lunedì 5 dicembre 2011

Glenn Hauser logs December 5, 2011

** CANADA [and non]. 6030, Dec 5 at 0640, ``Here Comes Santy Claus``, by cowboy singer, Gene-Autry-like, or himself? No jamming for a change, allowing CFVP`s hectowatt to penetrate from Calgary, two megameters away. However, from only slightly further in the opposite direxion, overkill RHC English frequencies nearby, 6010 and 6050, not to mention 6060 and 6125, were overloading and desensitizing the FRG-7, so CFVP audible only at minor peaks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Dec 5, before 1400:
15900, very poor at 1352
14970, very poor at 1349; none in the 16s, 17s, 18s
12230, JBA at 1354; none in the 13s
11500, poor at 1354; none in the 10s
 9200, very good at 1355; none in the 7s

Before 1600:
 9200, good at 1535; none higher up to 19 MHz by 1538

** CHINA. 10000, Dec 5 at 1359, under strong WWV, hear CW ID for BPM, and I thought a quick voice announcement instead of WWVH? Just before WWV voice announcement (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 9540, Dec 5 at 1357, tuning across RHC, caught partial frequency announcement including ``13680`` which has been abandoned this season. 1358 asserts ``las nueve de la mañana en todo el territorio nacional`` and starting `news`. They should turn on Radio Reloj in the RHC studios to find out what time it really is. Furthermore it`s rhetorical fluff always to say ``all over the country``. Of course it`s the same time all over Cuba, in one single timezone. But let`s hope the time is two minutes fast only at RHC. At least this station has never employed timesignals, which would be far beyond its capabilities to convey correctly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [and non]. 5925, Dec 5 at 0634, RFI news in French // 7390, so strike not in effect here at the moment.

17690, Dec 5 at 1601, RFI Musique already replacing news in Spanish, VG signal now as during previous airing at 1400 on exactly same parameters, 250 kW, 305 degrees from GUIANA FRENCH, including southern/eastern USA among official CIRAF targets. HFCC says 1600-1630 is M-F only, while Aoki says both are sevendays.

Announcement in French, not Spanish, at 1603 reminds us that RFI en Phnom Penh is on four-score-and-twelve MHz. 1608 playing Aretha in a song similar to R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

15300 direct checked at 1606 is newsing in French, unstricken (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [and non]. 6600, Dec 5 at 1349, Korean talk well atop noise jamming, which is unusual, and almost as much on // 6518, i.e. V. of the People, clandestine from the South to the North, altho Aoki says it`s 50 kW non-direxional, vs 250 kW from each jammer. Hmm, since does not broadcast in English, we ought to learn its Korean ID as in WRTH 2011: ``Inmin-e sori pangsong-imnida``, or ISPI, which would be an appropriate initialism for a station really run by the S. Korean National Intelligence Service! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Dec 5 at 0639 and last check 0650, still not on the air this date; you never know whether they will be on late, on early, or not at all. Yet, when on, there does not seem to be anything wrong with the transmitter, and spot-on frequency. Are there severe power supply unreliability problems even in the capital Nouakchott? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Sunrise MW DX December 5, UT, only poor signals with no big SRS boost at the moment:

700, Dec 5 at 1319 UT, poor signal with 8-note tune on fiddle repeated over and over almost like an IS; 1320 gobierno federal PSA, 1321 another similar tune. 1325 a few words in unknown language, then repetitive drumming; fading by 1330. Sounds quite rustic, an indigenous station? Most likely XEETCH, La Voz de los Tres Rios, Etchojoa, Sonora, which 2011 IRCA Mexican log says broadcasts in Spanish, Mayo [sic], Yaqui and Garijio. BTW, I previously logged this in late November 2010, but it was erroneously published in Dec 2011 CIDX Messenger as a 2011 log, along with several others.

Another indigenous on 700 is XEXPUJ, X`pujil, Campeche, La Voz de la Sierra Norte [sic], LV del Corazón de la Selva, in Spanish, Mayan and Choi languages --- but it`s a bit late in the day for it, and my log was looping WSW. How in the world do you pronounce X`pujil?

710, Dec 5 at 1320 UT, ad or promotion mentions an auditorio [building, not audience] somewhere, ``B-M Radio``, so XEDP in Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, briefly atop QRM, KGNC? This slogan/corporate name is not found in the IRCA Log, but here`s a view:

730, Dec 5 at 1323 UT, Radio Viva Villa singing ID, i.e. XEHB, San Francisco del Oro, a.k.a. Hidalgo del Parral, Chihua2; as heard better many October mornings. Its very name could be construed as anti-American (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 6875, Dec 5 at 0638, RTI still in German instead of Spanish via WYFR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15825, Dec 5 at 1604, WWCR-1 seems to have cleaned up its signal, not splattering over half the 19m band, but how about the plus/minus 15.6 kHz spurs? I can still detect JBA carriers just below 15810 and above 15840; fundamental is strong but not super-strong at the moment which would bring up the spurs, and possibly the splatter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)