sabato 7 novembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs November 6-7, 2009

** ALBANIA. Looking for R. Tirana, Albanian to NAm starting at 0000 Nov 7: nothing audible on 7425, nor on 6110 where previous nights it could at least be heard mixing with the usurper, Habana. Propagation from Europe must be subnormal tonight. Even when it`s better, and perhaps into eastern NAm can equal the signal from the Free Territory, the clash is unacceptable, and Tirana needs a new frequency; also for English which follows at 0130-0145 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BIAFRA [non]. V. of Biafra International, reconfirmed still on 15665 via WHRI, Nov 6 at 1938 quick check as The Orator was speaking; is Fridays only 19-20. This week reception was relatively good (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHILE. CVC La Voz, 17680, bothered by QRDRM from NEW ZEALAND [q.v.] at 2352 Nov 6; by 2356 17680 was inaudible, thought signed off, but supposedly running per sked until 0100. Maybe propagation dropped out. BTW, 17680 is registered to extend one hour later until 0200*, not earlier, as from March 14, the date Miami resumes EDT --- what`s that got to do with anything in South America?

Bandscanning, I eventually came to a terribly overmodulated, distorted signal on 9745 at 2356. I say `on` but it was splattering, altho not uniformly, as low as 9695 with more than one peak in between, but strangely, none on the hi side of 9745. This is also CVC La Voz as scheduled via Chile, 22-01, and like 17680, extending until 02 if the service still exist a quadrimonth from now. It was getting chilly on the porch, so did not feel like keeping on the 9745-9695 mess to see how long it last (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Some more RHC chex Nov 6: at 2154, everything // in Spanish on new 9660, 11730, 11800, 13770, 13790, except not // spurless 11760 in French altho at the moment playing an old clip in Spanish, back to French, but cut modulation at 2156.5 interrupting program without a chance to end it formally, open carrier until 2157*. This transmitter had to change to 11670 for the Venezuela relay and it popped on there about 2/3 of a minute later, still spurless.

I haven`t caught French on 11760 in previous monitoring recently but it was in use for 2130-2200 in B-08 as in the WRTH 2009. It still does not appear in the RHC transmission schedule presented in Spanish at
which was full of mistaxe even before the November 2 schedule changes. ¿Maybe it is in the schedule presented in French at
Nope, also claims French is only on 13790 at ``24:30-01:00 et 01:30-02:00``.

Then I tried 17660 and 17705 in case any RHC would be audible, but not. However, by 2212, an open carrier on 17705 became detectable, just like 24 hours earlier. Too weak against local noise sources by 2230, but some modulation appeared to have been added. Could not tell either, what, if anything was airing there in the 23-24 UT period when Portuguese and/or Guarani used to be scheduled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. ERA seems back to normal Nov 6, after apparently running two transmitters at once on 7450 with different programming the day before. At 2145, 7450 with Greek music but not // Greek music and talk on 7475 // 9420. There is still a het on the low side of 7450 noted at 2202, and that has been a problem for a longtime, utility? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. AIR Aligarh blob, which covered 9415-9425 earlier on UT Nov 6, as in my previous report, had shifted to 9455-9470 by next check at 2146, and messing up something on 9465 after 2200, Thailand and/or Guiana French.

Meanwhile AIR GOS was inbooming on 9445, better than yesterday with less flutter, Nov 6 at 2152 with music, and // weaker but sufficient 7550 and poor 6180. 7550 is a late change, so site not certain, but Aoki says all three are Bangaluru. Wolfgang Büschel figures they have activated another transmitter there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND [and non]. There are only two readable signals on the entire 16m band at 2352 Nov 6, and they are five kHz apart interfering with each other. If they were both analog, we might be able to separate them, as earlier in the day when still problematic, but one of them is RNZI extending 17670-17675-17680, and the other is CVC via Chile on 17680.0.

When tuned to the latter, one can hear the DRM noise mixing in. I have no idea what you hear, if anything, tuning DRM from RNZI. What terrific frequency coördination! The only other signal on the band, barely detectable, is something on 17775, no doubt the remnant of KVOH. See also CHILE (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1120, KEOR (if that is still its call) heard again, and apparently on the air to stay, now that it is relaying (?) the 1340 Sand Springs station. Nov 6 at 2000 UT heard promos for both, altho I can`t get 1340 well enough to compare, and Bruce Winkelman in Tulsa had noted they were not really //.

Recheck at 2059, soul music splattering upon 1130, KLEY, Wellington, Kansas, something the 1120 transmitter never did before from this vantage; must be the new soul music format, pushing the modulation envelope. ID only as ``KJMU, Sand Springs-Tulsa, Hot 1340``.

1670, the talking house in NW Enid I have previously reported and even visited, finally has turned off its transmitter, or possibly turned it down, long after the house was sold and occupied; had been routinely audible as far as downtown Enid, some 5 miles away, but Nov 6 no sign of it and instead DX for a change, WTDY in Wisconsin; see U S A. Same unit will probably pop up from another property. I never got around to contacting realtor Winklejohn about it, but to be well-informed he should have been reading DXLD, or googling comments about his house (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. We`re into the low sun season when the X-band can open up surprisingly early to skywave. Nov 6 at 2005 UT, only a sesquihour after local mean noon, on 1620, ID as ``Omaha`s ESPN Radio, 1620 The Zone``; light SAH with something else, WTAW TX? While closer 1660 Kansas City was not comparable.

Really, 1620 is KOZN, Bellevue NE. Presumably name alludes to ``end zone``, an American football field term, tho unclear why that is worth naming a station after. What about all the stations that might want to call themselves ``Ozone`` only to find this call is taken?

Then at 2050 UT, another X-band skywaving in on 1670, talk show mentioning Rachel Maddow, another talk show, discussion of Obama. From this brief bit, unclear their political stance. 2054 adstring including some aimed at farmers, such as Accelerated Genetix, then ID and promos as ``Madison 1670``, so WTDY in Wisconsin; some propagational fading, at first seemed SAH from another station. But the other 1670s are too far away this early, Georgia the only possibility. The local talking house on 1670 has finally gone off, and surely would not have been close enough to precise frequency to cause a SAH. See OKLAHOMA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1485 confirmed on reactivated 7465 via WWCR, Friday Nov 6 starting a bit late at 2132:18 but played to conclusion at 2201, then Frecuencia al Día. VG signal here as expected compared to previous 15825 which has a long skip zone and was subject to dropping MUFs. How well does 7465 arrive in Eurafrica, even beyond? There should not be any co-channel QRM, and adjacently, only RFA in Korean via Mongolia on 7460, jammed? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. While most higher band signals were outdropping by local sunset, surprised to find WEWN inbooming on 15610, Nov 6 at 2353, so strong that its never-eliminated parasites were audiblized, `best` heard on the DX-398 with 15600 on USB and 15620 on LSB. A few minutes later WWCR 13845 with PMS was equally inbooming, so must be one of those geographically broad HF-only sporadic E openings. The TV/FM skip log and the 6m Es maps showed zilch (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. Checking VOA Spanish starting 0000 UT Nov 7: a few minutes earlier nothing on 9885, but then open carrier and DentroCuban jamming upbuilding so that by sign-on 0000 the two were about equal level; while // 5890 bore nothing but jamming here.

VOA eliminated its Cita con Cuba months ago, apparently succeeded by Ventana al Caribe, as on the program list at
but the DentroCubans aren`t fooled, and keep jamming the entire VOA broadcast in Spanish to Latin America. Is there any program schedule showing exactly when VaC is on the air? Lotsa luck finding any via
Program`s own page at
only says it`s on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Nor any way to find the VOA Spanish SW frequencies from the VOA Spanish pages, no link to the A-Z language schedules. Implied advice: just give up trying to hear this, or any other VOA Spanish show on SW, and download it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###