mercoledì 4 novembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs November 3-4, 2009

** ALBANIA. R. Tirana 2100-2130 English check Nov 3: at 2111 very poor signal on 9895, just noise on 7520. Propagation conditions had degraded. At 2346, during Tirana`s one-hour break before resuming in Albanian on 7425, I found that frequency bearing something in Chinese, and furthermore jamming noise underneath, the latter probably spurious from the barrage against Martí on 7405, as there were similar sounds on otherwise open 7385, 20 kHz on the opposite side.

Chinese is now scheduled as CRI via Kunming, 500 kW at 177 degrees, but CRI is also scheduled during the following hour on 7425, 00-01 in English via Kashgar, East Turkistan, 100 kW at 174 degrees, and that explains the weak co-channel or SAH that has been heard when R. Tirana to NAm is quite weak after 0000. One needs to hear it on 7425 since:

The other RT frequency, 6110 from 0000, it is still occupied by RHC but the two could be heard mixing at 0052 Nov 4, plus DentroCuban bubble jamming underneath (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 11865, some nice oud music on VG signal, Nov 3 at 2039. This frequency-hour now occupied by RCI Arabic service, 73 degrees from Sackville (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. I monitored RHC periodically the afternoon and evening of Nov 3 to determine what they are really doing since Nov 2, whether there are any further new surprise frequencies, etc. Chex were made for a few minutes within almost every semihour period between 2016 Nov 3 and 0140 UT Nov 4 ---

RHC Spanish was audible:
13790 at 2107, 2134, 2202, 2234
13770 at 2016, 2037 with CCI, SAH; 2107, 2134, 2202, 2234
11800 at 2016, 2037, 2107, 2134, 2202, 2234, 2307, 2342
11770 at 2107, 2134, 2202, 2234, 2307; OFF at 2342
11760 at 2016; at 2036 was on but two dozen spurs missing temporarily; 2107 plus spurs back, 2134
11730 at 2037, 2107, 2134, 2202, 2234, 2307; OFF at 2342
11690 not heard at 2016; it probably went off at 1900 or 2000; back on at 2307, 2342
By 0052, 11, 13 MHz and higher bands are dead, so can`t be sure if some of those frequencies are still running
9600 at 0052
6140 at 0140, undermodulated. Night before it was in English
6120 at 0052, 0140
6110 at 2016, 2047, 2107, 2134, 2202, 2234, 2307, 2342; 0052 mixed with Tirana and Cuban bubble jamming, 0140
6060 at 0052, 0140

RHC Mesa Redonda, separate programming:
9640 and 6000 at 2342, not on during previous semihour. Probably started at 2330 and explains 11730 and 11770 going off by then

RHC Portuguese:
11770 at 2016
13770 at 2307, 2342

RHC Arabic:
11770 at 2036

RHC English
Not found on any frequency between 2030 and 2130; no 17660 audible
13790 at 2307, 2342 with DXers Unlimited

RHC in ???
17705 at 2205, weak carrier, either open or undermodulated
5965 no longer heard at any time, but still may have missed some language transmissions previously scheduled

Venezuela relays:
17705, trace of something at 2018, maybe this; 2042 Chávez audible not // RHC
15250, at 2307, plus spurs 15198, 15302, etc.; 2342 all weakening
13680, missing 24 hours earlier, on at 2307 with better mod and no spurs unlike // 15250; 2342
11670, at 2203 plus spurs 11618 etc.; 2234 plus spurs 11722 etc.

Summarizing, with presumed approximate on/off times:

17705, 20-21 RNV, 22-? Algo
15250+spurs, 23-24 RNV
13790, 21-23 Spanish, 23-24 English
13770, +20-23 Spanish, 23-24 Portuguese
13680, 23-24 RNV // 15250
11800, +20-24 Spanish
11770, 20-2030 Portuguese, 2030-21 Arabic, 21-2330 Spanish
11760+spurs, -22 Spanish
11730, +2030-2330 Spanish
11690, 23- Spanish
11670+spurs, 22-23 RNV
 9640, 2330- Spanish/MR
 9600, 00- Spanish
 6140, 01- Spanish
 6120, 00- Spanish
 6110, +20-02+ Spanish
 6060, 00- Spanish
 6000, 2330- Spanish/MR

Also, the jamming against non-existent VOA Spanish on 5890, Nov 3 at 2342 was only lite, so some of the DentroCuban jammer sites may be getting word that they don`t `need` to go full-bore until 0000

** ECUADOR [non]. 12025, Nov 3 at 2109 with VTC fill music loop. They still haven`t figured out how to get HCJB`s Arabic service into the modulator of this Sackville transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. Jari Savolainen in Finland heard ORTM reactivated on 4845, Nov 3 at 1735, and Harold Frodge, MI, was also getting something in Arabic there at 2233-2324+ with ute QRM. So was I at 0143 Nov 4, but should be better around sunrise; WRTH 2009 said nominal span on 4845 was 1700-0800, then 7245 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. RN`s English hour 20-21 UT well audible via Bonaire 21525 and South Africa 11655, Nov 3 at 2017 discussing health care (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PORTUGAL [and non]. Some fantastically exciting sporting event must have been going on, as RDPI was frantically yelling about it on 12040, Nov 3 at 2110. This is one of those frequencies that is fired up at this time on weekdays, only if there is some special event, 300 kW and 300 degrees.

Daily program schedule, which lagged more than a week behind in realigning Lisboa time with UT, shows: ``19:30 19:30 FUTEBOL - LIGA DOS CAMPEÕES - Fase de Grupos APOEL NICOSIA / FC PORTO [até] 22:00 22:00``. Similar coverage in Spanish from REE on 9640 at same time must have been some other game. Then at 0136 Nov 4, Brazilian music on 9455, same Lisboa parameters, scheduled weekdays only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. VOA in Kriyol to Haïti has been shifted one UT hour later, even tho it is Washington, not Port-au-Prince which just changed local clock time: now heard with VG signals from Greenville at 2204 Nov 3 on 13725, 15390 and 11905 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Tho inaudible in the morning, KVOH 17775 with fair signal at 2017 check Nov 3 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WRMI, 9955 during scheduled R. Prague relay in English, Nov 3 at 1520 and for the next few minutes I monitored, just open carrier, modulation missing. This did allow us to detect that DentroCuban jamming *was still running* underneath; but when WRMI is modulating in the mornings on their NW antenna, can suppress it.

Happy Station heard at one of its new bonus repeat times, UT Wed Nov 4 at 0134 on 9955, sounded like familiar Strelnikov interview from last week. Poor signal now but no jamming audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3185, WWRB playing Dave`s favorite fill music, big band, with ``Chattanooga Choo-Choo``, UT Wed Nov 4 at 0144, while the next transmitter was occupied with Brother Scare on 3215. With such a choice, how could one possibly pick one over the other to listen to? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11789.9-USB, 2-way Asian language intruders frequently heard in the mornings, also conversing at 2037 Nov 3 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###