domenica 5 aprile 2009

Glenn Hauser logs April 4-5, 2009

** CUBA [and non]. 9805, DentroCuban Jamming Command, with heavy grinding and pulsing, April 5 at 1318, but could not hear any R. Martí, and Greenville is currently scheduled 1000-1300 only. I could make out some soprano singing underneath, which was definitely not // RM on 11845, audible there mixed with DCJC; 1329 the music station cut off leaving jamming only on 9805, against nothing. The collateral victim was KSDA Guam in Japanese as scheduled after 1300.

Listened to RHC`s Spanish DX program En Contacto, Sunday April 5 1335-1350 on 13680 et al. Mentioned that the Sunday afternoon show Revista Iberoamericana had been replaced by something else using archival material, and consequently, the secret repeat of En Contacto since March is heard at a different time, approx. 2242 or 2245, on 11800, 9550, 13760. See also VENEZUELA [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, R. Africa cut off one gospel huxter, and started another at 2156 April 4: Tony Alamo show #320, into lecture about homosexuality. His tape was slightly less distorted than the preceding one (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 7450, beautiful a cappella singing, April 5 at 0545, from ERT, cut off abruptly at 0555* I figured it was for Palm Sunday, but the Orthodox are a week behind the other Christians, with Easter not until April 19, 2009. Maybe just a regular Sunday service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 12015, under heavy RTTY I detected some Spanish at 2208 Saturday April 4, soon IDed as REE by // 15110. Trouble is, this is registered only until 2200, and in one version of the REE A-09 schedule, 12015 is shown at 1900-2100 only, in French and Arabic to ME. Maybe there was a silly ballgame extension altho I don`t think it was play-by-play at this late hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UKRAINE. Have been wondering if Olex Yehorov`s Whole World on the Radio Dial was still being broadcast by RUI, as there has been only one program a month, then repeated over and over, altho he said he had left the station in February. Yes, April 5 at 0317 on webcast and 7440, there he is, as heard before, recounting how Ukrainian domestic transmitters have been reduced as of 1 February, etc. Ended earlier than before at 0326 into mailbag with musical bridge. I suppose these repeats and consequently the existence of the DX program on RUI are about to end (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. 11670, RNV via CUBA, April 4 at 2209 caught my ear as announcer mentioned Calabozo, Estado Guárico, which is the site of their own SW centre under construxion, but soon on to another topic. Fair signal, low modulation,

Usual Sunday morning check of Alo, Presidente frequencies, April 5 at 1429 and still 1441, found nothing on 13750 or 11875, and 13680 was still running mainstream RHC // others, while on Sundays they switch it to A,P aimed south if there is any such show. Hugo was either late or no-show this week, but apparently the DentroCubans knew about it so did not even start broadcasting the sesquihour of prelude material. Too busy to recheck until 1803 and nothing then either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###