martedì 1 dicembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs November 30-December 1, 2009

** BRAZIL. On some nights, RHC inbooms on 11760, but not Dec 1 at 0625; instead, hardly any signal to bother 11765, David Miranda evangelical empire, heard him wailing from ZYE726, SRDA/R. Tupi, Curitiba, per Aoki 10 kW at 20 degrees and off the air [not] at 03-09 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BURKINA FASO. 5030, RTB is doubtless the reactivated station here, but tough copy against Cuba 5025 splash. Dec 1 at 0622, definitely in French talk, mixed with music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Dec 1 at 1426: fair on 9000, poor on 8400, 10210; possibly a trace on 11300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC Dec 1: at 0630, 6140 in English, usual weak modulation with phone ringing in background compared to loud and clear // 6010 and 6060, the latter also without Spanish mixture which was previously the case (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA [and non]. Checked for further airings of AIR GOS Faithfully Yours, the mailbag on Monday, Nov 30: at 1830, none of the frequencies were audible, especially 9445 only 5 kHz from center of Greenville DRM still running. At 2130, however, most of the frequencies were just barely audible, best, if you can call it that, on 9445; sounds like same program as until 1446 on 9690, 13710, OM announcer speaking directly to listeners, finished at 2135 and on to music. Some days, 9445 is quite listenable around this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA [and non]. 9525.9, VOI, Dec 1 at 1343, S9+18v carrier but just barely modulated and could not even tell if there was yet another Tuesday co-produxion with RRI Banjarmasin. Also yet another Spanish 2-way SSB intruder below it circa 9522.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 6185, R. Educación Dec 1 at 0637 with classical string music, bothered by intruding ute bursts on lo side from around 6180, somewhere between tweeting canary sounds and machine gun; alternating three different rates, slow, fast, and faster until 0642. At *0645 sharp onpops RNA Brasília covering up XEPPM with 4:45 timecheck (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** POLAND [non]. 11675, PRES via AUSTRIA, Dec 1 at 1353 interviews at a noisy party about director of a film ``My Father, the Iron Curtain`` to be on BBC et al. in Europe; was program International Focus, implying it`s always about the cinema? 1357 closing with postal address at 00977 Warsaw, e-mail english.section @ then song in Brazilian until cut off at 1359:30. Portuguese? Did their finger slip on some menu instead of adjacent Polish? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WBCQ uses 9330 only on weekdays at 1900-2000+, so after hearing it on 9333 instead, Thu-Fri Nov 26-27, we had to wait until Nov 30 to recheck it. At 1900: back on 9330.0-CUSB opening Money Talks. Mark Taylor says there was no carrier when he was hearing it on 9333, and we can`t go back to recheck that now, but there is definitely a much reduced carrier now on 9330 as usual. I don`t think that`s coming from Syria, but to be sure checked again at 1956 after Syria is usually off, and same as before. At 2017 neither WBCQ nor Syria to be heard, tho Frecuencia al Día was running on 7415.

After some 14 months of occupying an `available time slot`, WORLD OF RADIO was replaced by something else on WBCQ, Monday Nov 30 at 2300. This leaves WOR on WBCQ only at 2000-2030 Tue/Wed/Thu on 7415; UT Fri 0100-0130 on 5110v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WTJC, 9370 again putting out noise spurs above and below, but don`t seem quite symmetrical, Dec 1 at 1346 peaking around 9342 and 9398 (Glenn Hauser, OK DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. It`s now 18 days since Bernie LaZar Hoffmann, a.k.a. ``Tony Alámo`` was sentenced to 175 years in prison for child sexual abuse, and he`s still welcome to pretend to evangelize on WINB, easily recognized mumbling Dec 1 during one of his three weekdaily hours, 1347 UT on 9265. Appropriately, in a recording which could be 25+ years old, he was talking about ``convicting you``, altho he may have meant ``convincing`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Missing yesterday from 13845, WWCR was back Dec 1 at 1400 with DGS, only fair signal with no Es help (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 15770 in uncertain language, 1500-1505 Dec 1, mentioned Washington DC a couple times, but did not hear any VOA jingles or ID. Nevertheless, it`s VOA in Hausa at 1500-1530 only, 100 kW, 350 degrees from BOTSWANA. No more collision here between WYFR and RDPI both in Portuguese before 1500 as in A-09 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###