00 UTC Gohren / 7265 KHz Tom Taylor (60s & 70s)
17th November 2013, 09.00 - 10.00 UTC Gohren / 9480 KHz Repeat
29th November 2013, 19.00 -19.45 UTC IRRS / 7290 kHz Tom Taylor (New prog)
30th November 2013, 09.00 - 09.45 UTC IRRS / 9510 KHz Repeat
More information will follow on Sunday night!
Good Listening!