domenica 6 novembre 2011

Glenn Hauser logs November 6, 2011

** ALBANIA. UT Nov 6, R. Tirana is still on 7425 for Albanian at 0000, with heavy QRM from China, but on 7420 for English at 0230 [except UT Mondays], in the clear as checked 0254 during closing music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 6175, Nov 6 at 0519, continuous 1 kHz tone instead of V. of Vietnam relay which is supposed to run until 0528. No doubt another screwup somewhere between Hanoi and London and Montreal and Sackville due to clock changes: ADT had officially just ended in NB at 0500 UT, when 2 am became 1 am AST. Note: if you forget about local time and go strictly by never-shifting UT, no such problems, duh (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 6, after 8 am ChiCom time:
14700, fair at 0025 UT, none higher
13970, very poor at 0025
13920, poor at 0025

At 1330-1400:
 7970, fair at 1331
10300, very good with flutter at 1334
11500, fair at 1334
12230, good at 1337
12600, good at 1337
13130, fair at 1337
13625, unlike 24 hours earlier, at 1339 the jamming against RFA Tibetan via Tinian is CNR1 instead of Firedrake
14700, poor at 1339
15760, very good at 1346 [see below]
16100, good at 1346
16980, good at 1346
17170, poor at 1346

After 1400, not a complete scan:
 7970, very poor at 1436
13850, fair at 1426 with WWCR ACI
15770, very good at 1435, ex-15760 in previous hour; HFCC doesn`t show any targets on either, but Aoki has Sound of Hope via Tajikistan jumping anywhere from 15750 to 15795. None now in the 16s or 17s. See also UNIDENTIFIED 14439 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. It`s Nov 6 and RHC still hasn`t made any B-11 frequency changes. We may expect some this week, and maybe Arnie will say something about them on Sunday or Tuesday`s `DXers Unlimited`.

Meanwhile, RHC`s Spanish DX program, `En Contacto`, continues at 1335 Sundays, among others on 15120 abutting 15125 REE via Costa Rica at the same time with `Amigos de la Onda Corta`, tho much stronger here on 15170. 15120 Cuban carrier is still on at 1404.

I don`t see anything new yet at
but this version covers Spanish broadcasts only, nor on the Union Jack language:

** IRAN [and non]. UT Nov 6 checking again for VIRI`s so-called Voice of Justice in English to NAm at B-11 scheduling of 0330-0430 on 7200, 7365: at 0416, 7365 still has R. Martí and Cuban jamming, but must be Iran making additional co-channel QRM and SAH. Surely it would be loud and clear if not colliding with all this.

We should get our chance on UT Monday only when RM, and hopefully the DCJC go into their weekly silent-period truce at 0400 while on other nights 7365s stay on until 0500.

At 0416, 7200 also has a SAH between two signals, presumably Sudan and Iran, but both are much weaker and even undermodulated, also vs SSB and CW QRhaM. Iran has no business broadcasting on any 40m American hamband frequency to NAm; both choices this season are monumental failures, and we can`t expect any changes, since they never got off another collider in A-11, 11920, despite our telling them about the problem in person at HFCC Dallas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 5910, Nov 6 at *1329 carrier on, 1330 opening Shiokaze in Japanese from JSR Tokyo. Fair signal, no jamming audible here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 9770, UT Sunday Nov 6 at 0510, after usual dead air between program playouts, NHK World Radio Japan starts `Friends Around the World`, so the listener contact program has not changed name again for this season: wait until April 1 new fiscal year. One of the topix to be DST [which Japan has toyed with regionally as a remedy for disasters].

Sorry, but the forced joviality of this show is a turnoff for me; it`s partly a Japanese cultural thing, lots of giggling, tho the M cohost is a gaijin. Website pictures Kay Fujimoto and Mick Corliss, also with Chris Sasaki, the latter looking like a semi-Japanese.

9770 is via FRANCE; better of course on 6110 via CANADA; and again audible at 1410 Sunday on 21560 via France (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1040, Nov 6 at 1251 UT, convenient ID at tune-in, ``Desde Guaymas, Sonora, México, Radio Vida``, i.e. XEGYS, tho Cantú still names this ``La Primera``, 5 kW day and 250 watts night, which it surely is on the Mexican Pacific coast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI reception has plummeted, perhaps seasonally: 11725 no longer a mainstay around 0500, inaudible Nov 6; and 5950 very poor at 1325 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. UT Nov 6 at 0354, WORLD OF RADIO HQ was hit by an earthquake. Everything shook for about 10 seconds, but nothing fell or broke as far as we know: the first quake gh can recall experiencing. There was another one about 12 hours earlier in Oklahoma which we did not notice, rated 4.8, but this one was 5.6, at the epicenter 44 miles NE of OKC, while we are 70 miles NNW.

3840-USB, approx., Nov 6 at 0525, some ham in Kansas said he felt it too, and it was ``pretty cool``. At 1304 UT we happened to be tuning across 1330, where KNSS in Wichita also reported on this OKquake as 5.6, felt as far away as Wisconsin. Here`s one local story about it:

``The largest earthquake ever recorded in the state of Oklahoma struck Saturday night, officials said. The quake had a magnitude of 5.6, and its epicenter was four miles east of Sparks in Lincoln County, according to the Oklahoma Geological Survey. The quake hit at 10:53 p.m. The quake was reportedly felt as far away as Illinois, Kansas, Arkansas, Tennessee and Texas. . .`` Read more:

Inconveniently, this was too late to make the front page of the Sunday Daily Disappointment on paper; or any page? (We had succumbed to a sales pitch in an OKC grocery store promising us Wednesday & Sunday home delivery at a discounted price --- should pay for itself with the extra coupons. Trouble is, we discovered later that the Wednesdays are not available in faraway Enid, and the salesman had lived in Enid and knew we were in Enid!). Avoid in future (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1210, I sure am hearing KGYN Guymon a lot at night, when it is supposed to be nulling toward Philadelphia, not far from the Enid azimuth. Nov 6 at 1248 UT, dominant country music on frequency, while official November sunrise in the center of No Man`s Land is 1330 UT. FCC shows in CST with [UT] added:

Monthly Local Sunrise Times
November    7:30 [1330]
December    7:45 [1345]
January     8:00 [1400]
February    7:30 [1330]
Monthly Local Sunset Times
November    5:30 [2330]
December    5:30 [2330]
January     6:00 [0000]
February    6:30 [0030]
(Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 9840, Nov 6 at 0512, propagation this night favors Moscow, so we`re only hearing R. Rossii in Russian, while other nights it`s an equal mix, or dominated by V. of Russia in English from Pet/Kam. // 9855 Vladivostok no good either, as weak English there proves to be // 9810, i.e. DW via RWANDA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 6875, Nov 6 at 0524, yet another night that RTI via WYFR is in the wrong language according to its own schedule: Chinese, not English. Did German instead of Spanish appear yet again at 0600? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 9655, UT Sunday Nov 6 at 0413, VOT`s `DX Corner` has already started, good but fluttery signal on new time and frequency to NAm, ex-9515. She was giving the VOT B-11 schedule in English, out of order by time, then acknowledging reception report from Christopher Lewis in England, who has a ``slight problem`` with 6050 at 1930 and 5960 at 2300; so what is it? DXC is fortnightly; we try to keep up with the weeks-on and weeks-off on DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS, now updated for B-11:

9820, Nov 6 at 0513, wailing and drumming Turkish music, poor compared to good // 9700 from TRT, east- and west-ward respectively. 9820 also has a het, which points to the always off-frequency Brazilian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7465, UT Sunday Nov 6 at 0412, WHRI with Chris Lobdell on DXing With Cumbre, i.e. the A-11 time, the B-11 frequency ex-9825. Perhaps it will be at 0500 UT from next week? DWC seems to last only 25 minutes or so, plus music fill (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO monitoring: UT Sunday Nov 6 after 0400, confirmed on 5755 WTWW; the signal is losing its solidity and weakening during the semihour, but we hope holding up over longer skip paths. From next week should be at 0500 on same.

Now the Area 51 broadcast of WOR on 5110v-CUSB WBCQ is to be at 0400v UT Mondays. And more WRMI times all shifted one UT hour later: Sunday 0900, 1630, 1830, Monday 1230, 1630, 2230, Tuesday & Wednesday 1630.

The Sunday 1830 broadcast is also on WRN via SiriusXM Channel 120.
On Hamburger Lokalradio, Germany, 5980, Tuesday at 1030.

The complete WORLD OF RADIO schedule, including all webcasting affiliates is now updated for B-11:

** U S A. 9885, Nov 6 at 1315, as expected, VOA Spanish has shifted one UT hour later, after DST, obviously for the convenience of Washingtonians, not listeners abroad: usual Sunday music fill show instead of any information, also on // 15590 mentioning the Billboard top tunes survey. Presumably also on // 13750 not checked. So the 12-13 morning broadcast has become 13-14 UT daily.

According to HFCC, VOA Spanish in the evenings is now weeknights only, shifted from 2330-0100 to 0030-0200 UT Tue-Sat on 5890, 9885, 12000, parts or all of which should be jammed by the Cubans, confident that the US will never jam RHC in retaliation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WTWW operations have so far made a 1-UT-hour-later timechange as of Nov 6: WTWW-3 Arabible on 12105 not on the air yet at 1316 or 1337, but on at 1404. WTWW-1 also still on 5755 with SFAW at 1326, and on 9479 after 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 9980, Nov 6 at 1404, WWCR Brother Scare service missing after A-11 sign-on time; now from 1500? WWCR-4 still on curtailed schedule, one UT hour later.

We noticed that BS via IRRS via ROMANIA 15190 was still airing in the hours before and after 1400 Nov 6 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 15205, Sunday Nov 6 at 1434, American gospel huxter in slow/special English with anti-evolution, anti-science sermon. How can anyone take such nonsense seriously? Thought it might be BVB, but not on their B-11 schedule. HFCC shows it`s something via MBR, Issoudun, FRANCE, Sundays only at 1430-1445 to CIRAF 41, S Asia. Aoki B-11 doesn`t show it at all, but Aoki A-11 had same as Pan American Broadcasting. (And now in HFCC, before 1430, PAB on 15205 is instead via Wertachtal, Germany). (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 7575, Sunday Nov 6 at 1332, good signal from VOA`s `Jazz America` music, but drops off the air for a couple minutes. Also on weaker 11700 via Thailand. 7575 is Tinang, PHILIPPINES. Both are on the air during this hour on weekends only (Glenn Hasuer, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 660, Nov 6 at 1310 UT, Indian chanting and drumming from the east/west, vs Dallas/Omaha from the N/S, no doubt KTNN AZ again radiating eastward long before local sunrise (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 14439 approx., Nov 6 at 1342, fluttery carrier much like Firedrake, but only hearing two alternating tones, depending on BFO offset; then a faster variety of tones until 1343*.

14440 is a jammed Sound of Hope 100-watt nuisance frequency listed in the current Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)