martedì 12 novembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs November 12, 2013

** CUBA. 6000, Nov 12 at 1316, RHC is still on here, squeezed between Australia 5990-6000 QRDRM, and N Korean jamming noise quite like DRM, centered on 6003. Couldn`t happen to a nicer station. Continues to weaken during this hour well post-sunrise.

RHC finally issued new B-13 schedule effective Nov 11; I had already discovered most of it by monitoring Nov 11 as in previous report. 6000 is scheduled from 12 to 14. Full sked has been posted to the DXLD yg (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [and non]. 5920, Nov 12 at 1325, fair signal with Qur`an, 1328 talk in unID language; 1330 three chimes, mention Iran, IRIB news theme including vocalising. HFCC shows this is VIRI`s Kurdish service, 500 kW non-direxional from Kamalabad at 1320-1620. Along grayline, this could be short path more likely than long path this time of year.

17840, Nov 12 at 1351, Qur`an atop Romania[n] with variable SAH of about 5 Hz, and // 17500 in clear. At 1450 RRI in the clear on 17840, since the IRIB Arabic collision is over at 1420, 500 kW, 289 degrees from Zahedan, after a 9-hour span from 0520; while 17500 lasts only 6 hours until 1620, 500 kW, 259 degrees from Kamalabad. How much longer will it take RRI to move? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5910, Nov 12 at 1329 open carrier, 1330 Shiokaze from JAPAN opening in Chinese this Tuesday. ID sounds like ``shi-yang guangbo dientai`` but WRTH 2013 quotes Chinese ID as ``Zheshi Shiokaze, Chaofeng Bosong``. Also says a QSL card costs a $10 donation. Hmmm, maybe WORLD OF RADIO could raise some funding that way (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9775, Nov 12 at 1357, R. Free Chosun open carrier was not on much earlier today, and now it`s fluttery, and not comparable to stronger and steadier VOA Korean Tinang on 9800. 1400 sign-on with theme, Korean, still flutter. So is it really from Tajikistan site today, or at least something further west, more trans-polar than Philippines? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 24960-USB, Nov 12 at 1455, here`s a hot DX spot working mostly Europeans, such as HA0NAR who tried again and again; and only occasionally giving his own call, which I still can`t copy for sure after listening over half an hour! Mostly in heavily accented English talking too fast, occasionally Spanish if the contactee should understand it. Seems all simplex, calling on same frequency with the intermittent pileups. Most of the time, the callers only utter their own indicativo, and so does the DX station, theirs, not his! Often he asks for ``only 3`` or some other number in their callsigns to lessen the pileups. His signal is stronger than most of them, surely not far from here. Eventually I build up a partial call, X#1P. So it`s probably Chile or Mexico. Then I search thru recent ham DX bulletins, and finally find this in ICPO of Nov 8-15:

``09/11/2013: Manuel XE2HUQ, Saul XE2HQI, Craig XE2HWJ and Felix XE2I will be active as XF1P from Isla Partida (NA-124) on 9-16 November. They plan to operate SSB and CW on 160-10 metres. QSL via XE2HUQ (direct only). [425 DX News]``

Here`s their website, with aerial shot of this uninhabited (except for seals), internetless island in the Gulf of California:
PARTIDA Island, NA-124, Group Name: Baja California Sur State South East group (11 islands), Located in the Gulf of California, 24°32'1''N, 110° 22' 10'W

** OKLAHOMA. RF32, WQOS306, the TV-OK intercity relay transmitter at the same downtown Enid location as RF31, KXOK-LD, has been missing for a few days, as of Nov 12 at 1554 UT check. It `looked like` a regular ATSC DTV transmission with same stuff as on RF 31 but noticeably weaker signal. This was explained in DXLD 13-21:

``The RF32 signal is as you suggest, an STL licensed as a relay rather than broadcast. Its call sign is WQOS306. It's a very narrow-beam antenna, vertically polarized, aimed straight at the Lamont K35JY-D transmitter site (Trip Ericson, ibid.)``

RF31 continues with TV-OK, Retro TV on main channel 31-1; 31-2 still constant full color bars only with PSIP as M-FOX; and 31-3 still black and silent with PSIP as Azteca. So KXOK has shrunk from six distinct program transmissions to one. RF32 was the original NTSC analog channel of KXOK, and I have wondered whether they also fired up the 32 DTV as ``protexion`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES [and non]. 9520, Nov 12 at 1341, JBA carrier, still R. Veritas Asia in Sinhala? Yesterday it was in well. Still next to 9526- VOI also JBA carrier, which is still overrun by the 9530 China radio war even on `Exotic Indonesia` Tuesdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 5900, Nov 12 at 1326, open carrier, then talk in uncertain Asian language, 1329 VOR announcement and IS. HFCC shows Mongolian this hour, 100 kW due west from Vladivostok. Other VOR usage of 5900: 10-13 Mandarin, 14-15 English; plus Irkutsk English at 15-18. Don`t you believe SLBC defunct Ekala still listed with B-13 dates thru March 2014y, 35 kW at 1230-1630! I don`t think they *ever* used 5900 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 21630, Nov 12 at 1353, REE is still here // 21610, and at 1355 once again canned announcement that 21630 is moving to 21640, but when? Madrid, please tell Noblejas about it! 21630 is still heard at 1452; and the third REE 13m channel remains on 21540 colliding with Kuwait. HFCC Nov 11 now shows both 21630 and 21640 with identical parameters at 13-17, and both for the entire B-13 datespan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1807 UT November 12