domenica 1 settembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs August 31-September 1, 2013

** BOLIVIA. 6135-, Sept 1 at 0106, Andean music from R. Santa Cruz; off by 0109 --- or rather the carrier is still on and open, but missed the exact time modulation stopped, as usual early on UT Sundays, since I was distracted by an Elderly pair of LDS missionaries casing the neighborhood, offering to pray for me. Maybe they`ll clip our hedge for their own good kharma (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11855+, Sept 1 at 0057, fair signal from R. Aparecida, YL in Brazuguese about the pope`s prayer, 0058 mentions Aparecida and another station in Minas Gerais, affiliate and ``Com a Mãe Aparecida`` primary program resuming.

Good readability, and definitely better strength than before. I was checking this out following reports in the radioescutas yg that the station has installed new transmitters on 11855 and 9630 (blocked this bihour by REE CR QRDRM), certainly a rarity on the declining SW scene.

The news came from Chief Operator Luiz Cláudio in an e-mail to Antonio [sic] Sérgio, Goiânia. Listeners are urged to send them reception reports to encourage such a new investment in SW: <luis.oliveira @>

Marcio [sic] Rogério Torrubia Junior, Técnica, specified the frequencies as 11855 and 9630 with new transmitters, but 6135 still an old transmitter [really on the air? I soon logged Bolivia there, q.v.]. This was copied to Rádio Estância Am/Fm, São Lourenço - MG, perhaps the joint-ID affiliate I heard mentioned.

I found ZYE954, 11855 slightly on the hi side compared to e.g. 11840 RHC, tho on August 10 at 1020, Wolfgang Büschel put it 55 Hz low. We are wondering if the new transmitter means increased power from listed 1 kW, of if it`s merely now at better 100% efficiency. 11855 is now quite a bit stronger than listed more powerful stations on 11815, 11925.

If QRM and propagation also coöperate at 1900 (believed to be UT, not specified; if local, = 22 UT), Saturdays on 11855, we may finally be able to hear the one-hour DX program produced by the DX Clube do Brasil, `Encontro DX`, which is also supposed to be on 5035, a frequency not mentioned in the latest new-transmitter publicity [but I often hear a carrier there in Cuba 5040 sideband]. Otherwise, online, or at the one time left via WRMI 9955, UT Sundays 0300-0400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11780 & 6180, Sunday Sept 1 at 1011, I am awake so tune around, shocked to hear prayer mentioning Pope Francisco, sermon citing Ecclesiastes (a redlined word unknown to agnostic MS Word spellcheck), from RNA, i.e. the EBC, government station. Brasilian SW is already overrun by Pentecostal sects, plus O&O overtly RCatholic outlets like R. Aparecida, and now EBC is violating Separation of Church and State! Fortunately this may be limited to Sunday sunrise services, as elsewhen RNA has always sounded plenty secular.

Is Catholicism the state religion of Brasil? No, per
only seven ``countries`` still do that (including Vatican), of which only two are in Latin America: Costa Rica and Argentina. Now all other religions, let alone Christian sects, must demand equal time on RNA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 6150, Sept 1 at 1302, I am still hearing CubaRM under R. Australia, but RHC finally stops at 1302:45*, which means the next frequency must be late coming up. Both 13780 and 15340 are eventually on this Sunday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE [and non]. 9420, UT Sunday Sept 1 at 0512, ERT is still here with Byzantine chanting, fair with flutter. At K=3, minor G1 storms expected per WWV at 0518, degraded conditions make this, weaker 9330 WBCQ and weakest 9535 Algeria Qur`an via France the OSOBs (only stations on band, 31m) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR. 11850, August 31 at 2029, R. Japan IS is poorly heard, 2030 opening French but invariably pronouncing ``NHK World`` as in English. One of few TA signals audible, with TE advantage, and 250 kW fortuitously aimed 305 degrees from Talata (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1650, Sept 1 at 1025 UT, ``Oklahoma`s Talk Radio, KYHN`` singing ID. Yet I see editors keep showing this as Arkansas, Fort Smith, which is merely its city of license. As I have outpointed repeatedly, KYHN transmitter site and business address are in OK, near or in Sallisaw, and now the station itself claims to be Oklahoman (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 104.5, August 31 at 1805 UT on caradio, I am hearing classic rock, very poor in jumble mixing with other weak signal(s), and then definite ID as ``104.5 KRXO``. Meanwhile the original full-power 107.7 OKC is now sports talk, as in previously reported plan by Tyler Media to demote that to the 104.5 translator so it can add yet another silly sports station to the saturated but insatiable OKC market.

FCC FM Query shows that 104.5 is still really K283BW and 107.7 is still really KRXO. I haven`t yet monitored either for legal top-of-hour IDs, or 107.7 for another new false name? So the translator was barely making it to Enid, maybe with a bit of tropo enhancement, not present an hour later. The other signals on 104.5 would be KMYZ, 70 kW in Pryor OK (Tulsa mkt) and KFXJ, 45 kW in Augusta KS (Wichita mkt).

At least there is no longer any adjacent blockage from deleted ``The Rocket`` KEIF-LP 104.7 Enid, which has yet to make a comeback as a full pirate after blatantly violating several FCC regulations since its inception, and legal commercial KCRC owner blew the whistle on them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1520, Sunday Sept 1 before and after 1030 UT, KOKC with `CBS News Weekend Roundup` anchored by Dan Raviv, in-depth news of the week. Can`t say I`ve ever heard this before, but it`s been around for years, full info at
No doubt because stations schedule it at sleepy times like 5 am Sundays. Same heard an hour later on CBS` own KMOX 1120 St Louis.

BTW, KOKC with its 50 kW direxional westward is a common catch in Hawaii, NZ and eastern Australia. Here somewhat offbeam, it is rarely free of CCI at night (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Slight correxion to previous report: KSBI ``52`` is on RF 51, not 50. In OKC, adjacent RF 50 is occupied by KOPX ``62``:

KSBI is received well enough on RF 51 direct like the other full-power OKC stations, none of which see any need for an Enid translator either, so I seriously wonder whether KSBI will ever get K45EJ back on the air. I hope not! (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Sept 1 at 0100, carrier from R. Chaski, Urubamba, vs noise level more from storms than local devices, until sharp cutoff at 0102:56.5*. 48 hours earlier I did not get a sharp cut, so this one becomes the one to measure from henceforth. I am back on the porch with the DX-398 and shortwire, trying out one of those clip-on mosquito repellents with a little fan built-in. Seems fairly effective as long as I keep it near my face and hands, but still covered up with various fabrix as much as possible in the heat (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 15195, Sept 1 at 1355, very poor signal with fadeouts, but surely typical Horn of Africa music. This is contrary to Big 3 listings, all showing IBB/R. Free Asia in Tibetan via TAJIKISTAN at 12-14. Makes me wonder if a feed mixup occurred, as VOA does have a Somali broadcast during this hour on other frequencies and relays. No sign of CNR1 jamming either, in case they recognized it wasn`t in Tibetan today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1684 monitoring: 9930, WTWW-2, Saturday August 31 after 2300 UT has broken away from Brother Scare to carry Amateur Radio Newsline instead, so prospects look good for WOR too in the following hour. As confirmed by Richard Lemke, Alberta, WOR 1684 did play at 2327, not changing frequency yet to 5085. We noted 5085 still with ham stuff, interview at a con but not by Ted, at 0104 Sept 1. Around 0500 and 1015 chex, 5085 was back to BS.

Perhaps WOR will also replay on 9930 in a similar fashion 24 hours later, Sunday. WOR also confirmed on 5830, WTWW-1, UT Sunday Sept 1 starting at 0401:47; automation seems to be slipping later and later after the hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1190 & 1330, Sunday Sept 1 at 1113 and 1114 UT respectively, the easily-recognizable voice of John B Wells, weekend host of `Coast to Coast AM` --- it`s certainly rare to hear this show anywhere after 6 am local, and most places it ends at 5 or even 4 am. The likely sources here are nearest known affiliates KFXR Dallas, and KNSS Wichita, where it`s after 6 am CDT and C2CAM affiliate list claims in TX only KFYO 790 Lubbock running it past 6 am and then only on Fri & Sat. While KFXR is supposed to stop at 5 am (10 UT) Sundays; no Kansan anywhere later than 6 am, with KNSS stopping at 6 am daily. Searching the two frequencies for other affiliates, no others in the US are shown on 1330 after 1100 UT, adjusting for timezones. But there is one on 1190, KEX Oregon until 1200 UT daily, but I am certainly not ready to assume I had that instead of KFXR.

KFXR`s own schedule
is probably outdated and full of holes: nothing accounted for overnight weekends, and still shows Phil Hendrie overnight weekdays

KNSS`s own schedule
Shows C2CAM ending at 5 am Sundays, then infomercials for two hours. Maybe all this is a Labor-Day-Weekend anomaly? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1200, UT Sun Sept 1 at 0524, somestation is giving WOAI a run for its money, and it`s playing jazz! YL scat-singing at the moment, best with WOAI nulled, making a fast SAH, but its own null indicates direxion ENE/WSW. Fading down by 0530.

Last year`s NRC AM Log shows one station on 1200 has a subsidiary Jaz format! WCHB in Taylor MI, 50/15 kW U4, which is mainly news/talk, but their website confirms ``Smooth Jazz`` Sat 6 pm to Sun 7 am, and also Sun 6 pm to 12 am [EDT = UT -4] and the DF fits. Due to the rarity of this format on commercial radio, I am tempted to claim a definite log rather than tentative. Doesn`t really matter since I am not counting stations. Night pattern of WCHB supposedly throws everything somewhat east of due north; day pattern also but broader (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)