giovedì 4 marzo 2010

Glenn Hauser logs March 4, 2010

** CHINA. Firedrake music-only jamming on 9365 // 9380, March 4 at 1322, unheard elsewhere (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 9690, AIR GOS carrier March 4 already on at 1318 with that hum we`d recognize anywhere. Sesquihour transmission to SE Asia does not start until 1330. Music at 1357 check seemed to have less hum that usual but still some.

9425, AIR National Channel via Bengaluru, March 4 at 1320-1321 playing Vande Matarm, the ``national song`` as it does every day at sign-on, 1321 announcement with frequencies; fair.

Tnx to a tip from UADX, the Wikipedia entry about the controversial V.M.:

** IRAN [non]. 15690, March 4 at 1333 fair signal with flutter mentioning Iran and referencing the International Herald Tribune; it`s R. Farda, via Sri Lanka during this hour only, then frequency ceded to Portugal which we normally hear after 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5910, Shiokaze, Sea-Breeze via JSR, JAPAN, is back here ex-5985 where it was during February, found March 4 at 1423, YL in Japanese with mandatory sad piano music background, and nothing on 5985. No jamming audible. This 1400-1430 broadcast may have been on 5910 a few days, as we are lacking daily monitoring for it by the vacationing Ron Howard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, March 4 at 1424 a pirate with novelty songs. The music was so continuous that at first I thought it was carrierless, but during some pauses barely detected a reduced one. Signal kept the meter peaked at S9+12, and needed some attenuation to avoid pumping; SINPOly I would put it at 35544.

1427 faux-cigarette ad mentioning Maharishi, so is it the Voice of the Runaway? 1428 promo Bozo TV on YouTube, so is this WBZO? No, it`s ``Captain Ganja, here on Radio Free Euphoria``, and back to the rest of the show. One suspects there are a lot more pirate program names than transmitters out there.

1437 mentioned that he was going to raid the refrigerator after the broadcast; offering a twisted (?) E-QSL for reports to radiofreeeuphoria @ or captainganja @ and referred to a website for his artwork, but didn`t catch it, only mentioned once.

1440 song about marijuana, 1445 ``Don`t Bogart That Joint``, 1448-1450* SSTV and off with no further vocalisms (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. The R. Victoria harmonic on 18057.9 has not been audible this week. I figured it was just due to propagation, but there could be another reason: Fundamental 6019.3 off the air! Nothing there as I tuned by around 0700 UT March 4. Are others noting 6020.0 stations hetless elsewhen? A mixed blessing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES [and non]. 7480, Vietnamese-like language but not really, March 4 at 1324, atop oscillating/whine jamming. But at 1327 speaker concludes with ``amen``, and then a hymn. Also some intermittent ``running water`` ute QRM. 1329 YL announcement sounds like a different dialect; 1330 mentions Vietnam and Jesus Christ.

FEBC, 50 kW due west from Iba site is scheduled in tribal languages only, 13-14. Per Aoki, at 1330 on Thursdays they are going from Stieng Bulo to Katu (also 1300 in Sedang, 1345 in Bru).

So why in the world is this being jammed? Maybe because WRN has also reserved 7480 at 13-15 for something via Tashkent, so is there now something new and offensive to China or more likely North Korea? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** POLAND [non]. 11675, PRES via AUSTRIA, Thursday March 4 at 1339 caught the last part of Multi-Touch, solo-hosted by Swavek Chefs, about reception in the Dominican Republic by a visiting Finn, Reijo, who p-mailed a hefty report plus a postcard, and then someone complaining on the phone from England. Ended already at 1346 music break, 1350 YL with discourse on potatoes, and how they got their names in Polish.

I soon found the MT program ondemand which started with discussion of low internet access in Poland:
Multimedia used to start around 1324, so apparently has been shortened, as 1324 is still the time shown on the player, which however stopped after about 10 minutes before I got to the part where I intuned (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. 17595, big empty hole March 4 at 1311 where REE normally inbooms starting at 1300; propagation not responsible as there are plenty of Eurosignals on 16m, and beyond, e.g. TURKEY on 17700. Next check at 1331, 17595 was on with headlines in Castilian. Next2 check at 1352, more Castilian news about Euzkadi, as despite being a ``co-official`` language, Basque is too risky to run even for a pentaminute. And // 11815 via Costa Rica before the co-channel from Turkey starts at 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SWEDEN [and non]. 11550, big collision between R. Sweden in Swedish, and WEWN in Spanish, Sweden slightly stronger and with SAH of a few Hz, March 4 at 1304. Sweden aims 95 degrees, and WEWN 220 degrees, so they imagine they can share the frequency with no such problems from a 350 and a 250 kW transmitter, each of which can really be heard worldwide (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 17700, VOT with Turkish pop music at 1312 March 4, good signal, from German service as confirmed by announcement at 1314. Starts at 1230, also aimed USward by coincidence.

All the language services feature lots of music between talk features, but I was wondering if the Turkish service axually has programs where music comes first.

Mustafa Cankurt has gone to the trouble of translating the entire program schedule, so we know what each title means in English. We`ve posted it to the dxld yg as an .xls file which Dragan Lekic says won`t open until you add that extension.

It turns out that almost all the show titles imply talk subjects, except daily at 1005-1100 ``Let This Song Be Mine``; and other programs weekends at 0905-1000. SW frequencies then are 15480 and 15350; during the first hour also 11925. In reality, we hear plenty of music on 15350 before it closes by 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, WRMI at 1251 Thursday March 4 in Portuguese! Soon identified as Encontro DX, the program from R. Aparecida, Brasil. Well, not only about DX as they soon played Johnny Mathis` ``My Love for You``, in English. No jamming now, but obliterated at next check 1301 when R. Libertad had presumably started.

The 11-13 weekday block was briefly and temporarily occupied by an extra transmission of R. República, but now I suppose is refilled by numerous other DX program repeats et al. I am trying to get the latest schedule ASAP, probably including some revived WORLD OF RADIO times (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9369v, WTJC back on at 1321 March 4 with distorted hymns, 24 hours after having been absent (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 18530, Brother Scare on second harmonic of WINB 9265, March 4 at 1437 quite readable, but soon downfading as I must have caught it on a propagational peak; nice to know anyway that Red Lion and Enid are linked in this way (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1502 should make its debut on WWRB, 3185, UT Friday March 5 at 0430-0500. I hope reception will be good thruout North America and beyond. Other early airings are Thursday 2000 on WBCQ 7415, Friday 0130 and 1530 on WRMI 9955, Friday 2130 on WWCR 7465 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###