martedì 3 novembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs November 2-3, 2009

** CUBA. RHC is running new 6110 all day and into the night, replacing 5965. Nov 2 it was still on the air at 2330 and at next check 0005 Nov 3, atop DentroCuban jamming! Which had been occupying 6110 needlessly at 0000-0100 as we have been observing. Now it`s Cuban Commies vs Cuban Commies! Tho the appearance of RHC should encourage the DCJC to finally get off this frequency.

RHC usage of 6110 appears to be in retaliation for our complaints about the jamming, on behalf of R. Tirana, which expected this to be clear in B-09 for their Albanian sesquihour to NAm at 0000. Now R. Tirana is still in the mix, causing a fast SAH with RHC at fadeups. By 0058 I was not hearing any jamming but RHC on top of Tirana.

So RHC is in Spanish on 49m, 6060 strongest, then 6110, then distorted 6120. What about 6140? Carrier there did not come on until 0101, and at next check 0106 was fitfully modulating Spanish, audio fading in, then cutting out and in --- but at 0107 suddenly switched to English feed // 6000, but not much better. So not only after 0500, but after 0100 is RHC terribly indecisive about which language to put on 6140. Still in English at 0250, 0350 and 0452 chex. By 0250, RHC Spanish on 6110 had weakened somewhat and could still hear some bubble jamming. 6120 had a SAH of a few Hz from Iran and some of its modulation under.

At 0515, 6110 had switched to 6150 for RHC in Spanish, avoiding NHK via Canada which has been on 6110 for sesquiyears at 0500-0530. RHC remained // in Spanish on 6120, and possibly 6000, too weak to tell, while English was now on 6060 and 6140, not any more on 6010.

Backing up before 2400 on Nov 2, the DCJC was busy on 5890, jamming nothing at 2320 check, but still jamming after VOA Spanish began at 0000 Nov 3. At the start of the hour, the jamming was on top here, but at 0058 VOA was atop as it ended a USG editorial, 0100 Yankee Doodle sign-off. Meanwhile, nothing audible on the only scheduled //, 9885 --- off the air or simply not propagating from Greenville? No jamming heard there either.

A quick check of 19m, Nov 2 at 2321 confirmed that the RNV relay from Cuba on 15250 was still accompanied by those detestable spurblobs every 51 kHz or so, at least down to 14842 and also upward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. R. Cairo, 6270 at 0101 Nov 3, dead air into news theme, low modulation. Then checked 7580 and found same news theme, but not //. 6270 is in Spanish at this hour, instead of planned 7540, and 7580 in Arabic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. KEOR, 1120, Sperry OK, missing again, the next time I look for them since last report, Nov 2 around 1930 UT (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 5910, Nov 3 at 0106 poor signal in Romanian, so what could it be but RRI? Yes, now scheduled from Tiganeshti to ENAm at 01-03, 307 degrees; appropriately right next door to Bulgaria on 5900 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SERBIA [non]. The transmitter operator at Bijeljina failed to follow orders and change from 9675 to 6190 for the N American service at 0100-0200 from the start of B-09, Dragan Lekic found out as he notified management of the discrepancy we have been reporting, which they said would be rectified starting UT Nov 3. And so it was: at 0058 carrier on 6190, and the IRS IS, 0100 opening in Serbian, good signal on 6190, nothing on 9675. English no doubt followed at 0130 (Glenn Hasuer, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. The timeshifted WORLD OF RADIO airing now at 2300 UT Mondays on WBCQ 7415 has escaped adjacent-channel interference, good and clear Nov 2 at 2320 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###