lunedì 4 novembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs November 3-4, 2013

Now updated for B-13 and standard time:

DX/SWL/Media programs:

World of Radio schedule:

Alan Roe`s Station Hitlist:

** CUBA. Further chex of RHC on first day post-DST, Sunday Nov 3:

As expected, the first English broadcast at 19-20 has shifted an hour later back to 20-21, still on 11760; and with `DXers Unlimited` running at 2015 Sunday.

17720 is still on with European service including Portuguese (or rather Brazilian) at 2016 check, much stronger than 11760.

Like last B-season, the ``African`` broadcast has shifted a UT hour *earlier* rather than later, 2200-2300 instead of 2300-2400 instead of 0000-0100, still on 11880.

That re-separates it from the `Tropical` service, English one hour later at 0000-0100, instead of 2300-2400, still on 5040.

After 0100 the English hours are still over and over on 6000, 6165, including DXUL starting at 0212 UT Monday Nov 4. At 0350 near end of Mailbag, ``Ed Newman`` answers inquiry about compañero ``Langston Wright``, ``a great journalist`` [a.k.a. skyjacker Michael Finney] who passed away in 2005. Remains to check whether any changes after 0500, but last night already, 5040 was still in Spanish, maybe English 0600.

6270, Nov 4 at 0152, RHC Spanish weakly audible here, leapfrog of 6060 over 6165 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT [and non]. 9410, Nov 3 at 2027, poor and distorted ME music, i.e. R. Cairo, 1900-2115 in German and French to Europe, 200 kW, 325 degrees from Abis.

Sigh! 9410 was once a 24-hour BBCWS channel, but they don`t need it much any more, currently registered in HFCC for only 10 hours a day from a variety of sites, not all in English.

Besides Egypt, these also may use 9410, some of them overlapping: Turkey, CRI, CNR, and France --- oops, the latter is for ``English`` at 1900-1930, another imaginary revival unless someone axually hear it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, Nov 3 at 2021, R. Africa is audible with gospel huxter, poor signal; still on at 2208, now recognizable as convicted child sex offender Tony Alamo. Ron Howard also heard him Oct 24 at 1615-1652 and adds:

``So who exactly is still paying to air these old shows of his? Tony from his prison cell? Probably Alamo Ministries? Current story:
`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 15630, Nov 3 at 2018, weaker than // 9420, Avlis with Greek pop music. 15630 also seems lower-modulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 11707-11723, UT Mon Nov 4 at 0204, DRM noise centered on 11715; nothing in HFCC, but of course not, since it`s All India Radio, as in Aoki, Nepali service daily 0130-0230 from Delhi/Khampur site. On Tue-Sat, this will QRM Argentina 11711 in English!

Did they find out how many DRM receivers there are in Nepal before committing to this, or did they imagine this would boost sales there? Or are they and the DRM Consortium living in a DReaM world? Mainly causing collateral damage as far away as the other worldside by operating in-band, unholy mix with AM stations. BTW, AIR Urdu service via Bengaluru on 11620-AM could axually be listened to way over here without special equipment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 6010.0, Nov 4 at 0148, finally a definite log of Radio Mil, federal PSA from Secretaría de Salud, ads in pesos, ID mentioning ``vivir en México``, 0149 music. The amazing thing is, no het or any QRM at all, so Colombia must be off, and furthermore, XEOI is right on-frequency, compared to 6000.0 RHC. (5910 had CCI between Romania and presumably the other HJDH.) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 17850, Nov 3 at 2017, REE with silly ballgame in Spanish, much stronger than // 17755. If didn`t know better, could think 17850 is from Costa Rica again instead of to CR and Central America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15580, Sunday Nov 3 at 2019, VOA `Music Time in Africa`; 2029 break for mailbag with Heather. VG signal again, must be back to Greenville, which was not in use at all on this frequency at the end of A-13. Yes, GB 250 kW at 94 degrees during this hour only, preceded and followed by Botswana, per today`s B-13 HFCC.

15225, Nov 3 at 2020, VOA French altho playing blues in English at the moment, then French announcement at 2021, is as good at 15580 in English, so this is Greenville too: HFCC shows French at 1830-2030, also 250 kW, 94 degrees. (It might be colliding with Egypt in Arabic from 2000 but no sign of that here.) After 2030, the VOA extensions of 15225 until 2100 on Sunday in French, Saturday in Hausa, are from Botswana (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13570, Nov 3 at 2022, WINB YL gospel huxtress upon very wobbling carrier if checked with BFO; sounds OK in AM. Their carrier had been OK recently (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, Nov 3 at 2023, open carrier, presumably WTWW-3, altho much weaker than 12160 WWCR, so WTWW carrier not likely at full power.

9930, Nov 3 at 2023, WTWW-2 with bluegrass song, ``Salvation Words``, just Overcomer Ministry since it`s still // 9980 WWCR not in synch.

5085, Nov 4 at 0147, classic country on WTWW-2, presumably Ted Randall`s weekly UT Monday show, start and stop times unknown, perhaps variable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15550-USB, Nov 3 at 2206, WJHR is signing off with ID, `Rock of Ages` theme on bells (hand?), cut off incomplete at 2207.6*. HFCC registered for 1400-2200, 50 kW [sic] at 5 degrees in the T mode. B-13 Aoki still puts it in California instead of Florida (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7490-AM, Sunday Nov 3 at 2212, `Marion`s Attic` is again audible from WBCQ, now that she`s shifted a real hour later, and the sun is around setting time from Monticello ME; fair signal. Let`s see if still repeated at shifted time of UT Tuesday 0200 on 5110v-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3215, Nov 4 at 0144, WWRB is still on here in one-hour-later non-DST scheduling; nothing on 3195. At 0200, WWRB carrier switched to 3195, programming shortly, and WWCR steel drums coming on 3215.

WWCR is registered now for 3195 at 23-02 and 06-10, but *not really using it at all* per own website; WWCR-1 on 6115 instead at 21-02, and 3215 at 02-11 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9975, Nov 4 at 0159 big open carrier from KVOH, 0200 music, English sign-on as from Rancho Simi-Los Angeles; 0201 peppy music and Spanish opening as La Voz de la Esperanza. Modulation is good tonight as if from proper FM STL. First song/hymn is ``Tengo un hogar más allá del Sol``, implying that heaven is located beyond the Sun (?). Very strong signal is splattering some out to 9960-9990, but not with discrete spurs like last night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5920, Nov 4 at 0207, WHRI, very good signal with British accented guy talking redundantly about his ``one-year anniversary special``, opening some champagne, ritually killing Justin Bieber to celebrate Hallowe`en. Outro as ``Radio Echo One``, then produced IDs by American accents; Chris Lobdell ending `Pirating with Cumbre` at 0209, string of promos such as ``DXing with Cumbre supports Pirates for Peace dot tk``, Chris sends it back to ``the star of DXing with Cumbre, Marie Lamb`` but all we hear from her are snippets in a montage, before another edition of PWC starts at 0212.

Is Marie providing *any* content herself on the show any more? There was some weak crosstalk, maybe from another WHRI service? Also active on 7315, 7385 each with different programming. 0200 UT Monday is the only DWC time I can confirm so far in B-13 among the multiple imaginary times in the WHR online program schedule. It`s strange how licensed WHRI is cool with devoting airtime to promoting what is after all, an illegal activity, radio piracy. O yes, it`s harmless even if calling for killing Mr Bieber (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [and non]. 9560, Nov 4 at 0156, English editorial in S Asian accent, about food insecurity; what`s this? Not CRI as on 9570, 9580 relays. Soon answered with Vatican Radio ID as to S Asia, ``L.I.C.``, 0158 VR IS. It`s the morning service direct from SMG at 0040, last third of an hour in English.

7305, Nov 4 at 0153, warmup open carrier, as Greenville is still scheduled to relay VR in Spanish at 0200-0245, violating Separation of Church and State; as well as at 1130-1200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. TA carrier search, Nov 4 at 0139-0144, after first hearing the Saudi 1521 het on 1520 KOKC: 531, 693, 774, 783, 882, 891, 945, 954, 1206, 1215 kHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6925-AM, Nov 4 at 0152, sounds like country music on poor signal, only pirate around. No one else IDed it here:,13654.0.html
Some of the same music was played earlier in the hour on 6924:,13653.0.html

This report dispatched at 0454 UT November 4