domenica 6 dicembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs December 6, 2009

** CHINA. Firedrake Dec 6 at 1438: 10210 poor with heavy flutter; 9000 JBA; 8400 inaudible; 11300 very poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC philately show in English, UT Sunday Dec 6 at 0609 on 6060, 6010; and much weaker 6140 instead of Spanish. UT Sunday Dec 6 at 0708, the weekly RHC Esperanto service in progress, on 6060 only.

WTFK? The RHC Esperanto website
claims this broadcast is on 6000; the Spanish version
omits this transmission completely (it is quite out of date/wrong otherwise too); and the supposedly more correct B-09 schedule e-mailed out and appearing in DXLD 9-081 shows 6010!

Was talking about the Alexander Humboldt Park, where? Chicago, says Google, tho city not heard mentioned. Then on to the Universal Esperanto Congress, which will be in Havano next July 17-24, as also publicized here:
Natch, RHC will be the official radio station for it.

This prompted a cute original song by a guy accompanied on guitar, enumerating the 94(?) cities of the world previously hosting such a congress, including Reykjavik, Kathmandu, Tashkent and Toulouse! With SFX such as Vatican bells.

I retuned to the 1500 repeat on 11760 at about the point I had outtuned eight hours earlier, for more of the song. See also VENEZUELA [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [non]. 11930, R. Martí, Sunday Dec 6 somewhat atop DentroCuban jamming roar, about the Trio Los Panchos, so a repeat of same program 24 hours earlier on Sat morning. Mentioned 6 or 7 names of people who integrated the trio over its career.

Then onto segment incredibly crediting the Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión (ICRT), which is the post-revolution government agency, for clips to follow, originally on CMQ in 1949-1950 of an oldtime comedy show starring Cascarita, a.k.a. Orlando Guerra; Google that for lots more re.

1502 had switched to Resumen Semanal about racism and discrimination in Cuba against blacks and mulattos even today. Someone has been imprisoned since last July for protesting about this. Now there`s something you will never hear about on RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GABON. 9580, Africa Numéro Un, good signal, better than usual, with hilife music Dec 6 at 0651; 0653 ID, ``de Libreville et de Moyabi, au Gabon``. You`d think CVC Zambia on 9430 would also be well-heard, but not tonight; normally it`s better than ANU.

0700, a four-pip timesignal ending two seconds late, compared to WWV! And into brief news in French, soon another ID. Why in the world run a timesignal if you are that far off? A simple announcement of the time should be enough, without a signal implying far more accuracy than in reality (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420, VOG, Dec 6 at 0605 going from news to antiphonal chanting, alternating one monk(?) with a group in response. Heartfelt, but not exactly professional singers. Quite good signal here, better than usual, and not so strong on // 7475. Same at 0650 check, and even at 0707. Is Sunday morning Greek Orthodox service. From John Babbis` translation of the current schedule, it lasts almost 2.25 hours:
7475*  9420  KHz Only
0600-0700 Divine Liturgy (Connect. With NET 105.8)

9420  15630  KHz Only
0700-0815 Divine Liturgy (Connect. With NET 105.8)
*Transmission ends 10 min. earlier
And indeed, 7475 no longer heard at 0704 check, but 9420 still in well (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 9730 at 1430 Dec 6, ``Govorit Tegeran, Golos Islamikiy Respublikiy Irana`` [pardon my declension guesses], VIRI opening Russian hour, good but fluttery and unusually better than BBC Singapore 9740; anthem, 1431 Qur`an mercifully brief, 1432 already back to Russian announcement. At 1434 came across // 9575, but on the latter, undermodulated and distorted.

9730 is 250 kW, 26 degrees from Ahwaz site, while 9575 is 500 kW, 330 degrees from Sirjan site, the latter closer to USward, but inferior here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 11705, NHKWNRJ, VG via Canada, Sunday Dec 6 at 1415-1429 with monthly on first Sunday World of Haiku feature, which I always enjoy hearing; it`s a subprogram within World Interactive. And it`s so nice not to have to worry about the pre-echo as this season the // from Yamata direct is on 5955 instead of 11705 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [and non]. Propagation favored eastward rather than westward paths on 31m Dec 6 at 0645. On 9840 just Russian from R. Rossii, Moscow-area site rather than VOR English co-channel from DVR site; and nothing audible from Vladivostok on 9855 either. Was also hearing CW time pips on 9996, no doubt RWM Moscow as previously around this hour.

DRM noise 9670-9675-9680, Dec 6 at 1434. Listed as VOR via Moskva site, 100 kW, 260 degrees at 14-18. Obscuring what little signal from Indonesia may be there on 9680 as 9525.9 was JBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Blessed relief from WWRB, running open carrier again instead of scheduled Brother Scare, Dec 6 at 0637 on 3185. But is anyone paying attention in Walterboro or Manchester? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TUNISIA [and non]. 7335 with big collision between RTT and Vatican Radio, Dec 6 at 0607, Arabic atop some Scandinavian language, with RTT // 7275 and VR // 6185, buried there both by Brasil and México. Vatican runs until 0620 (also colliding with even stronger VOR via GUF until 0600), while Sfax is registered not starting 7335 until 0700, but we know it is on much earlier. This needs to be resolved as Vatican and Tunisia are not that far apart, causing mutual interference all over. And to think, a recent HFCC even took place in Tunis! I wonder if they were confused about timezones in claiming to be on from 0700 instead of 0600? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Re my report of WHW283 on 6224, Dec 2: I should have said the difference between the listed frequency and the SSB reference frequency [i.e. where the carrier is inserted] is the typical 1400 Hz, not 1140 Hz as miscalculated; corrected portion:

The 6.22540 MHz listing apparently relates to a reference frequency 1400 Hz below it which is the way to report SSB logs, 6224.0 kHz and could also be on 6227.0. Oops, grant expired 5.8 years ago! Outdated info on this page? Looks like a daily 9 am CT net (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. While on weekdays, WINB takes a break 14-16 UT between two airings of convicted and sentenced child sex offending evangelist Tony Alamo, on Sunday 9265 still on the air past 1400 Dec 6 with some other preacher; next check at 1514, 13570 already on the air with another preacher. But the transmitter is upacting now, carrier more unstable than usual and also outputting spurs worst at modulation peaks circa 13530-13550 and 13500-13520, interfering with more and more CODAR; also audible around 13600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, WRMI amid WORLD OF RADIO 1489, Sunday Dec 6 at 1630, just barely audible, and with SAH either from residual DentroCuban jamming or more likely YFR Russian via TAIWAN. I conclude that WRMI is still unable to use its NW-aimed antenna which could overcome all this, and must stay on the SSE antenna instead. Daily at 15-17 it`s supposed to be USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 11805, Dec 6 at 1446 with slow songs, good signal; trying to decide if they are Turkish or Persian; let`s split the difference with Kurdish, for it is the VOA Kurdish service via Biblis, GERMANY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. Aló, Presidente check, Sunday Dec 6 via CUBA: at 1520, nothing showing on 13750 or any of the other frequencies. But at 1623, 13750 was on with Hugo pontificating; at 1627 also much weaker signal on 12010 and even weaker but detectable on 11690. Seemed to be carriers on 13680 and 17750 but could not confirm them as A,P (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###